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25 Cards in this Set

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Impaired voluntary movements resulting in devlpmtl abnormalities caused by CNS damage.
Cerebral Palsy
Disorder of ruling things out
Cerebral Palsy
Identifies children with non-progressive types of motor diffictulties. Group of disorders that effect motor and sensory abilities
Cerebral Palsy
Chromosomal abnormalities, Genetic or congenital brain malformations, infection
Prenatal causes of CP
Anoxia (suffocation) sepsis, CNS infection
Perinatal causes of CP
Anoxia, head injury, memingitis, toxin exposure, shaken baby
Postnatal causes of CP
full loss
full loss
70% CP people have this, hemiplegia, paraplegia, quadraplegia, diplegia - LE more effected than UE: all 4 extremeties are involved
Spastic Syndrome CP
20% CP have this type
(slow writing movement) assoc more with diplegia:
Choreiform type (proximal jerking) increase during stress
Ahtetoid or Dyskinetic Syndrome
includes weakness and incoordination, present only when attemps to move, balance and ambulation difficult
Ataxic CP
Hypertonicity, hypotonicity, reflex and reaction impairment, postural control, motor devlmpt, range of motion, oral motor
Motor signs and symptoms CP
Diplopia, myopia, tactile defensive, auditory hypersensitivity, perceptual
Sensory signs and symptoms CP
Learning disorders, mental retardation, intact functional
Cognitive signs and symptoms CP
Depression, poor self image, poor coping skills
Psychosocial signs and symptoms
Early intervention, school setting, community level, hand splints to assist in functionality of appendage
Treatment of CP
chromosomal disorder, usually results in mental retardation, extra chromosome - trichromy 21, attaches to chrom 17 or 22
Down Syndrome
Usually acquired from the mother, can be tracked in families, 1 in 20 births for women over 40
Causes of Down Syndrome
Hypotonicity, hypomobility, congenital heart diesease common, poor bilateral coordination, delayed reflex poor motor planning
Motor Signs and Symptoms Down
diminished: response to sensory input, attention to tactile stim, decreased balance, sometimes hyper responsiveness to touch, high sensory threshold-need increased input to attain feedback.
Sensory Signs and Symptoms Down
usually subnormal intelligence, poor attention and behavior, poor problem solving and planning, dimished executive functioning - (problem solving, judgement, reasoning skills)
Cognitive Signs and Symptoms
requires asstnce, independent life skills are impaired, delayed chew facial hypotonia.
chewing difficult
Self-Care Down
low or limited motivation, low self esteem, decreased initiation of social contact, hyper-sociality
Psychosocial Down
Early intervention, school support, strong emphasis on vocational trng
Treatment of Down Syndrome