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41 Cards in this Set

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What is the functional unit of the kidneys?
How many nephrons are there in a single kidney?
1 - 1.5 million
What are the 2 kinds of nephrons?
cortical, juxtamedullary
The job of the nephrons has 3 basic phases. What are they?
1. filtration 2. reabsorption 3. secretion
What kind of waste is the urinary system trying to target?
nitrogen waste
What are the 2 basic jobs of the cortical nephrons?
1. removal of waste 2. reabsorption of filtered nutrients we need
What are 2 basic features of the juxtamedullary nephrons versus the cortical nephrons?
1. longer loops of Henle 2. urine concentration
Urine in the collecting duct is really a __.
Nephrons take things out of the __ that we don't want.
Nephrons take things out of the blood we don't need puts them in the __.
Proteins are __ heavy.
Blood in the afferent arteriole enters the __, which is the beginning of the nephron.
Blood in the efferent arteriole takes blood __ __ the glomerulus.
away from
Which is closer to the glomerulus, the proximal or distal convoluted tubule?
proximal (that's what proximal means)
Where can the Vesa Recta be in found?
Juxtamedullary nephrons
Blood leaving via the renal vein goes back into the __.
IVC (inferior vena cava)
The glomerulus actually filters __, not blood.
The Bowman's capsule holds __, not plasma.
What is lost as blood becomes plasma?
big proteins
The glomerulus is located in the __ __.
Bowman's capsule
The glomerulus performs __ filtration.
The size of the arterioles affects the __ of the fluid running through it.
Glomerular pressure can be maintained at a constant by varying the __ of the arteriole as needed.
size or diameter
Blood pressure means pressure against __.
The RAAS (renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system) regulates what?
blood flow
The __ __ initiate RAAS in response to blood pressure changes.
macula densa
About how many liters of plasma are turned into filtrate per day?
Tubular reabsorption happens through __ __.
active transport
Water follows __.
What is the first body system to react when the body's pH goes out of balance?
If you hold CO2 in your lungs, your pH will go __.
If you breathe out more CO2 from your lungs, your pH will go __.
What is the last system that will maintain your pH?
Bicarbonate system is important in maintaining your __.
Blood pH should be about __.
What 4 things do renal function tests evaluate?
1. glomerular filtration 2. tubular reabsorption 3. tubular secretion 4. renal blood flow
One of the most common tests of glomerular filtration are __ tests.
The current routine test of glomerular filtration is the __ __ test.
creatinine clearance
The greatest cause of error in the creatinine clearance test is due to what ?
improperly timed urine specimen
What test is a good indicator or early renal disease?
Tubular reabsorption test
What test has replaced specific gravity as the test to assess renal concentration?
osmolarity test