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44 Cards in this Set

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Persian War Result
Was a victory, gods protected gov., powerful city-state,
Delian League
alliance w/other city-states,
paid tribute and had a treasury of the money
delian league results
treasury used to rebuild city, allies wanted out, Athenians used force to keep them
Ethical stuff
-Used observation and reason, means lovers of wisdom,
-interested in ethics and morality, sophists questioned ideas, used skillful speaking
-posed questions and answered with questions
-would find truth in self knowledge,
-put on trial- corrupting youth and didn’t respect gods
Socrates student, taught his own ideas
-three classes: workers, soldiers and philosophers in his new system,
-thought some women were better than men
student of Plato, found good and bad examples for all forms of gov.
sense of balance, harmony: Parthenon- temple dedicated to Athena
Sculpture and Painting
style w/natural poses, lifelike- carved gods, goddesses,
Greek Drama
came from religious festivals, based on myths and legends
things for babies
what they did to daughters
-ritual, put pitch on house when labor starts, family delivered babies
-olive branch: boy, cloth girl, smaller families good
-didn't want daughters- would expose of them,
after the birth
cleansed people of contact w/labored mother, father announces baby name,
poor: mother cared child, experience nurse/slave cared for children
seven old: good manners, punished them, day from daybreak to dusk,
twelve and up, ran, jump, wrestling, girls: read and wrote, Spartans- factor for warriors
-school until eighteen
-2 years of training,
-trained: hold a shield, drills, fight formation,
two didn’t meet, under 18 asked fathers permission, had a dowry
-full moon in January
-sacrificed to gods, Hera (patroness of marriage)
-Both had ritual baths
-decorate- branches of olive and laurel,
-bride offered cake after wedding
-sang hymns: evil spirits,
-men: civic duties, excercising, socializing
-women: cooked, raised children, poor: worked in stalls at market; attended theatre,
easier for men: w/o reason
-divorce barren wife, committed adultery
-returned dowry
-women only for physical abuse
Old Age
-respect for old people, sons take care of parents
-body laid out, clean garments, took body across river
-cremated, libations of wine and oil, purified w/ sea water
-½ and more farmers
-crops: wheat, barley, olives and grapes, -workshops and factories w/ good quality
prisoners of war, jobs w/education and ability, could buy freedom
stalls, sold their stuff to public, had inspectors to make sure they were honest
12 main deities, wide variety,
did rituals, cities had one diety,
lost writings then found
Became farmers, lost ability to write, traded with Phoenicians and gave their alphabet to them,
Persian war...
Persian wars- king Darius, burned Athens, then Athens beat their navy
Delian league- alliance, moved to Athens by Pericles, had power to persuade,
Random about voting
Males could vote
wrote on pieces of pottery and voted who would be banished
430 BC- wiped out lots of people
reason and logic, power to persuade,
encouraged students, to question everything
Didn’t believe in democracy, undermined gods- war: Sparta won, ran for year overthrown by the people,
Socrates accused of..
corrupting youth, didn’t believe gods, though he made gods mad
(bad) students (of socrates) became...
His students: drunkard, traitor and sold Athens out, in council of thirty
Plato and Aristotle
taught Socrates teachings
both had books
didn't like democracy
religious festival: Dionysus
-god of wine
-had satyrs- half man and goat, disciples
Disciples sang goat songs (tragedoi)
became plays and competition of tragedies
Feel sorry for protagonist, ordinary person that cant escape fate, predestined (fate made before even born)
plays about develops of law
wrote the trilogy of Oresteian
Tribal law
killed someone then you would avenge their death ex. Agamemnon was killed by wife and son killed mother
Family law
killed blood relative violated law,
Law of Athens
son was tried for killing and found innocent,
Two other tragedy writer
Eurupides- Medea- fell in love, had kids, hubby left her, killed her sons
Sophocles- Antigone: conflict of religion and law of state,
comedy writer:
Aristophanes- poke fun at live politicians- went to jail many times
Serious writing
-Herotudus- Persian wars, was bias;
-another Peloponnesian wars, w/o bias, thought of both sig