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29 Cards in this Set

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Pressure ulcer class system stage I
defined area of non-blancheable erythema, intact skin, change in skin temperature (thermography), tissue consistency,
Pressure ulcer class system stage II
partial thickness wound involving epidermis and dermis, a superficial abrasion or a shallow crater
Pressure ulcer class system stage III
full thickness ulcer with necrosis of subcutaneous tissue extending to fascia
Pressure ulcer class sytem stage IV
Full thickness wound extending to muscle, bone, tendon, or joint capsule
Wagner ulcer class system is for what wounds?
Diabetic ulcers
How many stages in the Wagner class system?
Level 0 Wagner class
Intact skin
Level 1
superficial ulceration
Level 2
Deep ulcer to tendon joint and bone
Level 3
Deep abscess with osteomyelitis
Level 4
Gangrene of toes or forefoot
Level 5
Gangrene of foot extending from forefoot to midfoot
Level 6
Entire foot gangrenous
The Wagner system bases its levels on what main criteria?
UT Wound Classification 1A
Non-infected, non-ischemic Superficial ulceration
Highest amputation levels occur in what UT stages?
Grade 2 o 3 stage D
UT wound classification IB
Infected nonischemic superficial ulceration
UT wound classification IC
Ischemic noninfected superficial ulceration
UT wound classification ID
Ischemic infected sperficial ulceration
UT wound class IIA
Noninfected nonischemic ulcer that penetrates to capsule or bone
UT wound class IIB
Infected nonischemic ulcer that penetrates to capsule or bone
UT wound class IIC
Noninfected ischemic ulcer that penetrates to capsule or bone
UT wound class IID
Infected ischemic ulcer that penetrates to capsule or bone
UT wound class IIIA
Noninfected nonischemic ulcer that penetrates to bone or deep abscess
UT wound class IIIB
infected nonischemic ulcer that penetrates to bone or deep abscess
UT wound class IIID
Infected ischemic ulcer that penetrates to bone or deep abscess
Ulcer to capsule of MPTJ, no SOI, no signs of OM on X-ray, Absent pulses. What UT class? What Wagner class?

Wagner IV
Ulcer penetrates to Capsule of MTPJ, extends to flexor tendon, purulent discharge noted. No palpable popliteal or foot pulses- What Stage?

Wagner III
Interdigital ulcer penetrates to capsule of IPJ, purulent discharge noted, poor perfusion, no ABI, no arterial pulses palpable - what class?

Wagner III