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87 Cards in this Set

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In an established bone infection, the local inflammatory response and pus (under pressure) cause impaired blood circulation leading to avascular necrosis of the affected part; thus a _ is formed
Osteomyelitis infection affecting Sickle cell pts?
What is the most common microbe causing osteomyelitis in newborns?
Group B strep
What is the most common microbe causing osteomyelitis following a puncture wound?
A 10-year-old boy who recently migrated from Sri Lanka with his family presents with a bump at the T12-L1 region. He also complaints of severe pain while picking something from the ground. The boy has history of cough and low grade fever for several months. Which of the following is likely involved in this case?
M. tuberculosis
An adjuvant does which of the following?
Increases inflammation regardless of the antigen
Viral vectors are used to transmit what type of vaccine?
Subunit vaccine
Which of the following would be a good example of passive immunization?
Injection of antibodies to a bacterial toxin
Which of the following would confirm the diagnosis of Enterococcus infection
growth on bile esculin agar
A 55 year-old man with a titanium knee from previous arthroplasty presents with pain, redness and swelling around the prosthetic joint following lower GI endoscopy. The organism involved in this case very likely is
Enterococcus species
The synovial fluid aspirate from a painful knee reveals clear and highly viscous fluid. The cell count is 500/mm3 with 30% PMN. The glucose content is nearly equal to the blood glucose level. The patient is suffering from
Degenerative arthritis
A 28-year-old man presents with swollen, red and tender right knee joint that started about a week ago. The cause of this suspected arthritis is very likely
N. gonorrhea

infectious arthritis in sexually active age group
Culture of a synovial aspirate grows S. aureus which is Methicillin reseistant. The patient has severe renal impairment that limits the use of Vancomycin. Which of the following would be your preferable choice of medication for this patient?
Levofloxacin (quinolone)
Sequestrum is formed due to
avascular necrosis of the affected part
Newborns and infants have most difficulty with what type of vaccine composition?
Polysaccharide subunit vaccine
Toxoid is what type of vaccine?
Subunit Vaccine
Most common causative organism for osteomyelitis?

staph aureus
coag (-): staph epidermidis
MC agents in osteomyelitis following trauma or surgery?
s aureus, group A strep (strep pyogenes)
Puncture wound by a dirty nail?
Bite wound involves what pathogens?
Eikenella or Kingella
Evidence of osteomyelitis as indicated by _ and _
erosion of bone and subperiosteal bone deposition
Sequestrum is formed due to
What are the two most common organisms that cause osteomyelitis via hematogenous spread?
Staph aurues and strep pneumoniae
_ and _ cause hematogoneous osteomyelitis in IV drug abusers
Candida and Pseudomonas
Eikenella corrodons causes _ osteomyelitis
"needle licker"
28 yo female presents with pain the pelvic region. She gave birth 3 weeks ago to a baby boy, and states it was a very complicated delivery. Bone scan shows increased radioisotope uptake in the pubic bone. What organisms are likely to cause this? (3)
S. aureus, Enterococcus sp, E Coli,

Osteitis pubis - requires a hx of trauma, surgery or complicated delivery.
Pt develops a unilateral sacroiliac joint infection. What is the probable organism?
Brucella spp
Subacute bacterial endocarditis in IV drug abusers is likely to be caused by _
Staph epidermidis
An urban homeless alcoholic presents with sx of pneumonia. He also has lower back pain and pain in his right arm. MIcroscopy on silver staining reveals.....
(extracutaneous) sporthrix

(Rose Gardener’s disease, can also cause pneumonia in urban, alcoholic homeless, osteomyelitis)
Budding yeast with wide neck?

budding yeast with a narrow neck

Patient has all the clinical features of osteomyelitis. However, you cannot isolate an organism (ie. Brodie's abscess, gaucher's disease, etc). What should you treat with initially
Go based off of clinical findings and most commonly encountered organisms. .
What would the synovial fluid look like in osteoarthritis?
Clear yellow, hgh viscosity, 200-2000 WBCs, 25-50 % PMNs
What would the synovial fluid look like in rhuematoid arthritis or gout
Translucent yellow or opaque. Low viscosity. 2000-20000 WBC. > 50% PMNs
What would the synovial fluid look like in septic arthritis
WBC 25000-100000 with predominant PMNs very low glucose. Opaque and yellow or green
In olecranon bursitis, pain increases with _
In septic arthritis of elbow, pain increases with _

Exfoliatin: disrupt intercellular junctions (intracellular splitting of epidermis between _ and _
stratum spinosum and stratum granulosum)
Superantigen binds to the _ and to the outer surface of _molecule

It induces a _ response
Vb region of TCR

MHC class II

polyclonal T cell response (resulting in a large release of cytokine
S aureus obtained penicillin resistance via what mechanism?

(Plasmid mediated)

--chromosome mediated coding of beta lactamase
They obtained DNA that encodes for penicillinase.
Methicillin targets the _ which is essential for the bacteria to do what
PBP peptidoglycan transpeptidase

cross link the peptidoglycan
MRSA encodes for a protein that _

It is mediated by _
reduces the affinity for the beta lactam antibiotics - changes the shape of PBP

It is plasmid mediated trasdunction!!
How does vancomycin work?
Directly binds to the amino acid side chain of the peptidoglycan.
What organism turns black when grown on bile esculin agar?
Enterococcus (E. faecalis, E faecium)
Lactose fermenting Enterobacteria
e coli, klebsiella

Non lactose fermenting enterobacteria

Shigella, Yersina, Proteus Salmonella
Salmonella is a (non/lactose fermenter) and a (non/H2S producer)
non lactose

+ H2S producer
On radiologic exam, you see osteomyelitis with a gas bubble surrounding it. Immediately, you have narrowed down the possible pathogens to three, what are they?
E coli,


Clostridium perfringes
What strain of E coli is associated with causing osteomyelitis?
Extraintestinal pathogenic E Coli

All others cause gastroenteritis
Urease producing pathogens?
2 organisms that use inactivation of EF2 by ADP ribosylation as their mechanism of pathogenesis?
Diptheria and Pseudomonas
exotoxin A expression is influenced by _

What organism uses this toxin?
O2, temperature and iron regulated genes

This is pseudomonas
Lyme Disease is difficult to diagnose after stage _ has passed
The trypomastigote of trypnosomiasis is found where?

What about the amastigote?
Human blood

Tissue cells

This is talking about Chagas disease and how it has multiple morphologies depending on where it is located. IMPORTANT for diagnoses! Blood culture shows Trypomastigote with UNDULATING MEMRANE, while tissue biopsy shows circular amastigote
Regarding the diagnosis of Chaga's disease:

Blood culture shows _
while tissue biopsy shows _
Trypomastigote with UNDULATING MEMRANE,

circular amastigote
Gram positive cocci arranged in clusters
Gram Positive cocci that Contains ribitol-teichoic acid in wall. Mannitol fermenting
S. Aureus
gram (+) cocci => catalase (+) => coagulase (-) => Novobiobin Sensitive. OR Non hemolytic growth on blood agar, (-) fermentation on mannitol => Novobiocin sensitive
S. epidermidis
gram (+) cocci => catalase (+) => coagulase (-) => Novobiobin Resistant. OR Non hemolytic growth on blood agar, (-) fermentation on mannitol => Novobiocin resistant
S. saprophyticus
Gram positive cocci that grow in chains, alpha hemolytic. What test is next and what are the possible results?
Optochin test

Strep Pneumonia is sensitive and Strep viridans are resistant.

You could also do bile test: Pneumonia is (+) and viridans are (-)
Dental procedures are often assoicated with what type of infection
strep viridans
Bile esculin agar (black colonies),
CT needle aspiration shows gram neg rods --> black colonies on hektoen enteric agar
Often seen in a sickle cell patient, or patient with a pet reptile
Salmonella ferments _, and is H2S (producing/non producing)
glucose; (+) H2S producing (thus it's black colony on hektoen enteric agar)
What are the two possibilities for the colorless colony on Hektoen Enteric Agar?
Yersinia or Shigella

Non lactose fermenting, non H2S producing
What enterobacteria is highly motile, and looks like a brown film covering the agar?
What are the virulence factors of E coli
O antigen (outer membrane), K antigen (capsular), H antigen (flagella
A gram negative, lactose fermenting bacteria should be grown on what agar?
What is the differentiating characteristic of E coli?
Indole producing

Gram neg, lactose fermenter --> Indole
gram negative rod --> beta hemolysis --> oxidase (+).

Characteristic because it is a gram negative rod that is oxidase POSITIVE, all others are negative
Why is pseudomonas resistant to beta lactams?
Mutated porin proteins
Who is at particular risk for developing osteomyelitis due to pseudomonas?
IVDA and neonates.

Typically, this organism causes infection in CF and burn pts. But with regards to osteomyelitis, Iv drug abusers and neonates are at risk
What is the morphology of Kingella Kingae?
gram (-) rods with square ends, arranged in pairs or chains.
Colonies are 1-2 mm in diameter, pit the agar, smell like bleach
E corrodens
Mycobacterium tuberculosis grows best on _ agar, and has a characteristic colony morphology:
Lowenstein Jensen: granular, waxy pattern of growth
Needle licker osteomyelitis:
E corrodens
What organism has ornithine decarboxylase and lysine decarboxylase
E corrodens
Gram Negative rod that is beta hemolytic
Kingella Kingae

Human bite wounds --> osteomyelitis
What is the pathogenesis of the bacteria that contains ribitol teichoic acid?
(Staph Aureus)

protein A binds to Fc portion of Ig interfering with opsonization, produce a number of toxins: alpha toxin creates holes, Superantigen producing (bypasses T cell receptor).
B. burgdoferi is a _ that causes _.

What is the main vector of transmission?
spirochete; Lyme Disease

Ixodes Scapularis - a tick
There are 3 stages of Lyme Disease, what are they?
3 stages: 1. Acute illness: concentric erythematous rash (bulls eye) 2. Disseminations: CNS and cardiac 3. Late: arthritis, diffuse atrophy of skin, neuropathy (immune)
Trichinosis is a _ .

How do humans obtain a trichinilla infection?

What are the two big lab results for diagnosis?
nematode (round worm)

eating undercooked meat (that contains the larva, larva hatch in stomach and can get into blood and deposit elsewhere)

Elevated LDH and CK-MM
Toxoplamosis is most commonly transmitted by _. What other activity is is associated with?
eating undercooked pork

cleaning cat litter box
obligate intracellualar sporozoan?
Toxoplasma gondii - causes toxoplasmosis which presents similar to mono
Patient presents with fever, ST, rash, lymphadenopathy. You have narrowed down the differential diagnosis to Infectious mononucleosis and Toxoplasmosis. What test do you want to run to tell the difference?
Heterophile antibody test. If it is (+) then it is caused by EBV and it mononucleosis.

Otherwise, both of these present the same way
WHo is the definitive host of toxoplasma?
How do you diagnose cystercyosis?
Proglodditids and eggs are found in stool.
Amastigotes in tissue cells is diagnostic for _.

What are other sx?
chagas disease

Early - Romana's sign