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72 Cards in this Set

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Give another name for the diencephalon.
In between brain
What is the key to understanding the CNS?
What are the three ventral tier nuclei?
VA, VL and VP (Ventral anterior, ventral lateral and vetnral posterior)
What are the two nuclei that make up the dorsal tier?
LD and LP (lateral dorsal and lateral posterior)
What divides the thalamus into large nuclear groups?
Internal medullary lamina
What forms a shell around the whole thalamus?
External medullary lamina
List five functions of the thalamic nuclei?
1. Receive all ascending sensory information except olfaction. 2. Receive systems concerned with motor activities. 3. Receive cerebellar output. 4. Receive the ARAS. 5. Involved with the circuitry of limbic system.
What one piece of sensory information does not go directly through the thalamus?
True/False; Regions which receive input from the thalamus are reciprocally innervated.
What are the mammillary body afferent connections for the thalamic nuclei?
What are the afferent connections for the anterior nuclear group of the thalamic group?
Hippocampal formation
What are the two efferent connections of the anterior nuclear group?
Cingulate gyrus, and limbic lobe
Where does the ventral anterior (VA) thalamic nuclei's efferent connections?
Supplementary motor cortex (medial premotor)
What are the two afferent connections of the ventral anterior thalamic nuclei?
Basal ganglia, and thalamic nuclei (intralaminar nuclei)
What are the two components of the basal ganglia which project to the ventral anterior thalamic nuclei?
Medial Pallidal segment and the Substantia Nigra/pars reticulata
What are the two efferent connections of the ventral anterior thatalmic nuclei?
Diffuse connections to frontal lobe, and motor cortex
What does MTT stand for?
Mammalothalamic tract
What are the four afferent connections for the dorsal medial thalamic nuclei?
Amygdala & olfactory cortex, substantia nigra, pars reticulata
What are the efferent connections through the dorsal medial thalamic nuclei that originated from the amygdala & olfactory cortex?
Prefrontal cortex (rostral to primary and premotor cortex)
What are the efferent connections through the dorsal medial thalamic nuclei that originated from the substantia nigra and pars reticulata?
Frontal eey fields on middle frontal gyrus
What are the two afferent connections of the ventral lateral thalamus?
Basal ganglia, and cerebellum
What are the two components of the ventral lateral thalamic nucleus?
Ventral lateral anterior and ventral lateral posterior
What are the two places that the efferent connections for the ventral lateral posterior thalamus project to?
Lateral premotor cortex, primary motor cortex
What are the three functions of the dorsal medial thalamic nuclei?
Olfaction, Emotion/memory/pain/stress, motor function
What is the efferent connection through the ventral lateral anterior with an afferent connection of basal ganglia (output nuclei, MPS & SNr, esp MPS)?
Supplementary motor cortex (medial premotor)
What is the cause of Korsakoff's syndrome?
Vitamin B1 thiamin deficiency (often asssociated with alcohol abuse)
What are three characteristics of korsakoff's syndrome?
Difficutly in acquiring new info, lack of insight into the condition, inventing events to fill the gaps in memory-known as 'confabulation'
What is the rostral boundary of the diencephalon?
Plane through the interventricular foramen and optic chiasm
What is the caudal boundary of the diencephalon?
Plan through the posterior commissure and caudal border of mmamillary bodies
What is the medial boundary of the diencephalon?
Third ventricle
What is the lateral boundary of the diencephalon?
internal capsule
What are the four subdivisions of the diencephalon?
Epithalamus, hypothalamus, thalamus (dorsal thalamus), subthalamus (Ventral Thalamus)
What subdivision of the diencephalon is located below the splenium of the corpus callosum along the dorsal wall of 3rd ventricle; includes stria medullaris thalami, habenular nuclei, pinela body, posterior commissure?
What subdivision of the diencephalon is located below the hypothalamic sulcus; extending from the lamina terminalis to caudal border of mmaillary bodies?
What subdivision of the diencephalon is an egg-shaped mass comprising most of the lateral wall of 3rd ventcricle above the hypothalamic sulcus?
Thalamus (Dorsal Thalamus)
What subdivision of the diencephalon is lateral and posterior to the hypothalamus, ventral to the thalamus and merges caudally with midbrain; includes the subthalamic nucleus and zona incerta?
Subthalamus (ventral Thalamus)
What receives all sensory systems that ascend to the cerebral cortex except olfaction?
Thalamus (Dorsal Thalamus)
Besides all sensory systems list four other afferent pathways of the thalamus (dorsal)?
Motor activity system, cerebellar output, ARAS, circuitry of limbic system
List the five anatomical subdivisions of the thalamus.
Anterior nuclear, medial nuclear, lateral nuclear, Intralaminar nuclear, posterior nuclear
What are the two nuclei located in the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group?
Lateral dorsal (LD) and Lateral posterior (LP)
What are the three nuclei located in the ventral tier of the lateral nuclear group?
Ventral anterior, ventral lateral, ventral posterior
What two divisions are apart of the ventral posterior nucleus (VP)?
VPL (ventral posterior lateral) and VPM (Ventral posterior medial)
What are the two nuclei of the intralaminar nuclear group?
Rostral intralaminar nuclei, and caudal intralminar nuclei
The parafasciucular nucleus (PF) and the centromedian nucleus (CM?
Part of the caudal intralaminar nuclei
True/False; All thalamic nuclei receive input from at least one extrathalamic source?
True/False; All thalamic nuclei project to the cerebral cortex?
Reticular nuclei does not project to the cerebral cortex.
True/False; All input destined for the cerebral cortex is relayed from the thalamus.
False, olfactory system is not relayed from the thalamus to the cortex, it terminates in the thalamus.
What are the three functional categories of thalamic nuclei?
Relay, diffuse connection and subcortical nuclei
What functional category of thalamic nuclei? Receives information from ascending systems and proejcts to specific cortical areas. Receives descending projection from the same cortical areas.
Relay nuclei
What functional category of thalamic nuclei? Receive information from various ascending systems and have widespread recprocal connectios with multiple cortical areas?
Diffuse connection thalamic nuclei
What functional category of thalamic nuclei? Consist of a single nuclear group, it does not send axons to the cerebral cortex, but it interconnected with other thalamic nuclei
Subcortical nuclei
List two examples of relay nuclei.
LP and LD
List two examples of diffuse connection nuclei.
Intralaminar nuclei, VA
What are the two afferent connections for the anterior nuclear group?
Mammillary body (via MTT) and hippocampal formation (fornix)
What are the efferent connection for the anterior nuclear group?
Cingulate gyrus of limbic lobe
What are the afferent connections for the Ventral anterior which projects to supplementary motor area (medial premotor cortex)?
Medial Pallidal segment, substantia nigra, pars reticulata
What is the afferent connection for the ventral anterior which projects to diffuse projection to frontal lobe?
Intralaminar nuclei
With a coronal section trhoguht eh mammillary group what two nuclei should be seen?
Dorsal medial nucleus, ventral lateral nucleus (and remnants of the anterior nuclear group)
What are the efferent connections for the amygdala & olfactory cortex (afferent connections) of the DM?
Prefrontal cortex (rostral to primary and premotor cortex)
What are the efferent connections for the substantia nigra, pars reticulata through the dorsal medial thalamic nuclei?
Frontal eey fields on middle frontal gyrus
What are the three afferent connections of the dorsal medial thalamic nuclei?
Amygdala & olfactory cortex, substantia nigra pars reticulata
What is the afferent connection for the Ventral lateral anterior which projects to the supplementary motor area?
Basal Ganglia (output nuclei)
What is the afferent connection for the ventral latera posterior which projects to the both the latera premotor cortex and primary motor cortex?
Cerebellum (contralateral deep cerebellar nuclei)
What are the two efferent connections for the Ventral lateral posterior thalamic nuclear group?
Lateral premotor cortex, primary motor cortex
What are the four (five) thalamic nuclei characterized by specific relay?
Anterior, VA, DM, VLa, VLp
What has the function of emotions autonomic relationship to behavior?
Limbic system
The limbic system is associated with what dorsal thalmus nuclear group?
What category of the ventral anterior (specific relay or diffuse) is associated with motor functions related basal ganglia?
Specific relay
What category of the ventral anterior (specific relay or diffuse) is associed with part of ARAS - arousal?
What dorsal nucleus is associated with olfactory processing related olfactory input, Emotion, memory, pain, stress related to amygdala input, motor functions related to basal ganglia.
Dorsal Medial
What nucleus is responsible for motor functions related to basal ganglia?
Ventral lateral anterior
What nucleus is responsible for motor functions related to cerebellum?
Ventral lateral posterior