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61 Cards in this Set

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Treatment recommendations include
surgical management, prosthetic management, speech therapy
Additional assessments from other professionals include
audiologist, geneticist, neurologist, dentist, orthodontist
other diagnostic procedures include
sleep study X ray, videofluoroscopy swallow study
obligatory errors
what have to do because of a physical reason
velopharyngeal incompetence
physiological abnormality
velopharyngeal insufficiency
structural abnormality - suggest options such as speech bulb
fistula requires
Reports should include
appropriate language - explain resonance, cause of resonance
Direct measures for
you see a direct view inside
videofluoroscopy, nasendoscopy
nasometer pressure flow equipment
nasometry includes
a plate that includes a nose and mouth microphone and a computer gives a ratio/ a visual representation of resonance / 2 microphones seperated by a plate
noninvasive method for obtaining objective data regarding resonance
provides a visual representation in real time
gives descriptive data of the relative amount of nasal resonance in speech
nasalance score
nasal/oral ratio ratio of nasal over total (nasal plus oral) acoustic energy
nasalance score is then compared to
normative data
high scores suggest hypernasality above 30 on nasalance
measure on high intra oral consonants - p b
Nasalance scores should be between
15 and 20
Nasal sentences should be highly nasal
Low scores suggest hyponasality
high scores and low scores on nasalance indicate
mixed resonance
Perceptual passages include
zoo passage, rainbow passage, nasal sentences
zoo passage is unique because
it does not contain nasals
nasometry is useful when doing
evaluation and treatment, measure changes in resonance following surgury, show effects of therapy and prosthetic management
radiography includes
lateral cephalometric images MRI videofluoroscopy
lateral cephalometric images
Xray of midsagittal plane
advantages of lateral cephalometric images
shows hard palate, velum, PPW allows examiner to evaluate the status of the cervical spine, cranial base angle and the facial skeleton
during the lateral cephalometric having them say....
/s/ as it allows the velum to be closed for a period of time
dis of lateral ceph
/s/ is not a true measure of the velum movermnt lateral pharyngeal walls can not be observed velum movement is not observed
uses a magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed images of inside the human body / provides a very clear view of internal body structurs with a good detail
enclosed structure, cost
enters through the nose going down to view the velum
closure pattern can be determined, PPW can be examined, degree of velar, lateral and PPW, can be moved further down the pharynx for a view of the larynx and vocal folds
gaps, bubbles indicate
air is leaking through
disadv of nasometry
it's indirect, it's not in a school setting, you don't know what is causing the velum insufficiency
to intervene with a preschool child Rule 1 is
teach identity location and actions of oral structures (speech helpers)
Remember doing this helps ...
close their nose to prevent air from leaving the nose helping them use correct articulation placement
To show speech helpers use a
Practical uses of teaching
use mirror, use popsicle stick, puff out cheeks, let out small burst of air, wide open mouth to see velum, swallow with mouth open, say ah and watch velum go up and down
teach place...doing this consider
start with the most visible, use mirror, multimodal combine visual, tactile, auditory cues, fricatives first because of prolonged tactile cue, RF approximations, contrast different places
Intervention for preschoolers include
teaching place, teach orthographic symbol, teach difference between nasal and oral airflow
difference between oral and nasal airflow is taught by
gentle blowing - see scape
auditory discrimination
phonetic approach
perceptual training usually auditory but also visual which emphasizes target sound identification and discrimination from error sounds
Remember to teach the child how to make the sound not
how to use it
phonetic approach includes
the ability to self monitor and self correct, error sounds treated one at a time, practice and stabilize in a hierarchical fashion
Hierarchial order in the phonetic approach is
syllable to word, pre, post intervocalic
Make sure the child ...
hears the error, teach the right place/airflow, hear and feel the difference, practice alot
The presence of clefting does NOT indicate
a lack of tongue/velar strength or function
Do not use
in oral motor exercises increasing muscle strength
VPI is because the velum is
the palate is too short not weak
SLPS can use low resistance blowing to demonstrate forward
air flow and orally directed A/F
Materials for oral airflow include
blowing bubbles, whistle, cotton balls, straw and glass of water, pinwheels, nose clips
nasal emission is caused by
VPI fistula articulation disorder
cause is important to determine
because it can influence treatment recommendations
Recommendations of treatment based on cause: velopharyngeal insufficiency
surgery, prosthesis speech bulb, speech therapy for articulation and compensatory problems
nasometry is for
evaluation measure changes in resonance
shows the effect of therapy and prosthetic management
disadvantage of lateral cephalmetric Xray
it is not 3 dimensional lateral walls can not been seen image must be taken with a single production of speech such as /s/ not a true measure of speech
measurement of velopharygeal structures can not be evaluated with this procedure
disadvantage of MRI
it is costly closure of the MRI test may scare the child cooperation is needed
Because of disadvantages of MRI it is
not standard procedure to use
advantages of videofluoroscopy
examiner can confirm size of the opening cause of velum problems can be evaluated short velum or poor movement
videofluoroscopy you can see
velar movement during speech
surgical and prosthetics options can be considered because of the test
can be used to determine the effects of surgury
flexible fiberoptic nasopharyngoscopy adv
velar closure pattern can be determined
degree of velar, lateral, and PPW movement can be observed
Can be moved further down the pharynx to the VFs
teach ...
teach place, orthographic letters, teach difference between oral and nasal airflow
phonetic motor approach
ability to self monitor, self correct, errors treated at one time practiced and stabilized in a hierachrial order