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27 Cards in this Set

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Purposely taking of one's own life - ultimate form of self destruction
T or F
Not inherently a pschicatriatric problem, though who commit suicide hava psychiatric illness
T or F
Suicidal attempts are more common in women, whereas successful suicidal is more common in men
More commone than suicidal attemps for persons in all age groups
Suicidal ideations
Which suicidal method is used by the majority of person, esp. young folks?
What was the major discovery by one a Swedish study on persons who completed suicide?
- 90% had previously received some kind of psychiatric diagnosis
- depression is commonly associated with both completed suicides and attempts.
What was the Lundby study?
- study found in a small, well studied Swedish community, the diagnosis of unipolar or BMDD increased suicide risk by 78 times compared to person in the population with no psyc. diagnosis.
Along with being Bipolar, which other illness suggested to be present who completed suicide?
manic-depressive illness
When do suicide occur among schizophrenic clients? And is it true they will tell everyone before it happens?
During Hospitalization
False - rarely tell others of his intent
In a study includng newly admitted psych. clients hospitalized for unsuccessful suicide attempts, what was an important finding
used alcohol and marijuana more frequently in the preceding 24hrs
Which phenonomenon is a repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated?
conduct disorder
Is conduct disoder a DSM disorder?
Yes - most common psychological findings among adolescent suicide victims.
Combination of these are described as "The Deadly triangle" and is particularly lethal among older individuals. What are called...
alcoholism, depression, suicide
what is the most common suicidal attempt the young esp. women?
Drug ingestiona and the home is the most common suicidal site
what are the most leading cause of death in adolescents and young adults?
homicide, accident and suicide
In what month and season are you likely to hear about suicide among the elderly?
May, Summer
In which western states suicide is common in the elderly?
Arizona, Wyoming, Montana, and Alaska, than in the south
Evaluate suicide potential on an ongoing basis until 14-21 days after med.
Clients are most at risk when energy level rises as the clients begins to respond to antidepressant med, yet the mood has not altered
what is the most obvious measure of success of interventions for suicidal clients?
prevention of suicidal attempts or completions
This type of intervention focuses on persons who display reconizable risk factors or who have already survived suicidal attempts.
Secondary Prevention
T or F
Secondary prevention must target all patients with known risk factors, particulary MDD.
This type of prevention describes preventive activities applied to the whole population, regardless of any demonstrable risk factors.
Primary Prevention
what is the immediate outcome for clients at risk for suicide?
preventing harm and ensuring client safety - establishing a safe or reduced -risk environment
Sociological theory
- Emilie Durkheim
only social factors could explain suicide
- suicide often happens b/c society fails to either control person impulses or allsow persons a sense of social connectedness and hope
Psychological theory
Schneidman model suggest 3 factorrs affect suidal ideation
- pain - psychological
- perturbation - emotional distress
- press - describing various stresses or pressures on a person (come from within, from others, or society

- is a major factor in suicide
- typically based on the belief that the person is helpless to affect the outcome of his or her life events
- tend to psychologically take responsibility for their perceived failures - "depression paradox theory" - they feel suicide is their only way out
Biological Explanations
Since suicide is closely related to depression
- linked to to neurotransmitters imbalances
- serotonin metabolites- (5- HIAA) circulates in blood and cerebrospinal fluid
- Suicide attempters and completers, who use violent means of self destructions have very low 5 HIAA in the CS

- genetics studies have shown clients iwth more thatn one suicide attemp have a higher than expected frequency of the "SS" form of a serotonin transporter gene that is active within the brain
Nursing theory
- Work of Peplau
1st. nurse and client meet as strangers
2nd. provides time, supporty a and interactions aimed at assisting client to identify problems
3rd. Clarify each other's perceptions and expectations
4th. Make clear to client that she will protects him from selft harm
5th. Assist client to take advantage of all resources
- take time with suicidal clients and engage them in interactions