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31 Cards in this Set

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Organum vomeronadalis - innervation?

N. Vomeronasalis of nn. Olfactorii

Responsible for miosis (innervation of m. Sphincter pupilae) ?

Parasympathetic part of n. Oculomotorious

Responsible for medial strabismus (rotation of the eyebulb medially) ?

N. Abducens (in charge of the lateral rectus muscle)

N. Trochlearis and n. Abcenes are...


Head movements are maintained by connection of n. Oculomotorious, n. Trochlearis and n. Abducens with.. ?

N. Vestibulococchlearis

Somatic part n. trigeminus is represented by?

N. Mandibularis (musticatory muscles)

Which chewing muscle is innerveted by n. Facialis?

M. Digastricus - ventro caudale

What is innervating salivary glands?

N. Facialis and n. Glossopharyngeus

Where is cerebrospinal fluid formed?

Plexus choroideus

What is fluencing production 1. And resorption 2. Of cerebrospinal fluid?

1. Production = osmotic

2. Reabsorption = hydrostatic

Where can CSF be sampled?

From cisterns magna

What is forming white matter of spinal cord?


How many cervical spinal nerves are in carnivores?


(T12, L5, S5)

Where are the three sacral spinal segments located?


Where does cauda equina start?

At the level of discus intervertebral is L5 - L6

From which vertebrae docrura diaphragmatis originate in carnivores?

L3 - L4

What do you think is abnormal on this x-ray?

Rib not on my right side?

What is discus intervertebralis composed of?

Annulus fibrosus, nucleus pulposus

Spinal segments L6, L7, S1... form?

N. Ischiadicus

Which spinal segments give rise to n. Ischiadicus?

Answer on test: S1, S2, S3

(L4 - S3)

N. Oculomotorious contains these fibers..

Parasympathetic and motoric

Lumbar myelography is best performed?

L6 and L7

N. Trigeminus contains these fibers?

Motoric, sensitive and parasympathetic

Which nerve innervates sensitively the selected area?

N. Maxillaris

Patellar reflex is carried out by reflex arch of which nerve?

N. Femoralis

So called panniculus reflex or m. Cutaneous reflex is maintained by?

Thoracicus longus

How does n. Trigeminus obtain it's parasympathetic fibers?

N. Facialis

Which nerve is responsible for motoric innervation of the extensors of the carpus and digits?


Myriasis of the pupil in the eye is carried out by?

M. Dilatator pupilae and sympathetic

What type of blood pressure affects primarily the production/resorption of the CSF?

All (oncotic, hydrostatic, osmotic)

M. Cricoarytenoideus dorsalis is innervated by?

N. Laryngeus caudalis/cranialis?