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81 Cards in this Set

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What are the three parts of the ear?
What is the part of the external ear which is an irregular plate of elastic cartilage covered by skin?
What is a tunnel extending from the auricle to the tympanic membrane (eardrum)?
External auditory meatus
What do the ceruminous glands of the external auditory meatus secrete?
What are the three layers fo the tympanic membrane?
Connective tissue
Describe the two layers of clollagen fibers found in the connective tissue layer of the tympanic membrane.
The outer layer of collagen is radially arranged and the inner one is circularly arranged.
What are the three parts of the bony labyrinth?
Semicircular canals
How many ampullae are there?
Five (not six)
T/F: All parts of the membranous labyrinth are continuous with each other.
What are the three orientations of the semcircular ducts?
What are the ridges of specialized tissue which senses changes in the speed of angular movement of the head?
Crista ampullaris
What structure senses gravity and linear movement via a patch of epithelium known as a macula.
What contains the organ of corti that functions as the sound receptor?
Cochlear Duct
What is a duct that extends from the connection of the utricle to the saccule to a dilation within the intracranial cavity?
Endolymphatic duct
What is the function of the epithelium of the endolymphatic sac?
Resorption of endolymph
What type of epithilium lines the semicircular ducts?
Simple squamous epithleium
Where are the crista ampullaris located?
At the epithelium ridge located at the floor of each ampulla
What type of cells secrete the cupula (part of the crista ampullaris)?
Support cells
Which type of hair cell? Flask shaped and each one is enclosed in a chalice-like nerve terminal
Type I hair cell
Which type of hair cell: columnar and are innervated by many small synaptic endings?
Type II hair cells
What is the single cilium called on hair cells?
kinocillium (shows a 9+2 arrangement)
Bending hairs toward the cilium results in what action?
Depolarization of the cell membrane
What results in hyperpolarization of the hair cells' membranes?
When the hair (microvilli) is bent away from the cilium
The type I and type II hair cells have a cupula the crista ampullaris has a __________.
otolithic membrane (or maculae)
What is the difference between cupulae and maculae?
Otoconia or calcium carbone crystals
Which has greater density: Otoconia or endolymph?
The macula of the utricle is oriented ________ to the one in the saccule.
Which vestibular structure senses vertical acceleration?
The saccule
Which structure senses horizontal acceleration?
What structure lies within the bony cochlea?
The cochlear duct
What is the bony core of the cochlea called?
What is housed within the modiolus?
The spiral ganglion of the cochlear nerve
What name is given to the spiraling ridge that projects outward like the thread of a screw?
Spiral lamina
The Scala vestibule is fill with what type of fluid?
What windon distorts the fluid and what window relieves the fluid pressure from the distortion?
Oval window distorts the fluid and the round window relieves the pressure.
What are the three relative subdivisions of the cochlea?
scala vestibuli
Cochlear duct
Scala tympani
What is the opening which is the communication point between the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani?
What membrane separates the scala vestibuli from the cochlear duct?
The vestibular membrane
What membrane separates the scala tympani from the cochlear duct?
The basilar membrane
What structure underlies the Organ of Corti?
The basilar membrane
Which region of the basilar membrane is most senstive to high pitched notes?
The region closeses to the base of the oval window
What is the name for the lining epithelium of the outer (away from the modiolus) cochelar duct called?
Stria vascularis
What is the function of the only vascularized epithelium in the body?
Secretion of endolymph
What is the receptor for sound?
Organ of Corti
Which type of hair cells in the organ of Corti are arranged in a single row close to the osseous spiral lamina?
Inner hair cells
Which hair cells in the Organ of Corti are arranged in three to five rows and are located more laterally?
Outer hair cells
Which type of hair cells of the Organ of Corti:
Have microvilli similar to Type I hair cells in the vestibule
Are short and goblet shaped, with a constricted upper region.
Hairs (microvilli) are similar to those vestibular hair cells, but there is no associated cilium.
Synapses are present on the bases and sides of the cells
Received 90-95% of the afferent fibers in the cochlear nerve
Their hairs are NOT embedded in the tectorial membrane?
Inner hair cells
Which hair cells in the organ of corti have microvili which are arranged in a distinctive W pattern when viewed from above the cell or in cross section?
Receive only 5-10% of the afferent fibers of the cochlear nerve and are innervated at the base?
Outer hair cells
What is the ratio of phalangeal cells to hair cells?
What are modified phalangeal cells that border the tunnel of corti?
Pillar cells
What overlies the hair cells in the organ of corti and has a gelatinous sheet. Its function is to cause displacements of the hair cells in response to displacement sof the basilar membrane by sound vibrations.
Tectorial membrane
What type of channesl open when the "hair" bundle is deflected toward the tallest stereocilia?
Potassium channels resulting in depolarization.
What cells secrete the tectorial membrane?
Spiral limbus
What is the name for the connective tissue on the upper surface of the osseous spiral lamina that bulges into the cochlear duct?
Spiral limbus
Where does the entire epithelial lining of the membranous labyrinth derive from?
(otic placode) An ectodermal thickening near the developing brain
Where does the entire epithelial lining of the membranous labyrinth derive from?
(otic placode) An ectodermal thickening near the developing brain
What four nerves supply the GSA for the auricle?
What is the depression caused by the handle of the malleus called on the lateral side of the sympanic membrane?
What part of the tympanic membrance overlies the chorda tympani?
Pars flaccida
What is part of the malleus attaches to the tympanic membrane?
Handle of the Malleus
What is the name for the space superior to the tympanic membrane?
Epitympanic space
What are the three structures and one space of the lateral wall of the tympanic cavity?
Tympanic membrane, Malleus handle, chorda tympani and epitympanic recess.
What are the three structures on the anterior wall of the middle ear cavity?
Canal for the tensor tympani, auditory canal and between them is the processus cochleariformis
What serves as a pulley for the tnedon of the tensor tympani's insertion on the malleus?
Processus chochleariformis
What are the three elevations of the lateral wall of the internal ear?
Promontory, Facial canal prominence, lateral semicircular canal (inferior to superior)
What are the nerves associated with the tympanic plexus?
What structure is superior to the oval window on the medial aspect of the middle ear cavity?
Facial nerve canal
Give another name for the fenestra vestibuli.
Oval window
Give another name for the round window.
fenestra cochlea
What is the largest cavity of the mastoid bone and describe its location?
Mastoid antrum
What are the three structures associated with the posterior wall?
Mastoid antrum opening, pyramid, chorda tympani nerve
What is the hollow projection gelow the mastoid antrum and is the origin for the stapedius?
The pyramid is above or below the mastoid antrum?
What are the two parts of the incus?
Body and the long process
What part of the incus interacts with the malleus?
What part of the incus interacts with the stapes?
Long process
What are the three parts of the stapes?
Head, neck, base or footplate
What are the membraneous labyrinth parts of the vestibule (bony labyrinth)?
Saccule and utricle
What are th emembrane parts of the cochlea?
Cochlear duct
What is the first turn of the promontory?
First turn of the cochlea from its base.
What nerve arises from the tympanic plexus?
Lesser petrosal