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57 Cards in this Set

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Aristotle classified living things as either_______or ________.
Plants or animals
Carolus Linnaeus devised a system of grouping organisms into
a. evolutionary patterns
b. characteristics
c. development
d. hierarchical categories
An organisms morphology is its ________ and _______.
Form and structure
The system of 2 part names is called:
Binomial nomenclature
Which isn’t used to place an organism into a taxonomic category
a. morphology
b. nucleotide sequence
c. amino acid sequence
d. genetic make-up
Classification of organisms should reflect their ___________
The greater the number of homologous morphological features two organisms share the more closely related they are thought to be.
The blastopore becomes the _______of the digestive system in chordates and echinoderms
Posterior end
Relatedness of organisms is analyzed by patterns of chromosomes by comparing the _________
The number of amino acid differences indicate how long ago 2 species diverged from a shared evolutionary ancestor
Cladistics used shared derived characters to establish
a. evolutionary relationships
b. group consideration
c. patterns of chromosomes
d. embryological development
Members of kingdom Archaebacteria have:
a. unicellular prokaryotes
b. distinctive cell membranes
c. differing biochemical and genetic properties
d. all of the above
Both archaebacteria and eubacteria reproduce by _________
Binary Fission
The kingdom made up of heterotrophic unicellular and multicellular eukaryotic organisms is the __________
Kingdom Fungi
Most multicellular plants in the kingdom plantae are autotrophic and use photosynthesis as a source of energy.
Which word is the species identifier for the species panthera leo?
Which word is the species name for the species coprinus comatus?
Species are always named for scientific reasons.
False: Species can be named for personal reasons, like Linnea Borealis, which was Linnaeus' favorite flower
What type of feature is beneficial for scientists when trying to make comparisons between species?
a. analogous
b. homologous
c. vestigal
d. physical
Can there be more specific levels of classification than “species?” If so what give one example.
Yes-Subspecies and varieties
Scientists use the subset “varieties” to further divide animal species.
False-Varieties are for plants
Scientists have determined that humans are closely related with what other animal?
Give an example of a derived characteristic.
A derived characteristic is on that only evolved with the group that's under consideration.
example: feathers is
a derived characteristic
of birds
Who had a more sophisticated system of classification, Aristotle or Linnaeus?
Which is more specific, a subspecies or a variety?
They are the same-Just two different names for animals and plant
The three domain system highlights
a. taxonomy
b. shared derived characteristics
c. species of the same genus
d. the importance of archaebacteria as a life form
Domain Bacteria is known in the 6 kingdom system as kingdom Archaebacteria
False-In the Eubacteria kingdom
Domain Archaea is known in the 6 kingdom system as the kingdom Eubacteria
Flase-In the Archaebacteria kingdom
Domain Eukarya consists of the protests, the fungi, and the plants/animals
Who first classified organisms?
Why are common names poor ways to identify species?
The common name will vary from place to place.
What is the broadest level of classification?
What is the most specific level of classification?
25. name, in order, all of the levels of classification
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
What is a phylum called in a plant kingdom?
Can species have more than one genus?
Systematic taxonomists rely solely on the fossil records to classify organisms
False, use more than one line of evidence
Early patterns in embryological development provide evidence of phylogenetic relationships
The number of amino acid differences can help scientists tell how long ago two species diverged from each other
Name the six kingdoms of organisms
Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Plants, Fungi, Protists, Animals
Why are scientists interested in archaebacteria?
They think archeabacteria resemble the first living organisms on earth
Bacteria that can cause tooth decay or turn milk into yogurt, belongs to which kingdom?
a. archaebacteria
b. eubacteria
c. fungi
d. protista
Ameobas belong in the kingdom....
a. archaebacteria
b. eubacteria
c. fungi
d. protista
It is easy to make generalizations about protists because they have simple, very similar structures
False-There are a wide range of organisms, those that do not fit in other kingdoms
Is moss in the fungi kingdom or the plant kingdom?
Plant Kingdom
Define Taxonomy.
The branch of biology that names and groups organisms
Who came up with the seven different levels of organization?
Carolus Linnaeus
What are the 2 parts of a species name?
1st part-genus
2nd part-species identifier
What does systematic taxonomy organize?
Organizes the diversity of living things in the context of evolution
What is a phylogenetic tree?
A family tree that shows the evolutionary relationships thought to exist among groups of organisms.
A species name includes information about
a. order and class
b. kingdom and species
c. genus and species
d. phylum and speceis
What is the difference between a species name and a common name?
A species name is universial while a common name differs depending on your location.
What are the three domains in the three-domain system?
Bacteria (eubacteria)
Archaea (archaebacteria)
Eukarya (Eukaryotes)
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