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24 Cards in this Set

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A deficiency of mineralcorticoid hormones is?

-Addison's disease
-Cushings syndrome
addison's disease
A pt presents with fatigue, faintness, n/v, depression, myalgia, cold intolerance, wt loss may have?

-Addison's disease
-Cushing's syndrome
Addison's disease
What type of CA should you be looking for in a pt's PMH with addison's disease?
adrenal metastases
Vitiligo, hypothyroidism are indicators of?
addison's disease
pigmentation, especially in the buccal areas are indicative of what condition?
addison's disease
a disease that arises from an excess of glucocorticoids is what?

-addison's disease
-cushing's syndrome
cushings syndrome
Hirtusism, weight gain, change in body/face shape, easy bruising may be ...

-addison's disease
-cushings syndrome
cushing's syndrome
A buffalo hump, moon facies, thin skin, glycosuria, and htn, are all indicative of what?
cushing's syndrome
A pt. presents to the ER with shock, tachycardia, confusion and vasoconstriction...what is the problem?

-severe hypothyroidism (crisis)
hypothyroid crisis
Which condition tends to have hypotension?

-addison's disease
-cushing's syndrome
addison's disease
Acne, wt. gain, and striae are indicative of what condition?

-addison's disease
-cushing's syndrome
cushing's syndrome
hypertension is indicative of what condition?
cushing's syndrome
If a pt. shows up at your office with c/o bruising?
cushing's syndrome
__ is the deficiency of mineralocorticoid hormones.

-addison's disease
-cushing's disease
addison's disease

Are all indications of what condition?

-cushings crisis
-addisons crisis
addison's crisis
if a pt. presents with c/o fatigue, faintness, nausea, cold intolerance, wt. loss...what do you think?

-addison's disease
-cushing's disease
addison's disease
if a pt. presents with skin hyperpigmentation, hypotension, and postural hypotension...what do you think?

-addison's disease
-cushings disease
addison's disease
__ is an excess of glucocorticoids.
cushing's disease
cushing's disease is very common due to the administration of ???

__ may present with hirstuism, wt. gatin, moon facies, easy bruising.

-addison's disease
-cushing's disease
cushing's disease
if a pt presents with a hx of corticosteroid therapy, change in face, obesity, DM, or wt. gain...what do you think about?

-addison's disease
-cushing's disease
cushing's disease
a moon face, buffalo hump, cemtrileptal obesity, hypertension, and glycosuria are all indicator's of what process?
cushing's disease
if a pt presents with wt. loss, stopped steroid treatment, n/v, and malaise..what up?

-addison's disease
-cushing's disease
addison's disease
if a pt. presents with silver striae, acne, htn, hirsutism, obesity, thin skin, bruising, moon facies, and a buffalo hump what are you thinking?
cushing's disease