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110 Cards in this Set

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Three basic types of hepatic disease processes
Hepatocellular disease/damage
Biliary disease (cholestasis)
Hepatic insufficiency
Increased: AST, ALT
Hepatocellular damage
Increased: ALP, cholesterol
Steroid excess
Increased: AST, ALT
Decreased: T. Protein, Albumin, Cholesterol, BUN
Hepatocellular damage
Hepatic insufficiency
Increased: ALP, bilirubin, cholesterol
Increased: AST, ALT, ALP, bilirubin, globulin, cholesterol
Decreased: Glucose, T. protein, albumin, BUN
Hepatocellular damage
Hepatic insufficiency
Decreased: Glucose, T. protein, Albumin, cholesterol, BUN
Hepatic insufficiency
Renal failure
Kidney function is inadequate to maintain health
Impaired renal function
Loss of functional nephrons
Characteristic lab abnormalities
Clinical signs
Excess nonprotein nitrogen
(BUN and creatinine)
Clinical signs related to renal failure
Examples of pre-renal azotemia
Examples of renal azotemia
Renal failure (acute or chronic)
Examples of post-renal azotemia
Urinary obstruction
Classic pattern for renal failure
Inadequately concentrated urine
Adequate concentrations for dogs, cats, horses, and cattle
Dogs >1.030
Cats > 1.040
Cattle & Horses > 1.025
Functional reserve of kidneys
Large (>50%)
__________ are _________ markers of renal disease
Azotemia and impaired concentrating ability are insensitive and nonspecific markers of renal disease
Markers of renal GFR
Urea nitrogen, creatinine, phosphorus

Serum concentrations increase as GFR decreases
Cause of azotemia with Addison's
pre-renal (dehydration)
End-stage or acute renal failure findings
End-stage or acute renal failure
Chronic/early renal failure findings
Chronic/early renal failure
Horses with renal failure
Often hypercalcemic and HYPOPHOSPHATEMIC
Differentials for urine discoloration
Hematuria (RBC's)
Provides information about concentrating ability
Specific gravity
Provides information about glomerular permeability
Urine protein
Basic components of a urinalysis
Description of time and method of collection and storage
Description of gross appearance and odor
Specific gravity
Urine biochemistry
-pH, glucose, ketones, protein, heme, bilirubin, etc.
Microscopic examination
-RBC's, WBC's, epithelial cells, casts, bacteria, crystals, lipid
Reliable and unreliable urine dipstick tests
Reasonably accurate: Glucose, bilirubin, ketones, protein

Unreliable: pH, specific gravity, leukocytes

Very sensitive: Blood/heme
Of little clinical value: Urobilinogen
Feline SG measurement on human refractometer: 1.023

Actual SG?
If not temperature compensated, how are SG measurements affected on a refractometer?
Underestimates SG at temps >68F
Correction of SG for proteinuria
1g/dL protein adds 0.003-0.005
Correction of SG for glycosuria
1g/dL glucose adds 0.004-0.005
Platelet lifespan
1 week
Ability to measure a substance of interest and only that substance
Analytical specificity
Specificity- definition
Ability to measure a substance of interest and only that substance
Detection limit definition
Smallest possible concentration (quantity) of a substance (analyte) That can be detected with reasonable certainty
Consistently giving results that are higher or lower
Constant bias
Two tests agree well at low analyte concentrations but agree less well at higher concentrations
Proportional bias
What determines a properly validated test?
Random error is not large enough to impact clinical decision-making (will always be present)
Can have high correlation without
When will a glucometer reading and chemistry analyzer results be similar
At glucose concentrations between 70 and 250mg/dL
Reference interval definition
Lower and upper reference limit
Large animal cholestatic marker
GGT (Gamma-glutamyltransferase)
Why is GGT not measured in dogs and cats?
Typically parallels the activity of ALP
Why is shit brown?
Rate-limiting step of Bilirubin metabolism
Conjugated bilirubin going from hepatocyte into biliary tract
How does bilirubin circulate in the blood?
Bound to albumin
Steps in bilirubin metabolism taking place in macrophage
Hemoglobin from RBCs broken down into Heme and protein
Heme converted to biliverdin (green)
Biliverdin converted to unconjugated bilirubin (orange)
Steps in bilirubin metabolism taking place in the hepatocyte
Albumin leaves, unconj. bilirubin enters hepatocyte
Bilirubin conjugated (to conjugated bilirubin)
ALT sources

1/2 life
Muscle (very minor)

2-3 days (dogs)
AST sources

1/2 life

Cytosol and mitochondria
<1 day (dogs)
7-8 days (horse)
SDH sources

1/2 life
Hepatocytes (large animals)

Leakage from cytosol
<12 hours (horse)
GDH sources

1/2 life
Hepatocytes (Birds)

Leakage from cytosol and mitochondria
ALP sources
Hepatocytes and biliary cells
~3 days (dogs)
<8 hours (cats)
GGT sources
Hepatocytes and biliary cells (large animals)

Synthesis from cell membranes
~3 days (horse)
CK sources

Leakage from cytosol
<2 hours (dogs)
~2 hours (horses)
Lactate dehydrogenase


Not used (very non-specific)
<6hr (dogs)
Sign of resolution of myocyte insult
Persistently high serum AST activity with normalizing CK
ALP in cats vs. dogs
Cats have lower hepatic ALP activity and shorter 1/2 life

Therefore less sensitive but more specific in cats (9/10 with inc. ALP have current cholestasis)
Action and timeline of corticosteroids and ALP
Only in dogs

Endogenous (Cushing's) or exogenous GC's and anticonvulsants (primidone and phenobarbital) induce production of L-ALP --> inc. serum levels in a few days

Induces production of C-ALP after ~1 week (later than L-ALP)
Normal contribution of C-ALP to total ALP
~10-30% (only found in DOGS)
Magnitude of response of ALP to steroids
Total ALP (C-ALP and L-ALP) may be <2x to >20x URL
Scottish Terriers
Have higher ALP activities (1350 U/L, compared to 230U/L in control dogs)

Not related to disease
When is proteinuria an abnormal finding?

Except in dogs with specific gravity >1.019; may be trace to +1 on dipstick
Reasons for increased ALP
Intrahepatic and posthepatic cholestasis (Accumulation of bile acids promotes L-ALP synthesis in hepatocytes and biliary epithelial cells)
Endogenous corticosteroids-Dogs
Young, rapidly growing animals (B-ALP)
Lytic or proliferative bone lesions (osteosarcoma, osteomyelitis)
Fracture healing (B-ALP)
Hyperparathyroidism (active bone reabsorption) (B-ALP)
Hyperthyroid cats (B-ALP and L-ALP)
Scottish Terriers
ALP in hyperthyroid cats
Typically <4xURL
Reasons for increased P-ALP
Only in late-term pregnant cats (mild increase)
Renal tubular damage and GGT
Increase in urine GGT, but no effect on serum GGT
Causes of hypernatremia
Water deficits
-Inadequate intake (Deprivation, defective thirst response in hypothalamus)
-Pure loss (Panting, hyperventilation, fever, diabetes insipidus)
-H2O loss>Na loss (Renal osmotic diuresis, osmotic diarrhea, phosphate enemas, paintball toxicosis)

Na excess (Salt poisoning, Administration of hypertonis saline or sodium bicarbonate)
Decreased renal excretion (Hyperaldosteronism)
Sodium levels with vomiting
Normonatremic, or hyponatremic
Sodium levels with diarrhea
Normonatremic, or hyponatremic
Causes of normonatremia/hyponatremia with edema or transudate
Congestive heart failure
Hepatic cirrhosis
Nephrotic syndrome
RBC metabolism
Rely on glycolysis for energy (no organelles = no mitochondria)
RBC lifespan
Dogs, cats, horses, cattle, humans
Dogs- 100 days
Cats- 70 days
Cows & Horses- 150 days
Humans- 120 days
Colloidal osmotic pressure
Caused by large molecules (proteins, mostly albumin)
Opposes exit from VASCULAR SYSTEM
Extracellular (Serum) Osmolality
Electrolytes and small molecules (glucose, urea)
Changes cause shifts between ECF and ICF
Measuring total protein
Biuret method-detects peptide bonds, highly specific, 1-10 g/dL

Precipitation and dye binding methods, quantify small amounts of protein (mg/dL) in urine and CSF

Refractometry- Changes in refractive index; 1-10 g/dL, Lipemia and Hemolysis may interfere
Bromcresol green
Most used way to measure albumin in veterinary medicine
Not reliable in birds and reptiles
Bromcresol purple
Accurate in humans but inaccurate in animals
Proteins in acute phase reaction
Increased: Alpha and beta globulins, fibrinogen, serum amyloid A (SAA), C-reactive protein (dogs)

Decreased: Albumin, Transferrin
Proteins in chronic inflammation
Increased within 1-3 weeks after onset of inflammation

Increased: Gamma immunoglobulins (IgG), complement (C3); polyclonal gammopathy
DIC (fibrinogen consumed)
Congenital deficiency (rare)

Manifest as bleeding
Endotoxic shock effect on RBCs
Hemoconcentration resulting in erythrocytosis

From fluid shifting from intravascular space to extravascular space
Secondary appropriate erythrocytosis
Right-to left shunts (hypoxia)
Pulmonary disease (hypoxia)
Hyperthyroidism (inc. tissue demand)
Primary erythrocytosis
Polycythemia vera
Secondary inappropriate erythrocytosis
Renal lesions (neoplasia, cysts, etc.) secreting Epo.
Extra-renal lesions secreting Epo
Non-pathologic erythrocytosis
Breed variations- Thoroughbreds, greyhounds
Physiologic-Altitude, training
Absolute reticulocyte concentration reference interval
<60,000 in cats
Horse erythrogram
Won't see reticulocytosis
May see macrocytos, but only in hemolytic cases
Level of anemia with different conditions
Marrow increases erythroid component 2-3x with blood loss and 6-8x with hemolysis
Findings associated with hemolytic anemias but not with blood loss anemias
Poikilocytosis (schistocytes, spherocytes) or inclusions (Heinz bodies, organisms)
Neutrophilic leukocytosis (presence of immunocomplexes stimulates inflammation)
Higher degree of reticulocytosis (iron rapidly recycled)
Splenomegaly (Splenic macrophage hyperplasia)
FeLV is a risk factor for what?
Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)

Less than 20-30% blasts in the bone marrow
Cytopenia of more than one cell line
Stress-induced neutrophil response
Increased marrow release
Shift from MNP to CNP
Decreased emigration into tissues
Neutrophilia-acute vs. chronic inflammation
Acute- Marrow release exceeds tissue emigration

Chronic-Increased marrow release, increased granulopoiesis, inc. tissue emigration
chronic myeloid leukemia diagnosis
Done by ruling out other differentials
Extreme neutrophilia- magnitude and differentials
Dogs >50,000; cats >30,000

Pyometra, pyothorax
Hemolytic diseases (esp. IMHA)
Hepatozoon americanum
G-CSF or GM-CSF secreting tumor
Granulocytic leukemia
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency
Eosinophilia differentials
Allergic/hypersensitivity reactions
Mast cell tumor
Eosinopenia differentials
Physiologic response
Acute inflammation

Not very diagnostically significant
Lymphocytosis differentials
Chronic inflammation
Physiologic response
Addison’s Disease
Persistent lymphocytosis of cattle
Lymphoid leukemia
Lymphopenia differentials
Acute inflammation
Lymphoid hypoplasia or aplasia
Monocytosis differentials
Inflammation-acute and chronic
Corticosteroid- or Stress-induced
Neoplasia (monocytic leukemia)
Secondary to neutropenia
Broad categories of neutropenia etiologies
Excess tissue demand
Sequestration- Endotoxin (margination), Pseudoneutropenia
Decreased granulopoiesis- Cancer therapies, viral/rickettsial infxns, estrogen
Ineffective granulopoiesis- viral infxns and myelodysplastic syndromes
Peripheral destruction-immune-mediated
Cutoff for IMT
Cutoff for DIC
Platelets <20,000/uL
Platelets decreased but >50,000/uL
Triad of findings for DIC
Prolonged coagulation time
Decreased fibrinogen/increased fibrin degradation products (FDP's, D-dimer)
Causes of IMT
Primary- Idiopathic (more in young-middle aged bitches)

Secondary- Drugs, infection (FeLV, A. platys), neoplasia, vaccination?
DIC is ALWAYS secondary to another disease. Which ones?
Heat stroke
Intravascular hemolysis
Obstetrical complications
Causes of increased platelet COMSUMPTION
DIC, vasculitis (RMSF, immune-mediated)