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84 Cards in this Set

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What is the universal union that is repeated throughout Greek and Roman mythology in terms of domains?
Earth and Sky
From whom/what is creation born from?
In an alternate version, who starts the coupling of the original divine beings?
With what aspects are the titans attributed?
Nature and natural forces
What Olympian gods replace Helius and Selene as the sun and moon gods respectively?
Apollo and Artemis
How was Uranus dethroned by his son Cronus and what goddess came from the act?
Cronus castrated his father Uranus, which lead to the birth of Aphrodite.
How did Zeus' mother Rhea save him from his father?
She hid him on the island of Crete and fed Cronus a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes.
What race of beings threatened Zeus after he won lordship and dominion from the Titans?
The Gegeneis or Giants
Which Titan angered Zeus by empowering mortals?
What was the punishment of Prometheus?
He was chained to a rock and had his liver eaten every day, only to have it regrow overnight.
What are the 5 ages?
1. Gold
2. Silver
3. Bronze
4 Heroes
5. Iron
What was the purpose of Pandora?
To bring an equal weight of misfortune to match the gift given to them by Prometheus
What hero break Prometheus free of his punishment?
Who is Hestia and what are her 2 primary domains?
She is the goddess of the hearth and her first domain is in fact the sacred fire. The second is chastity.
What is the primary domain of Zeus?
The sky and heavens
Who praises herself on being the mightiest Olympian, as she can bend even gods to her will?
What role does Hera most often fill?
That of the vehement wife and mother
Who are the 4 children of Zeus and Hera?
Eileithyia, Hebe, Hephaestus, and Ares
What is the domain of Eileithyia?
What is the domain of Hebe?
Eternal youth and beauty
What is the domain of Hephaestus?
Fire and crafting
What is the predominant anthropomorphic trait of Hephaestus?
His humanity in that he possesses many of the qualities that are considered mortal
With whom is Hephaestus married?
With whom does Aphrodite have an affair with?
What is the domain of Ares?
War. Specifically the savage aspect of it
What is the predominant anthropomorphic trait of Ares?
The savage and base impulses of man
Who is the Titaness whose domain is memory?
Who are the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne?
The Muses
Who are the daughters of Zeus and Themis?
The three Fates
Who are the alternate parents of the fates?
Night and Erebus
Who of the fates is known as the Spinner?
Who of the fates is known as the Apportioner?
Who of the fates is known as the Inflexible?
What is the domain of Poseidon?
Waters in general and the sea in particular
Who are the 50 children of Nereus and Doris?
The Nereids
Who was destined to bear a daughter equal to her father in might and a son that surpassess the father?
How did Zeus capture Thetis.Metis?
By playing a shape shifting game, in which he eventually swallowed her
What is the predominant anthropomorphic trait of Poseidon?
Wrath. This is shown in his connection with floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes
What is an important secondary domain of Poseidon?
Male fertility
What are the domains of Athena?
War, crafting, and wisdom
What is the predominant anthropomorphic trait of Athena?
Familial duty and responsibility
Who is the mother of Athena?
Who mocked the gods and Athena in particular and was turned into a spider for her misdeeds?
With whom did Athena compete with for the city of Athens?
Who are the two representations of Aphrodite?
Urania and Pandemos
What is the predominant domain of Aphrodite Urania?
Pure and spiritual love
What is the predominant domain of Aphrodite Pandemos?
Earthly and physical love/lust
With what ceremony is Aphrodite associated with?
Who are the attendants of Aphrodite?
The Graces and the Hours/Seasons
What is the original name for the Graces?
What is the original name for the Hours/Seasons?
With what are the Graces associated with?
Aspects of loveliness
Who is the deformed son of Aphrodite that represents male sexuality?
Who are the two major mortal lovers of Aphrodite?
Adonis and Anchises
Who are the supposed parents of Eros?
Aphrodite and Ares
What realm of sexuality is Eros commonly associated with?
Who are the parents of Artemis and Apollo?
Zeus and Leto
What is the predominant domain of Artemis?
Who is Orion?
A Greek hero who attempt to rape Artemis, who summons a scorpion to sting him
What is the predominant domain of Apollo?
The sun
With what ability is Apollo associated with?
What is the location of Apollo's oracle?
What two Olympians are associated with the new age of Enlightenment?
Apollo and Athena
which two figures challenge Apollo to a music contest?
Marsyas and Pan
Who judges Apollo's music contest with Pan?
King Midas
Who is the mother of Hermes?
What did Hermes steal from Apollo?
What musical instrument did Hermes invent?
The Lyre
What domains is Hermes associated with?
Thievery and Traveling
What is Hermes' role amongst the Olympians?
That of the messenger
Who is the offspring of Hermes and Aphrodite?
Who is the mother of Dionysus?
From what was Dionysus born?
Zeus' thigh
What did Pan do to Echo?
He caused her to be torn to pieces until only her voice remained
Who did Echo fall in love with?
What is the predominant domain of Demeter?
Who is the daughter of Demeter?
How di Demeter show her anger over her daughter's kidnapping?
She caused the fields to go barren
What is the anthropomorphic role with which Demeter is associated?
How did Hades trap Persephone in the underworld?
He tricked into eating a pomegranate
What is the name of the three headed dog that guards the underworld?
What is the predominant domain of Hades?
The underworld
What feat does Orpheus attempt involving Hades?
He tries to bring his dead wife back to life
What is Orpheus known for creating?
A fully fleshed religion with a bible and dogma