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107 Cards in this Set

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Small volume incontinence with cough, sneezing, lauging, and running
Stress incontinence
Uncontrolled urge to void, large volume incontinence
Urge incontinence
Small volume incontinence dribbling, hesitancy
Overflow incontinence
Change in mental status, impaired mobility; new environment
Functional Incontinence
A positive hx of pelvic surgery
Stress Incontinence
Pelvic floor relaxation; cystocele, retrocele, lax sphicter
Stress Incontinence
A positive hx of CNS disorders; stroke, MS, parkinsonism
Urge Incontinence
Hx of neurogenic bladder, bowel problems, spinal cord injury
Overflow incontinence
A positive med hx for hypnotics, diuretics, anticholinergic agents, alpha-adrenergic agents, calcium channel blockers
Functional Incontinence
A physical exam with spinal cord disease or diabetic neuropathy; gait disturbance
Overflow incontinence
Inability to hold urine once the urge to void is encounter
Urge Incontinence
A mechanical dysfunction of resulting from an overdistended bladder
Overflow incontinence
Intact urinary tract but cognitive abilities, immobility, MS impairments,
Functional Incontinence
What are the reversible causes of incontinence?
Delirium, dehydration
Retention, restricted mobility
Impaction, infection
Polyuria, pharmaceuticals, psychologic
An unihibited bladder contractions and no urge to void
Relfex incontinence; a type of urge incontinence
The most common cause of fecal incontinence is
immobilization and poor fluid and diet intake
The three major causes of fecal incontinence:
Neurological, fecal impaction, underlying disease
Unable to recognize rectal fullness and inability to inhibit intrinsic rectal contraction.
Cognitive neurogenic fecal incontinence
What are the two types of neurogenic fecal incontinence:
Cognitive and Local
Any process that causes degeneration of mesenteric plexus and lower bowel resulting in a lax sphincter, diminished sacral reflex and decreased puborectal muscle tone.
Local neurogenic fecal incontinence
A reduced amount of amniotic fluid on ultrasound
________ index of 1/5 percentile for gestational age is associated with premature rupture of membranes, intrauterine growth restrictions, renal anomalies
Amniotic fluid index
An excessive amount of amniotic fluid
An AFI greater than 95% is associated with
Gestational diabetes, CNS malformations, GI tract
The most common cause of acute renal failure in children
HUS, hemolytic uremic syndromw
The most common cause of HUS
E.coli O157:h7
A 6 year old boy is brought by his mother b/c of diarrhea, cough and running nose. She states he has been being and running a fever.
Possible HUS, E.coli O157:h7
Absence of parasympathetic ganglion in segment of colon.
Hirshspung disese
The absence of perstalsis causes feces to accumulate ______ to the defect in Hirschsprung disease
A 24 hour baby does not pass their merconium that are at increased risk for
Hirshsprung disease
The most common intraabdominal tumor of childhood is______
Wilm's tumor; nephroblastoma
A two year old child is brought into your office by his father b/c of enlarged abdomen and low grade fever. A physical exam reveals hypertension
Wilm's tumor
A common solid malignancy in early childhood often appears as a mass in adrenal medulla or craniospinal axis.
A firm fixed, nontender, irregular nodule in the abdomen that crosses the midline
A neuroblastoma
A two year old is brought into your office by his father b/c his baby is not eating, lost weight and eyes recently protruded.
A neurobalstoma
The prolapse of one segment of intestine into another that causes blockage.
Occurs between the age of 3-12 months with acute intermittent abdominal pain, vomiting, with mixed bloody stools, red current jelly
A 6 mo old projectile vomits and still continues to eat afterwards, is not gaining weight.
Pyloric stenosis
A 6 mo old projectile vomits and you notice a small rounded mass in the RUQ. You astutely recall from CE that this is a sign of
Pyloric Stenosis
A lower intestinal obstruction caused by thinckening and hardening of meconium in lower intestine.
Meconium ileus
Meconium ileus is associated with
Cystic fibrosis
A 3 week old child is brought into the ED b/c of a yellow looking skin, a large round abdomen, and itching skin.
Biliary Atresia
The most common congenital anomaly of the GI tract
Meckel Diverticulum
An outpouching of the ileum that varies in size ______
Meckel Diverticulum
Meconium ileus is associated with
Cystic fibrosis
A 3 week old child is brought into the ED b/c of a yellow looking skin, a large round abdomen, and itching skin.
Biliary Atresia
The most common congenital anomaly of the GI tract
Meckel Diverticulum
An outpouching of the ileum that varies in size ______
Meckel Diverticulum
PAin or distress occurs in the area of the patient's heart or stomach on palpation on Mcburney's point
Aaron sign = appendicitis
Fixed dullness to percussion in left flank, and dullness in right flank that disappears on change of position.
Ballance sign = peritoneal irritation
Rebound tenderness
Blumberg sign = peritoneal irritation appendicitis
Ecchymosis around umbilicus
Cullen sign; hemoperitoneum; pancreatitis, ectopic pregnancy
Absence of bowel sounds in right lower quandrant
Dance sign; Intussusception
Ecchymosis of flanks
Grey Turner sign; hemoperitoneum;pancreatitis
Abdominal pain radiating to left shoulder
Kehr sign; spleen rupture; renal calculi; ectopic pregnancy
Pt stands with straightened knees; then raises up on toes, relaxes, and allows heels to hit floor, thus jarring body. Action causes abdominal pain if positive.
Markle Sign/ Heel Jar; peritoneal irritation, appendicitis
Abrupt cessation of inspiration on palpation of gallbladder
Murphy sign, cholecystiis
Pain down the medial aspect of the thigh to the knees
Romberg-Howship sign; strangulated obturator hernia
Right lower quandrant pain intensified by lower left quadrant abdominal palpation
Rovsing sign; peritoneal irritation; appendicitis
A scaphoid abdomen of infant suggest
Abdominal contents are displaced into thorax
A distended abdomen in an infant can result fro
Feces, a mass, or organ enlargement
A intestinal structure protruding into the umbilical area and visible thru a thick transparent membrane is ________
The maximum size of an abdominal hernia in an infant is reached by age _____ and spontaneously closes by ______
1 month and closes by 1-2 years
If you spot a perstalic wave in the abdomen of a newborn is this normal? What does indicate?
Sometimes in thin babies but usually abnormal, Intestinal obstruction
Bowel sounds first appear at ______ after birth
1-2 hours
The bruit of renal stenosis is heard as a ______ freq. and is ______
high frequency and is soft
The bruit of a renal atriovenous fistula is ______
What position should you try to listen to renal stenosis or AV fistula in infant?2nd position
1st try held upright and listen in posterior flanks
2nd try pat in supine listen over abdomen
The liver of a diabetic mother may be _______
The upper edge of the liver should be detected within _______ cm of the _____space
1cm of 5th intercostal space at the RMCL
The liver span for:
6 months =
12 months =
24 months =
3 years =
4 years =
6mo = 2.4 - 2.8 cm
12 mo = 2.8-3.1
24 = 3.5-3.6
3 years= 4.0
4 years = 4.3-4.4
The liver span for:
5 years =
6 years =
8 years =
10 years
5 y = 4.5-4.8
6 y = 4.8-5.1
8 y = 5.1-5.6
10 y = 5.5-6.1
The infant spleen is normally palpated ___ cm below the left costal margin during the first few weeks after birth.
Hepatomegaly is present in an infant when the liver is more than _____ cm below the right costal margin
Hepatomegaly in an infant suggest ________
Infection, Cardiac Failure, liver disease
A sausage-shaped mass in the left or right upper quadrant may indicate ______
A sausage shaped mass in the left lower quadrant may indicate ______
feces b/c of constipation
A distended bladder, felt as firm central dome shaped structure in the lower abdomen may indicate __________
Urethral obstruction of CNS defects
Mneumonic in infants who have Intussusception ABCDEF
A = Abdominal or anal sausage
B= Blood from the rectum, Red Currant jelly
C= Colic babies; babies draw up their legs
D= Distention, dehydration, and shock
F=Face pale
What is the Naegele rule for pregnancy estimation?
Add 7 days to the first day of the LMP and subtract three months
The average duration of pregnancy is ______ days or _____ weeks
280 days or 40 weeks
The fundal height measurement is most accurate between _____ and _____ weeks gestation.
What is the expected increase in fundal height per week?
How do measure the Fundal Height using the Mcdonald rule?
Divide the height of the fundus by 3.5, which is equal in the duration of pregnancy in lunar months
How do you determine the fetal heart rate?
Count FHR or impulse in 1 minute and compare to mother's pulse
How do you chart the results of FHR?
Using a two-line figure in which the umbilicus is the point of intersection and the 4 quadrants are the maternal abdomen
_______ can be used as indicator for fetal well-being.
Kick counts
What is a simple technique used to asses fetal movement?
Count 10 movements and note the length of time
What is the standard ranges for FM,fetal movement, count criteria?
10 time / hour to 10 / 12hours
If there are increased risk factors when should monitoring of FM occur?
28 weeks; normal is 34-36 weeks
If your are not using the monitoring technique what other method could you tell your patient to evaluate fetal well-being?
Less than three or fewer FM in 2 hours for 2 consecutive days
What is the Leopold maneuvers?
1. Place hands over the fundus and indentify the fetal part; the head feels round firm and freely movable; the buttocks feels soft and less mobie
2. With the palmar surface of your hand, locate the back of the fetus; the back feels smooth and convex whereas the small parts feel irregular
3.With Right or left hand, dominant, use your thumb and third finger and grasp the the part over the pubic symphsis. The head will feel firm, if not engaged wil be movable from side to side. Breach will feel softer and irregular.
4. Turn and face the woman's feet and use tow hands to outline the fetal head. If the head is presenting only a small part will be felt
What is the optimal position of the a baby presenting when felt in the Leopold technique?
THe head is flexed and the vertex is presenting
If you palpate the cephalic prominence on the same side of the back suggest _________
Extended presentation
When recording the information from abdominal palpation record the presenting as______
the lie as ________
and attitude of head as _____
Presenting =vertex if the head and breach if buttocks
LIE= longitudinal or vertical
Attitude = Flexed or Extended
Relationship of long axis of fetus to long as axis of mother is ______
Uterine contractions begin as early as ______ month of gestation
third month
A women is experiencing regular contractions of 4-6/hour before 37 weeks. IS this normal?
No,not until after 37 weeks
In order to asses uterine contractions when equipment is not accessible the strength is classified as:
Mild= slightly tense that can indent with two fingers
Moderate = firm fundus that is difficult to indent
Strong= rigid or hard, boardlike and does not indent with two fingers
If the fetal heart rate is heard above the umbilicus the presentation is
If the fetal heart is heard below the umbilicus the presentation is
In order to asses uterine contractions when equipment is not accessible the strength is classified as:
Mild= slightly tense that can indent with two fingers
Moderate = firm fundus that is difficult to indent
Strong= rigid or hard, boardlike and does not indent with two fingers
If the fetal heart rate is heard above the umbilicus the presentation is
If the fetal heart is heard below the umbilicus the presentation is
In order to asses uterine contractions when equipment is not accessible the strength is classified as:
Mild= slightly tense that can indent with two fingers
Moderate = firm fundus that is difficult to indent
Strong= rigid or hard, boardlike and does not indent with two fingers
If the fetal heart rate is heard above the umbilicus the presentation is
If the fetal heart is heard below the umbilicus the presentation is