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83 Cards in this Set

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Gilbert's Syndrome/Disease

Benign elevation of unconjugated bilirubin. Typically no more specific symptoms than mild jaundice on occation. Total bili ranges from 1.2 to 5.3 mg/dL, with high unconjugated/indirect bili.

Hendeson-Hesselbach Equation


H-H Eqn for blood acid-base balance




Osmolality from freezing point

Osm=dT/1.86 (in mol/kg)






Hbg*100/HCT or MCH*100/MCV

Affect of high pH, pCO2, or T on pO2

High pCO2 and T lower pO2, high pH increases it (aka low pCO2, an acid)

Autoimmune Hepatitis 1 antibodies

Anti-Smooth Muscle and Anti-Nuclear

Autoimmune Hepatitis Type 2 Antibodies

Anti-liver-kidney-microsomal and Anti-liver cytolosol

Peptide hormones sharing their alpha subunit

TSH, hCG, LH, and FSH

Dubin-Johnson Disease

Conjugated Hyperbilirubinemia. High conjugated/direct and total (2-5). Otherwise normal LFTs, typically benign.

AlkPhos heat denaturation mnemonic

Bone burns, liver lingers, placental persists

Which antibodies activate complement via which path?

IgA - alternative. IgG and IgM - classical

Test for in vitro hemolysis

Haptoglobin (low in in vivo, normal for in vitro)

Most common interference for Jaffe reaction

Cephalosporins (all start with 'Cef', such as Cefclidine)

Changes in beta-Thal

microcytic anemia, elevated HbA2, and HbF

Changes in alpha-Thal

Microcytic anemia, no change in A2 or F

Standard test for CO poisoning

CO-oximetry. Pulse oximetry will not work.

Result of cyanide poisoning

Lactate-driven metabolic acidosis with anion gap

Light's Criteria

LDH > 2/3 ULN for serum or >200, used to determine if effusion is exudative or not. Positive by light's criteria denotes exudative.

Respiratory Alkylosis

High pH with low pCO2. May also have low bicarb (compensation)

Metabolic alkylosis

High pH with high bicarb. Typically will also have high pCO2 (compensation).

Respiratory acidosis

Low pH with high pCO2. May also have high bicarb (compensation)

Metabolic acidosis

Low pH with low bicarb. Typically will also have low pCO2 (compensation)

Actions of Renin

Converts Angiotensinogen to angiotensin I, which results in increased blood pressure both directly and through increased Na (and water) reabsorption.

Crigler-Najar syndrome, type 1

Defect in the enzyme that conjugates bilirubin, resulting in very high (>20 mg/dL) serum and unconjugated (indirect) bilirubin. Can be fatal.

Crigler-Najar Syndrome, Type II

Caused by a similar defect as type I (conjugating enzyme) but less severe, also leads to high serum bili and unconjugated (indirect) bili, but to a lesser extent (typically 7-20 mg/dL). Can be distinguished through phenobarb treatment, which is only helpful in Type II.

Calculated LDL

LDL=TC-HDL-TG/4. Not usable if TG is greater than 400.



Total Body Burden

TBB = Vd*Body Mass*Cs, where Vd is volume of distribution and Cs is serum concentration

Rumak-Mathew Nomogram

Chart used to judge a patient's risk of acetaminophen toxicity

Serum Anion Gap

AG = Na + K - Cl - HCO3

Serum Osmolality

Osm = 2×Na + Glucose/18 + BUN/2.8

Effects of PTH

Increase Bone resorption, Ca resportion (and thus Serum calcium), and 1,25-Vit D production. Decreases Ph resorption and thus serum Ph.


Cl=Cu*Vu/Cs, where Cu and Cs are urine and serum concentration respectively, and Vu is volume of urine. Expressed in mL/min.

Factor V Leiden

Mutation in Factor V leading to activated protein c resistance, an excessive clotting state.


Sens = TP/(TP+FN), where TP is true positive and FN is false negative


Spec = TN/(TN+FP), where TN is true negative and FP is false positive.

Positive Predictive Value

PPV = TP/(TP+FP), where TP is true positive and FP is false positive.

Negative Predictive Value

NPV = TN/(TN+FN), where TN is true negative and FN is false negative.

Likelyhood Ratio

LR = Sens/(1-Spec)


First stop for triglycerides, they're formed in the gut, circulate, and then are absorbed as remnants by the liver. Contain ApoE, c-11, and B-48.


The leftover particles after chylomicrons have lost most of their TGs and ApoC-11. Typically absorbed by the liver.


'Very Low Density Lipoprotein', the largest intrinsic lipid particles. Contain ApoE, C-11, and B-100, and is mostly TGs


'Intermediate Density Lipoprotein', size between that of VLDL and LDL. Contains ApoE and B-100, and is an even mix of TGs and cholesterol.


'Low Density Lipoprotein', density below IDL, this is the last step before intrinsic lipid particles become HDL, and mostly cholesterol. Contains ApoB-100.


'High Density Lipoprotein', the smallest of the intrinsic lipid particles, mostly composed of cholesterol. Also contains ApoA-1 and A-11.


Apolipoprotein E, found on most particles, but most important for remnants and HDL, as it regulates uptake by the liver.


The main component of HDL, and a cofactor for LCAT, which forms cholesterol esters from cholesterol.


Next major constituent of HDL after A-I, and an inhibitor of LCAT and activator of hepatic triglyceride lipase.


Present on newly formed chylomicrons, and possibly an activator of LCAT.


Present on chylomicrons and remnants, allows for secretion and absorption.


Present on VLDL, IDL, and LDL, this is involved with secretion and absorption in the liver.


Associated with something, possibly activates LCAT. Not much known.


Associated witb VLDL, IDL, HDL, and chylomicrons, this protein activates LPL, which allows lipoprotein molecules to be hydrolized and absorbed by various tissues.


Found in chylomicrons, remnants, VLDL, and IDL, this allows to liver to absorb these paritcles. Several isoforms are known, and an E2/E2 genetic state is associatdled with Type III hyperlipidemia.

Type I Hyperlipidemia

Increased chylomicrons, associated with clear plasma and cream layer after centifuging. Caused by LPL or C-II deficiency or LPL inhibition.


Lipoprotien lipase, protein in peripheral crlls which allow them to break down and absorb tiglycerides.

Type IIA Hyperlipidemia

Increase in LDL, associated with clear plasma on centrifugation. Can be caused by many things, most notably mutations in LDL-R, defective B-100, overproduction of B-100, hyperabsorption of sitosterol, or caused by DM, nephrosis, biliary tract disease, or hyperthroidism.

Type IIB Hyperlipidemia

Similar to IIA, with increased LDL and VLDL (and thus increased TG), associated with turbid plasma upon centrifugation. Increase in LDL, associated with clear plasma on centrifugation. Can be caused by many things, most notably mutations in LDL-R, overproduction of B-100, hyperabsorption of sitosterol, or caused by DM, nephrosis, biliary tract disease, or hyperthroidism.

Type III Hyperlipidemia

Increaed IDL, thus increased TG and LDL. Associated with turbit plasma upon centrifugation. Caused either by ApoE deficiency (rare) or an E2/E2 phenotype.

Type IV Hyperlipidemia

Increased VLDL, thus increased triglycerides and associated with turbid plasma upon centrifugation. Caused by hypothyroidism, DM, FHC, FCH, deficiency of adipose tissue, or various causes of liver damage or renal disease.

Type V Hyperlipidemia

Increased VLDL and chylomicrons, thus very high TG. Associated with turbid plasma and a cream layer. Caused by multiple Type IV causing conditions, such as DM and alcoholism.

LPL deficiency

Autosomal recessive disorder, affects 1 in 1 mil. Causes an increase in chylomicrons (type I hyperlipidemia) from reduced clearance.

ApoC-II deficiency

Similar to LPL deficiency, an autosomal recessive disorder that results in increased cylomicrons (type 1 hyperlipidemia) from reduced clearance.

Familial Hypercholesterolemia

Autosomal Dominant disorder, affecting about 1 in 500 people. Caused by a mutation in LDL-R that causes an LDL increase (type IIA hyperlipidemia) from reduced clearance and possibly secretion. Homozygous is highly affected and deadly by 20s.

Familial defective B-100

Autosomal dominant condition affecting about 1 in 500. Results in reduced clearance of LDL (type IIA hyperlipidemia). Not as severe as familial hypercholesterolemia.

Familial Combined Hyperlipidemia

Autosomal dominant overproduction of ApoB-100, affecting about 1 in 250 people. Since B-100 is overproduced, results in overproduction of VLDL, IDL, and LDL, causing type IIA, IIB, or IV hyperlipidemia.

Autosomal Recessive Hypercholesterolemia

As the name implies, a rare autotsomal recessive hyperlipidemia where LDL-R is not properly coupled to endocytotic machinery. Leads to Type IIA hyperlipidemia (high LDL) as ApoE clears VLDL and IDL properly.

Polygenic Hypercholesterolemia

Almost a diagnosis of exclusion, result of multiple low-level genetic causes with lifestyle aggrevation that leads to a relatively mild LDL increase.


Rare genetic condition that results in hyperabsorption and decreased secretion of sitosterol and modified cholesterol synthesis which can lead to Type IIA/B hyperlipidemia, though it is hard to diagnose (need to test for phytosterols specificially).

Homozygous E2

A condition caused by having a homozygous E2 phenotype (out of possible E2, E3, or E4 allels), affecting about 1 in 5000. Considerably raises the risk for Type III hyperlipidemia (high IDL).

ApoE deficiency

Very rare disorder which results in the decreased clearance of IDL particles, resulting in Type III hyperlipidemia.

Familial Hypertriglyceridemia

An autosomal dominant condition resulting in high VLDL from excess hepatic production or LPL deficiency. Affects about one in 100 people.

Transmittance to absorption

Either A=Log10(1/T) (not percent!) or A=2-Log10(%T)

Crockcroft Gault Eqn

Simple equation for estimation of clearance from plasma creatinine -> Cl(ml/min)=((140-age(y))xBodyWeight(kg)x1.3)/PlasmaCreatinine(umol/L))x0.85(if female).


Four variable equation for estimation of GFR -> GFR(mL/min/1.73m^2)=186×(SerumCreat(umol/L)x0.011312)^-1.154×age(y)^-0.203×(1.21 if black)×(0.742 if female).

Fractional excretion

Fraction of a substance excreted at each pass through the glomeruli. Can be calculated by (Cu,x×Cp,creat)/(Cu,creat×Cp,x) or (Cu×Vu)/(Cp×GFR)

Elimination rate constant

Typically shown by the variable k, it is slope of a first order elimination and is related to half-life by k=0.693/t.5 or Cl/Vd or (LnCp1-LnCp2)/(t2-t1), where Cp is plasma concentration, t2 and t1 are timepoints, and t.5 is half life.

Maintenence Dose

The dose required to maintain a steady state of drug in the body, typically given per hour (impatient) or per 12 or 24 hours. Can be calculated with MD=(Cp×Cl×T)/(S×F), where T is the time between doses, S is salt fraction, and F is bioavailability.

Mixed Elimination Model Eqn

Equation based on MM kinetics to estimate Maintenance Dose for non-first-order substances. Dose=(Vmax×CpxT)/((Km+Cp)×S×F), where T is the time between doses, S is salt fraction, and F is bioavailability.