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46 Cards in this Set

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goals of the history interview?

1. discover info leading to diagnosis and management

2. provide info about diagnosis

3. negotiate health care management

4. counsel about disease prevention

5. develop rapport with pt

what are the three types of histories?

1. complete

2. problem-based (used for most of our pt encounters)

3. interim

what is a complete health history used for? and what does it include?

-used as a baseline for the initial exam

-used on admission to the hospital

-includes all aspects of the pts health status

what is problem-focused history used for? and attention is focused on?

-used for emergency department, walk-in clinic or office visit

-focused on the presenting problem with attention to any related system

what is interim history used for? this type records events since? and frequently records the results of?

-used when the examiner has previously evaluated the patient

-records events since the last visit

-frequently records the results of therapy previously instated

how to arrange the setting for history taking?

-comfort for pt and family

-removal of physical barriers

-good lighting


-relative quiet

-unobtrusive access to clock

what factors enhance communication?




-lack of value judgements

-exploration of the pts feelings

factors that inhibit communication?

curiosity, anxiety, silence, depression, crying, anger, money, intimacy, etc

what are the two forms of communication?

1. verbal--what we say

2. non-verbal--body language and attitude

what are the three aspects of verbal communication?

1. speaker

2. words

3. listner

what are the two types of questioning for obtaining a history?

1. open-ended

2. closed-ended

components of open-ended questioning?

1. silence

2. nonverbal encouragment

3. neutral utterances and continuers

4. reflection and echoing

5. open-ended requests

6. summary and paraphrasing

components of closed-ended questions?

1. yes or no

2. brief answers

it is said over ___% of diagnoses are made on history alone, a further 5-10% on examination, the remainder on investigation?


avoid writing while the patient is?

is talking

document what the patient ___, not ___?

what they tell you, not your interpretations

tell the patient you are just taking notes to?

to keep the order straight

you want to ask ____questions, and avoid ___questions?

ask open-ended, and avoid leading questions

examples of gentle steering phrases may include?

-please tell me which problem is troubling you most?

-perhaps we could come back to that

always phrase the chief complaint in? note all significant?

in the patients own words, and put quotes around their words

-note all significant complaints and seek an answer to the question

the history of present illness section of the record should tell their? you may have to ____the patients words? ___is a key element of any disease process?

-should tell their story

-summarize and paraphrase the pts words

-timing is a key element of any disease process

in the history of present illness section of the record, ___are as important as ___?

pertinent negatives are as important as pertinent positives

for the history of present illness what does OLDCAARTS stand for?

o- onset

l- location

d- duration

c- character

a- aggravating/assoicated factors

r- relieving factors

t- temporal factors

s- severity of symptoms

Onset section of the history of present illness section is?

-how and when the problem began

-what what the pt doing when the symptoms began?

-is there anything the pt does that reliably causes the symptoms?

-establishes the framework for the temporal sequence of event

the onset section of the present illness history establishes the framework for the ___?

for the temporal sequence of event

"location" in the present illness history section means?

-if the symptom is pain, establish exactly where it is located. have the pt point to the area

-is the sensation localized or does the pt feel it elsewhere?

"duration" in the present illness history section means?

-are the symptoms constant?

-if the problem is episodic, how long does each episode last?

"character" in the present illness history section means?

-have the pt describe how they perceive the sensation

-if it is pain, is it sharp, dull, etc?

"aggravating/associated symptoms" in the present history section means?

-is there anything the pt does that make the symptoms worse and what is the temporal relationship?

-are there any other symptoms that have a temporal relationship to the main complaint?

-if there is something produced, have them describe it: amount, color, oder, appearence

"reliveing factors" in the present history section means?

-is there anything the pt does that make the symptoms better and what is the temporal relationship?

"temporal factors" in the present history section means?

--are the symptoms single occurrence or a recurring problem?

-have the symptoms changed in character or severity over time?

"severity of symptoms" in the present history section means?

-have pt rate pain on 1-10 scale and record whether the severity changes

-how has this impacted their quality of life

-has there been an effect on their lifestyle

where do appropriate questions arise in the history of present illness section if OLDCAARTS doesn't apply?

logic-- cough, temp, nausea, etc.

-ROS--in appropriate associated areas

in the past medical history section, for any female over the age of 10 you want to get?

menstrual history, and pregnancy history

the family history section includes?

-expoloration of a families health, past medical experiences, illnesses, social experiences, deaths, and genetic and environmental circumstnces

-those with illness similar to patients?

-those with history of major disease

-those with hereditary disease

the family history includes what relatives?



-grandparents (if useful)

-for all family members: alive or deceased, age, state of health or cause of death

-may diagram the family if there is a genetic condition

with the family history section, you may diagram the family if there is?

a genetic condition

personal and social history includes?

-home envrionment/living arrangements

-marital/significant other status

-occupation(even if retired)/ hobbies

-tobacco use

-alcohol use

-toxic/chemical exposure

-diet and exercise habits

things to do when approaching sensitive issues?

-ensure privacy

-be direct and firm

-dont apologize

-dont preach

-use language that is understandable

-dont push too hard

what are the sensitive issues that you need to approach?

-alcohol and recreational drug use


-sexual history and orientation

review of systems is easiest to remember if?

if it is done in a head-to-toe manner

with the review of systems list each ___finding, ONLY if you think?

each negative and positive finding

-ONLY if you think they relate to the problem

with the review of systems DO NOT simply write negative for___?

for the organ system

for the review of symptoms DO NOT ___on a symptom if you have not?

do not comment on a symptom if you have not asked the question

examples of concluding questions for obtaining a medical history?

-is there anything else that you think would be important for me to know?

-what problem concerns you most?

-what do you think is the matter with you?

-what worries you the most about how you are feeling?

in the obtaining a medical history what are the areas of "relatively less importance"?

-PMH: ex. DM, hypertension, MI

-FH: ex. history of rare or common disorders present

-SH: ex. depression, alcoholism, drugs

-rest of ROS: ex. syndromes