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94 Cards in this Set

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Number of bones in the skull
Forms the posterior triangle; what is contained within?
Trapezius, scm, and clavicle; posterior cervical lymph nodes
Review the location of the facial nodes
Forms the anterior triangle; what is contained within?
Scm, mandible; inside: hyoid bone, cricoids cartilage, trachea, thyroid, and ant cervical lymph nodes
Vein that runs diagonal across the scm
External jugular vein
The uppermost ring of the tracheal cartilage
Cricoids cartilage
Joins the 2 lateral lobes of the thyroid
Complete brain growth in children is at what age
6 yrs
When do anterior fontanels close
24 mo
When do posterior fontanels close
2 mo
During pregnancy, hCG can cause an increase in
Free T4 and T3 levels
The thyroid __ during pregnancy
Enlarges (due to ↑ in renal clearance of iodine, thyroid compensates by enlarging to produce enough hormones)
Horizontal jerking or bobbing is asstd w/
Nodding movement can be asstd w/
Aortic insufficiency (especially if synchronized with the pulse)
Shortening of the scm
If entire side of face is paralyzed suspect
Facial n paralysis
If lower face is affected
Facial n weakness
If only mouth is paralyzed suspect
Peripheral trigeminal n
Coarse, dry brittle har is assctd w/
Fine, silky hair is assctd w/
Thickening, hardening or tenderness over temporal arteries my indicate
Temporal arteritis
Joint palpated just anterior to the tragus
Temperomandibular joint
Percussion of the skull that results in pitch much lower than high-pitched skull
Percussion of sinuses elicits tenderness
Condition where a bruit or blowing sound may be heard over the orbit (rare) and suggests and expanding aneurysm
Place the bell of the stethoscope over the temporal region, eyes or below the occiput
To determine vascular anomaly of the brain
Webbing, excessive posterior cervical skin or a short neck can be asstd with
Congenital anomalies
A mass filling the base of the neck or tissue that glides upward when the pt swallows may indicate:
Enlarged thyroid gland
Unequal space between the trachea and scm indicates
Displacement of trachea from midline; can be assctd w/a mass or pathologic condition in the chest
Dr has finger and thumb on each side of trachea below isthmus, tugging sensation synchronous with the pulse is evidence of:
Tracheal tugging → aortic aneurysm
Parts of thyroid to palpate
Isthmus, main body, and lateral lobes
The __ lobe of the thyroid is usually larger
Broades dimension of thyroid
4 cm
Vascular bruit with a soft rushing sound heard over thyroid
Hypermetabolic state (blood dramatically increased)
Subcutaneous edema over the presenting part of the head at delivery of baby; most common birth trauma
Caput succedaneum (over occiput and CROSSES suture lines)
Subperiosteal collection of blood in an infant most commonly found in the parietal region; may not be obvious at birth
Cephalhematoma (DOES NOT CROSS suture lines)
Bossing/bulging of FRONTAL area the infant skull can indicate
Prematurity and rickets
Bulging of areas other than frontal indicates
Cranial defects or intracranial masses
A cystic mass high in the neck may be (2 things)
Thyroglossal duct cysts or banchial cleft cyst
Mass over the clavicle that changes in size w/crying or respiration is asstd w:
Cystic hygroma
Nuchal rigidity, resistance to flexion of the neck is asstd w:
Meningeal irritation
Age when suture ridgelines should no longer be palpable
6 mo
3rd fontanel between the ant and post fontanels can be expected or common in infants w/:
Downs Syndrome
Palpable ridges in addition to expected suture lines can indicate
The ant fontanel should no exceed __ in an infant younger than 6 mo
4-5 cm
Increased intracranial pressure or infx in an infant will cause:
Bulging of the fontanel
Snapping sensation of the outer table of the skull in an infant indicates
Rickets or hydrocephalus
Mass in the lower 1/3 of an infant scm
Presence of goiter in an infant suggest
Intrauterine deprivation of thyroid hormone
Illumination of the infants skull in a dark room indicates
Intracranial lesion/rapidly increasing head circumference and should be less than 2 cm beyond rim; occiput less than 1 cm beyond rim
Direct percussion of the skull in children with a cracked-pot sound; indicates ↑ intracranial pressure
Macewen sign
After 5 yrs, bruits in children suggest
Anemia, vascular anomalies or ↑ intracranial pressure
Blotchy brown pigmentation over malar prominences and forehead of pregnant women; may worsen w/sun exposure but fades after delivery
Chloasma or “mask of pregnancy”
Is the presence of a goiter in pregnant women expected
In pregnancy, the __ can enlarge and become palpable due to ↑ vascularity and hyperplasia
Thyroid gland
The thyroid feels more __ w/the aging
Fibrotic, nodular and irregular
A hx of insistent, severe or recurrent headache should be
Given attention
Expression/appearance of face and head features when considered together are characteristic of a clinical condition
A __ migraine is unilateral while a __ migraine is generalized
Classic; common
Migraines that begin in childhood vs migraines that begin in adulthood
Childhood- classic and common; Adulthood- cluster, hypertensive, muscular tension, temporal arteritis (older adults)
Migraines that have prodromal events
Classic, common and cluster
6 types of migraines
Classic, common, cluster, HT, muscular tension, temporal arteritis
Gender predominance in diff migraines
Females- classic and common; Males- cluster; Equal- HT, muscular tension and temporal arteritis
Migraine that includes symptoms of ↑ lacrimation and nasal discharge
Migraine that is precipitated by alcohol consumption
Migraine w/most onset occurring at night
Facies w/a moonshpaed face, thin erythematous skin, and possible hirsutism (especially if due to adrenal cancer)
Cushing syndrome
Facies w/sunken appearance of eyes, cheeks, temporal areas, sharp nose, dry rough skin; seen in terminal stages of illness
Hippocratic facies
Facies are dull, puffy, yellow w/coarse sparse hair and temporal loss of eyebrows; periorbital edema and prominent tongue
Myxedema facies
Facies w/fine moist skin, fine hair, prominent eyes and lid retraction; staring or startled expression
Facies w/butterfly-shaped rash over malar surfaces and bridge of nose; can be blush w/swelling or w/scaly maculopapular lesions
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Facies w/asymmetry of one side of face, eyelid not closing completely, dropping lower eyelid/corner of mouth, loss of nasolabial fold
Left facial palsy
Facies w/coarsening of features w/broadening of nasal alae and zygomatic arches
Facies w/depressed nasal ridge, epicanthal folds, mongoloid slant of eyes, low set ears and large tongue
Down syndrome
Facies w/characterstic mandibular prognathism, drooping lower lip, short upper lip, parrot beach nose and proptotic eyes
Craniofacial dysostosis
Facies w/enlarged skull, low forehead, corneal clouding and short neck
Hurler Syndrome
Facies w/enlarged head, bulging fontanel, dilated scalp veins, bossing of skull, and sclera visible above iris
Facies w/poorly formed philtrum (groove in midline of upper lip), widespread eyes, inner epicanthal folds, mild ptosis, hirsute forehead, short nose, relatively thin upper lip
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Most common cause of acquired mental retardation
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Facies w/maxillary hypoplasia, micrognathia (small jaw/mandible), auricular deformity
Treacher-Collins syndrome
Facies w/severe maxillary and midfacial hypoplasia
Apert syndrome
Facies w/severe maxillary and midfacial hypoplasia with low-set ears; shown with frontal hup above forehead
Crouzon syndrome
Freely moveable cystic mass high in neck at midline w/duct at the base of the tongue; embryonic remnant
Thyroglossal duct cyst
Oval, moderately moveable mass in upper 1/3 of SCM; may be asstd w/a fistula and is an embryonic remnant
Branchial cleft cyst
Usually result of injury during delivery; head tilted and twisted toward SCM, w/a hematoma palpable shortly after birth; can also occur in children/adults fr/trauma, viral or drugs
Torticollis aka wryneck
Most common salivary gland tumor
Characterized by preference for cool climate, weight loss, nervous, easily irritated, fine hair w/loss, thin fingernails, bilateral/unilater proptosis of eyes, lid retraction, goiter, tachycardia, amenorrhea, weakness of proximal muscles
Characterized by preference for warm climate, weight gain, lethargy, coarse hair, thick fingernails, puffiness in periorbital region, no goiter, menorrhagia, good muscle strength
Adult onset hypothyroidism w/a ↓ metabolic rate leads to
Myxedema w/edema of facial features
Autoimminue disorder more common in 3rd or 4th decade in women; thyroid enlargement, hyperthyroidism, several changes; can be dx w/measuring of T4 and T3
Graves disease
Chronic autoimmune disorder w/symptoms of hypo or hyperthyroidism; common in children and women 30-50
Hashimoto disease
Protrusion of nervous tissue through a defect in the skull; can occur an place on scalp
Congenitally small skull caused by cerebral dysgenesis or craniostenosis; usually asstd w/mental retardation or failure of brain to develop normally
Microcephaly (or primary familial microcephaly)
Premature union of cranial sutures that leads to misshapen skull, not involved w/mental retardation; sutures involved determine shape