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252 Cards in this Set

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a mixture of gas molecules microscopically small suspended particlies of solid and fluid precipitation
the study of the atmosphere and the processes that cuase weather
concerns itself with the same elements of the atmopshere that meterology but on a different scale
steady state
when the concentration of a gas exists at a constant because the input rates equal output rates
residence time
the average length of teim that individual molecules of a given substance remain in the atmosphere
permanent gases
those that form a constant proportion of the atmospheric mass
variable gases
those whose distribution in the atmosphere varies in both time and space
the region within 80 km of the earths surface - considered the entire atmosphere
above the homosphere, where lighter gases become increasingly dominant
composition of atmosphere
nitrogen - 75 percent of the atmosphere
oxygen - 21 percent of atmosphere
the other one percent are internt gases
the most abundant of the variable gases
water vapor
hydrologic cycle
the system that constantly cycles water through the atmosphere
the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere....
is greatest in the early spring and and lowest in late summer because of plants
ozone is found in the
when it absorbs uv radiation ozone
splits into its constituent parts, o + o2 which can then recombine to form another ozone molecule
condensation nuclei
suspended aerosols that play a major role in the formation of cloud droplets
the density of a substance is the amount of mass of substance (km) contained in a unit volume (m^3
air density at sea level
about 1.2 kg per m^3
mean free path
the distance a molecule travels before colliding with another
scientists divided the atmopshere into 4 distinct parts based on
how temperature varies with altitude rather than by composition
the standard atmosphere
the four layers - the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere
lowest of the levels, where the vast majority of weather occurs, temperature decreases with height, contains 80 percent of the atmospheres mass
average global temperature near the ground
15 degrees celcius
marks the level at which temperature ceases to decrease with altitude
the most important source of energy for the atmosphere
the energy emanating upward from earth rather than the downward moving solar radiation
locations in the atmosphere where temperature increases with height - inversions inhibit upward motion and thereby allow high concentrations of pollutants to be confined to the lowest parts of the atmosphere
the second layer of the atmosphere, little weather, inversion layer called stratopause
in the upper stratosphere
heating is almost exclusively the result of ultra violet radiation being absorbed by ozone
within the stratosphere is
the ozone layer, a zone of increased ozone concentration at altitudes between 20 and 30 km
of the .1 percent of the atmosphere not contained in the troposphere or stratosphere, 99.9 percent existin the mesosphere, temperature decreases with altitude
top layer of atmosphere, temperature increases with altitude to values in excess of 1500 C but with extremely low heat content due to lack of molecules
defined by its electrical properties, extends from the upper mesosphere to into the thermosphere contains large numbers of electrically charged particles called ions
form when electrically neutral atoms or molecules lose one or gain additional electrons
aurora borealis
northern lights
aurora australis
southern lights
earth was formed
4.6 billion years ago
process where gases are released from interior of the earth into the atmosphere
winds are generated by
horizontal variations in air pressure
the lines on a map which map air pressure
relative humidity
the amount of water vapor in the air
dew point temperature
another means of expressing the humidity of the air
the ability to do work
the standard unit of energy = .239 calories
the rate at which energy is release, transferred, or recieved. the unit of power is the watt which is equal to one joule per second
what percent of the energy from the sun is transferred to the earth
one two billionth
all forms of energy fall into the two categories of
kinetic and potential energy
potential energy
energy that hasnt yet been used
energy can be transferred from one place to another by three processes
conduction, convection, and radiation
the movment of heat through a substance without appreciable movement of molecules
the transfer of heat by the mixing of a fluid
the only form of energy transfer that can be propogated without a transfer medium. it can occur through empty space
all matter emits
radiation consists of both
and electric and magnetic wave
the quantity of energy in a wave is associated with
amplitude - all things being equal, the amount of energy carried is directly proportional to wave amplitude
all electromagnetic radiaton, regardless of wavelength travel through space at
the speed of light - 300000 km per second
blackbody radiators
purely hypothetical bodies which do not exist in nature that emit the maimum possible radiation at every wavelength
a doubling of temperature produces
a more than doubling of the amount of radiation emitted - more specifically the intensity of radiation by a blackbody increases according to the fourth power of its absolute temperature
Stefan boltzmann law
I = e@T^4 where I is intensity, T is temperature, and @ is the stefan boltzmann constant ( 5.67 x 10^-8 watts per square meter) and e is emissivity of the gray body
most bodies are treated as
gray bodies - meaning that the emit some percentage of the mas amount of radiation possible
the percentage of energy radiated by a substance relative to that of a blackbody is referred to as its
wiens law
from a radiating body, the wavelenth of peak emission is given by the equation : &max = constant/T where &(lambda)max refers to the energy radiated with the greatest intensity, t is equal to temperature and the constant=2900
hotter bodies radiate more energy at
all wave lengths
as the distance from the sun increases, the intensity of the radiation diminishes in proportion to the
distance squared - referred to as the inverse square law
solar constant
1366-1350 watts/m^2
ecliptic plane
the imaginary surface of a plane that the earth sits on as it orbits around the sun every 365 days
when earth is closest to the sun - jan 4th
when earth is farthest from the sun - july 4
june solstice
summer solstice - occurs on june 21
december solstice
winter solstice - occurs on december 21
march equinox
between two soltices - march 21
september equinox
between two solstices - september 21
the sun never appears directly overhead poleward of
23.5 degress north or the tropic of cancer
solar declination
the latitudinal position of the subsolar point which can be visualized as the latitude at which the noontime sun appears directly over head
the axis of the earth is tilted
23.5 degrees
beam spreading
the increase in the surface area over which radiation is distributed in responce to a decrease of solar angle - the greater the spreading, the less intense the radiation
atmospheric gases, particulates, and droplets all reduce insolation by
the percentage of visible light reflected by an object or substance
specular reflection
when light strikes a mirror it is reflected back as a beam of equal intensity
the vast majority of energy reaching earths surface is
diffuse radiation rather than direct radiation
rayleigh scattering
scattering performed by individual gas molecules in the atmosphere - disperses radiation both backwards and forwards - more effective at scattering short wave radiation - causes skys to be blue
Mie scattering
the scattering of sunlight by microscopic aerosol particles - predominatly forward - doesnt really scatter shortwave
nonselective scattering
scattering by clouds - absence of preference for any particular wavelenth
the amount of solar radiation reaching the earths surface depends on two factors
1) the amount of insolation available at the top of the atmosphere
2) and the reduction in that amount due to absorption and backscattering by the atmosphere
7 percent more energy is available from the sun at
perhilion than aphelion
the earth has a planetary albedo of
30 percent
the atmosphere absorbs thermal radiation better than shortwave better because
of the presence of water vapor and carbon dioxide
the atmospheric window
8-12 microns - it represents a certain range of wavelenths of special importance to the radiation balance because they are able to pass through the atmosphere relatively unimpeded
net longwave radiation
the difference between absobed and emitted longwave radiation
the longwave energy lost from the atmosphere exceeds the amount it absorbs from the surface
net radiation
defined as the difference between absorbed and emitted radation
the atmosphere has a net deficit of radiative energy exactly equal to the
surplus attained by the surface
warming of the ground during the day sets up a temperature gradient within a very thing, adjacent sliver of air called the
laminar boundary layer
energy circulates through out the portions of the atmosphere by means of
free convection
the mixing process related to buoyancy, the tendency for a lighter fluid to float upward when surrounded by a dense fluid
forced convection (mechanical turbulence)
occurs when a fluid breaks into disorganized swirling motions as it undergoes large scale flow
sensible heat
the increase in temp that we can physically sense
specific heat
the amount of energy needed to produce a given temperature change per unit of mass of a substance
substances with high specific heat warm
latent heat
the energy required to change the phase of a substance
the transfer of surplus heat energy from the lower latitudes poleward
without the atmosphere the eaths temp would be
-18 degrees
lines on a map that connect points of equal temperature
landmasses have greater
annual ranges in temperature than do ocean bodies
the availability of incoming radiation/temperature is more variable
as distance from the equator increases
subtropical regions tend to be areas of
minimal cloud cover and insolation passing through the atmosphere exsperiences less attenuation
the effect of an inland location that favors greater temperature extremes
maximum thermometer
contains mercury
minimum thermometer
contains dyed alchol
bimetallic strip
consists of two thin strips of different metals bonded together
resistance thermometers
instruments that send and electrical current through a very thin filament made of conductor or semi conductor
a particular type of resistance thermometer that uses ceramic semiconductor
packages of weather instruments carried by ballons
the highest temp ever recorded was in
libya - 136 degrees
coldest temp ever recorded was in
antarctica - 129 degrees
wind chill temp index
how the temp actually feels
heating degree days
index based on the notion that buildigns generally need artificial heating to bring their temps up to desired levels
cooling degree days
are the warm season days when buildings need to be cooled to a desired level
thermodynamic diagrams
depict the vertical profiles of temp and humidity with height above the surface, provide extremely important information to the forcaster
stuve diagram
starts with a rectangular grid with temp plotted on the horizontal axis and pressure on the verticle axis
the amount of force exerted per unit of surface area
the standard unit of pressure
Daltons law
if the air in a container is a mixture of gases each gas exerts its own specific amount of pressure, referred to as its partial pressure. The total pressure exerted is equal to the sum of the partial pressures
despire the fact that the atmosphere is pulled downward by the force of gravity
air pressure is exerted equally in all directions - up, down, and sideways
the force of air at sea level is about
14.7 pounds per square inch
Ideal gas law
p=qRT - in which p is pressure expressed in pascal, q is the density in kilograms per cubic meter, R is a constant equal to 287 joules per kilogram per kelvin, and T is temperature
mecury barometer
standard instrument for measuring pressure
barometric pressure
expressed as the height of the column of mercury in a barometer which at sea level averages 76 cm
aneroid barometer
without liquid alternative to the mercury barmometer
aneroid devices that plot continous values of pressure
pressure gradient
the rate of change in pressure
pressure gradient force
the force that is created by the pressure gradient - sets air in motion - everything else being equal the greater the pressure gradient force the greater the wind speed
hydrostatic equilibrium
when the gravitational force equals exactly the verticle pressure gradient force in magnitude - no verticle acceleration occurs
the downward gravitational force on a volume of air is proportional to its
coriolis force
the deflection (turning) of wind caused by the turning of the earth - causes the apparent deflection in the flight of cannonballs, migrating birds, and jet aircraft

Deflection is to the right in northern hemispheres and left in southern hemispheres and zero at the equator - increases with the objects speed
planetary boundary layer
the lowest 1.5 km of the atmosphere
free atmosphere
atmosphere above 1.5 km
geostrophic flow
when air flow becomes unaccelerated with unchanging speed and direction - occurs only in the upper atmosphere when the pressure gradient force equals the coriolis force
gradient flow
when there is a continual mismatch between pressure gradient and coriolis forces
supergeostophic flow
when coriolis force exceeds the pressure gradient force
enclosed areas of high pressure marked by roughly circular isobar or height contours
closed low pressure systems
general circulation
the larges scale patterns of weather - the background against which unusual events occur such as drought
single cell model
a simple model of atmospheric circulation proposed by george hadley which claimed that the strong heating of the equator caused a circulation pattern in which air expanded vertically into the upper atmosphere, diverged toward both poles, sank back to the surface, and returned to the equator
zonal winds
winds blowing from east to west or west to east
meridional winds
winds blowing north to south or south to north
george hadleys main contribution
to show that differences in heating give rise to persistent large-scale motions (called thermally direct circulations) and that zonal winds can result from deflection of meridional winds
three cell model
divides the circulation of each hemisphere into three distinct cells: the heat driven hadley cell that circulates air between the tropics and subtropics, a ferrel cell in the middle latitudes and a polar cell. Each cell consists of one belt of rising air with low surface air pressure, a zone of sinking air with high surface pressure, a surface wind zone with air flowing generally from the high pressure belt to the low pressure belt, and an airflow in the upper atmosphere from the belt of rising air to the belt of sinking air
intertropical convergence zone
also known as the equatorial low - a zone of low pressure at the equator - the rainiest latitude in the world
subtropical highs
large bands of high surface pressure between 20-30 degrees latitude
desert conditions are common in the
Ekman spiral
surface currents flow at an angle of 45 degrees to the right of the winds that drive them and continue to shift clockwise as their speed decreases
when strong offshore winds(blowing from land to the ocean) along a coastal region sometimes drag the warmer surface waters seaward, which draws up cooler waters from below to take their place.
synoptic scale
weather features that cover hundreds or thousands of square kilometers
weather features that cover tens of square kilometers
smalles exchange of mass and energy - these weather features are those that may cause a ripple to form on snow or a sandy beach
refers to the climate pattern in which heavy precipitation alternates with hot dry conditions on an annual basis
monsoon depressions
monsoon lows - heavy rainfall
generic synoptic scale winds that flow down mountain slopes, warm by compression, and introduce hot dry and clear conditions in the adjacent lowlands
the natural vegetation of southern california whcih is dry and highly flammable
katabatic winds
warm by compression as they flow down slopes however they do not result from the migration of surface and upper level weather systems. rather they originate when air is locally chilled over a high elevation plateau
el nino
when unusually warm waters in the eastern pacific spawn storms on the western seaboard
what causes el nino
develops when the trade winds weaken or even reverse and flow eastward. the warm water normally found in the western pacific gradually slosh eastward as a slowly moving wave.
walker circulation
a complex interaction with the atmosphere that causes el nino
el nino and southern occilation combined into a singular acronymn because of the connection
la nina
the reverse of el nino
southern ocillation index
the monthly sea level pressure departure from normal at tahiti minus the depature from at darwin, australia
the enso is not the only occilation pattern across the pacific ocean. a much larger and longer lived reversal pattern exists --> PDO = pacific decadal oscilation
air masses
large volumes of air
the area seperating air masses by fairly narrow boundaries. the passage of a front is a significant weather event, because fronts often bring abrupt changes in temperature , humidity, and wind
source regions
areas of the globe where air masses form
continental polar air masses
form over large high latitude land masses, such as northern canada and siberia
continental arctic air
colder than continental polar air
maritime polar air masses
similar to continental polar air masses but are more moderate in both temperature and dryness
continental tropical air
forms during the summer over hot, low latitude areas, such as the southwestern us and northern mexico
maritime tropical air masses develop over
warm tropical waters
cold front
occurs when a wedge of cold air advances toward the warm air ahead of it. A warm front on the other hand represents the boundary of a warm air mass moving toward a cold one.
stationary front
usually similar to a cold front in structure but has not recently undergone substantial movement
occluded fronts occurs
when a wedge of cold air advances toward the warm air ahead of it.
(in a warm front) as with cold fronts, the differing densitites of the two air masses discourage mixing, so the warm air flows upward along the boundary.
are areas where the mT and th cT air masses reside next to each other.
in the northern hemisphere objects are deflected
in the souther hemisphere objects are deflected
air pressure decreases with
one AU in KM is equal to
in our atmosphere CO2 represents ..... parts per million
with the prescence of the atmosphere the avg temp of the earth can be calculated as
15 degrees celcius
without the prescence of the atmosphere the avg temp of the earth can be calculated as
-18 degrees celcius
a cyclone spins
counter clockwise and is associated with a low pressure center near the earths surface
an anticyclone spins
clockwise and is associated with a high pressure center near the earths surface
the number of fish in peru declines with the advent of
El nino
trade winds move south with the advent of
el nino
trade winds move north with the advent of
la nina
clouds reflect the incoming solar energy during the day and ...
trap the same energy during nightime
the ITCZ
shifts with the season
highest incoming solar radiation
rising air
rainfall band
force of friction acts in the
opposite direction of the direction an air mass is moving
at a higher level in the atmopshere the
friction is minimal and the winds are only affected by the PGF and the CF
at equilibrium the maginitude of the PGF and CF are equal, but the directions are opposite. thus the winds flow
parallel to isobars
from higher to lower pressure

proportional to pressure difference between two locations and inversely proportional to the distance separating these points
depends on wind speed and latitude. increases with wind speed and latitude
depends on the surface characteristics that obstruct airflow
absorption band for CO2
absorption band for CH4
atmospheric window
corresponds to the IR band to which the atmosphere is transparent
atmospheric saturation
as you increase the concentration of a greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, the intensity of the outgoing radiation will first get lower. At some threshold concentration a further increase in the amount of this greenhouse gas in the atmosphere will not result in a decrease in the outogoing solar radiation. This is called band saturation
incoming solar energy
1350 watts/m^2
The three major types of fossil fuel are
coal, oil, and natural gas
Over the last 50 years, global per capita emissions have
risen from about 0.6 metric tons of carbon to 1.15
Photosynthesis is enhanced by CO2 fertilization producing
greater plant biomass
ionosphere is located in the
upper mesosphere and thermosphere, and contains electrically charged particles called ions. The ionosphere is important to AM radio broadcasts
The homosphere is composed of permanent gases and variable gases.
Permanent gases form a constant proportion of the atmospheric mass. The atmospheric mass of the variable gases changes in time and space.
variable gases include
carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, ozone, and aerosols
Measure of the average kinetic energy of an air molecule
In the atmosphere, air is the weight of the
air above a horizontal plane, divided by the area of the plane
Force per unit area exerted on any surface by bombarding molecules
boyles law
At a constant temperature, the volume (V) enclosed by a gas is inversely proportional to the pressure (P) exerted on the gas.
Adiabatic process.
Process in which heat is neither added nor extracted.
sensible heat:
energy in the atmosphere which we sense as temperature.
latent heat:
energy present in water vapor. Released to the atmosphere upon condensation.
Gases and particles in the atmosphere absorb shortwave radiation from the Sun and longwave radiation emitted by by the Earth.
Small particles act as obstacles to the paths of radiant radiation. The atmosphere preferentially scatters visible light at the shortest wavelengths, which happens to be blue.
Solar radiation is reflected back to space. The reflective nature of a surface is described by its albedo. A surface that is highly reflective (e.g., snow) has a high albedo (e.g., 0.85 or 85%
Describes the radiation that is not absorbed, scattered, or reflected, but makes it to the Earth's surface unobstructed.
Solar attenuation
Solar radiation is attenuated as it moves through the atmosphere, causing less radiation receipt at the Earth's surface.

What is responsible for solar attenuation?

gaseous absorption
molecular scattering
Factors affecting surface temperature
Ocean Currents
Differential heating of land and water
Cloud cover
Local effects
Newton's 1st Law:
A body at rest remains at rest and a body in motion continues to move at constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force.
Newton's 2nd Law:
A force acting on a body causes an acceleration which is in the direction of the force and has a magnitude directly proportional to the mass of the body:
Newton's law of universal gravitation:
Every particle attracts every other particle with a force directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them
PGF is directed perpendicular to isobars and from high pressure to low pressure

PGF is proportional to the pressure gradient, so denser isobars indicate greater PGF
Hydrostatic equilibrium:
expresses the balance between the Gravitational Force and the vertical Pressure Gradient Force.
The primary reason that the Earth does not have a single-cell circulation is due to the Earth's angular momentum.
On the Earth, angular momentum is conserved
Hadley cell:
a thermal cell characterized by upward expansion near the equator and divergence toward the poles aloft. The upward expansion creates a low pressure region referred to as the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The return flow is characterized by subsidence at ~30 degrees latitude and convergence toward the equator at the surface.
Ferrel cell:
a thermally indirect cell which circulates air between the subtropical high and the subpolar low.
Polar cell:
a thermal cell which results in the polar easterlies.
Jet streams
Jet streams are caused by strong pressure gradients formed at fronts.
Troughs, ridges, and Rossby waves
Thereare often zonal pressure differences, particularly in the mid-latitudes. Remember that we can also think of these pressure differences as height differences at a particular pressure level. If we think in these terms, it is reasonable to describe height differences as troughs (or valleys) and ridges.
pressure is lower in a trough than to the west and east
pressure is higher in a ridge than to the west and east
Rossby waves
The troughs and ridges discussed above are not stationary (well, not usually) but move across the globe in a zonal direction. If you consider an entire hemisphere, the ridges and troughs give rise to a wavelike flow, which is referred to as a Rossby wave. Usually, there are from 3 to 7 Rossby waves encircling the globe.
Normal conditions in the tropical Pacific Ocean
Atmospheric conditions:

Walker circulation over western tropical Pacific

strong Trade Winds

convective precipitation and cumulus clouds in western tropical Pacific
is a complex ocean-atmosphere interaction that takes place on a 2-5 year interval in the tropical Pacific Ocean. ENSO causes climate changes around the world, which often have a large impact on the local people.
El Nino and La Nina describe the ocean response to the ENSO phenomenon.
The Southern Oscillation describes that atmospheric response during El Nino conditions. In general, scientists consider the atmospheric and oceanic responses to be coupled, so we usually refer the these changes as ENSO.
normal Ocean conditions:
trade winds transport water from eastern to western side of tropical Pacific Ocean

divergence along S. America coast causes upwelling (source of nutrient-rich waters)

western tropical Pacific is several degrees warmer than eastern tropical Pacific

the thermocline slants from the eastern tropical Pacific to the western tropical Pacific

sea-surface height is about 1/2m greater in western tropical Pacific than in eastern tropical Pacific
El Nino atmosphere conditions:
Walker circulation is displaced

Trade winds weaken

convective precipitation and cumulus clouds move to central Pacific Ocean
El Nino ocean conditions:
trade winds decrease causing western Pacific waters to slosh eastward

warmer than normal surface waters in the eastern Pacific Ocean

cessation or weakening of upwelling along S. America coast

thermocline gradient is reduced

sea-surface height gradient is reduced
The Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) can also be monitored and recorded, indicating when El Nino events are taking place. During an El Nino event the surface air pressure is typically higher in the western tropical Pacific, than in the eastern tropical Pacific. The (SOI) measures the monthly/seasonal fluctuations in surface air pressure differences at Tahiti and Darwin (Equation = Tahiti – Darwin), and thus the SOI usually has a negative value during an El Nino event
The Asian monsoon is the most well developed monsoon. It is characterized by:
During winter

Due to seasonal cooling, surface high pressure develops over central Asia

Winds from the continent flow southwestward toward the Indian Ocean

These dry winds descend over the southern Himalayas and warm adiabatically.

The winter winds bring dry conditions over some parts of India and southeast Asia.

During summer

Due to seasonal heating, low pressure develops over continental Asia

Winds flow northwestward from the Indian Ocean towards the Himalayas

Air rises orographically and by convection

The air cools adiabatically, producing heavy precipitation

Figure 2. July sea-level pressure and wind vectors over Asia (made
Santa Ana Winds
Santa Ana winds significantly impact the climate of L.A. Santa Ana winds are associated with clear days in L.A., but also with very dry conditions which give rise to fires.

Santa Ana wind development:

high pressure develops over Rocky Mountains

air flows away from high pressure toward Southern California

air adiabatically warms as it descends Rockies

result is dry, warm air over Southern California
cyclone characteristics:
in the N.H., cyclones (counterclockwise flow) are associated with low pressure systems

low-level convergence

upper-level divergence

rising motion

clouds and precipitation
anticyclone characteristics:
in the N.H., anticyclones (clockwise flow) are associated with high pressure systems

low-level divergence

upper-level convergence

subsiding motion

clear skies and fair weather
The middle latitudes are not generally places where air masses form because this is where
cold polar and warmer subtropical/tropical air tend to collide.
Occluded fronts
separate two polar air masses, with a colder air mass usually advancing on a slightly warmer air mass.
Occlusion refers to closure. An occluded front describes the situation where a cold front cuts off a warm front from the surface.