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149 Cards in this Set

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What is the Athenian Agora, what street is it on?, Who was it organized by and when was it destroyed?

The Athenian Agora is the center of political and public life (used for commerce, political/religious/military activity).Panathenaic Way. Peisistratus. Destroyed 480 BC

What is the significance of the memorial display? What were the statues made of ?

Personal Honour, statues made of melted Bronze.

What is the year of death of Hipparchus? Who killed him ?

514BC; Harmodios and Aristogeiton

What Elements were added by Peisistratus sons ?

Altar to 12 gods (which was the center mile stone for the city of athens - 0mile), Old Bouleuterian (council house), Boundary Stones (herms- head and genitles at appropriate height)

What is a stoa? when was the Stoa Poikile built, and what was it used for?

Stoa is a covered walkway or portioc, Stoa Poikile was build in 470 BC and it was used for military memorials

What is a Painted Stoa? What were the paintings done on?

Images of Athenian military triumphs (mythical and historical) , paintings on wood

what is commerce? what is it a key feature of ?

commerce = coinage

Key feature of Agora

What is the museum to the Ancient Agora ? when was it re-erected ?

Stoa of Attalos, re-erected 1953 -1956

What was the name of the main commercial (shopping) building? After what king?

Stoa of Attalos, King Attalos II

When did King Attalos II rule? and where was he from ?

159-138 BC, Pergamon

What was The Hephaisteion named after ? When was this built? Similarities to what monument(or)building?

Temple of Hephaestus, built mid 5th c. BC, similarities to Parthenon

what art is displayed on the Temple of Hephaestus? Who destroyed it and how?

Lipiths and Centaurs on the Temple of Hephaestus, Destroyed by Christians when they destroyed the faces.

What is Ostraka? What is it significance? How many participants for a valid vote?

Ostraka is pottery sherds used in the practice of ostracism. The significance is the annual vote to decide on holding a vote of ostracism. 6000 participants for a valid vote

When was ostraka the main type of voting?

when was the last ostracism?

Voting throughout 5th c. BC, last ostracism was between 417 and 415 BC

what is an Acropolis? What is on the Athenian Acropolis?

An acropolis is a high city, or high part of the city. The sanctuary of Athena is on the Athenian Acropolis

Who is contest between in the myth of athens? what were the gifts given?

poesidan and athena, poseidan (salt water spring on Acropolis), Athena (olive tree growing from salt water spring)

When was Athens existent (date)? What was it an institution of?

566 - 480 BC, Institution of Greater Panathenaic festival.

How were the games at the Panathenaic Festival different from the Olympic Games? What was the procession of Acropolis?

Different because of more events (army) and prizes ($). Procession of Acropolis = Sacrifices to Athena.

What are the two dedications to Athena (statues) presented in class?

Peplos Kore and Kritios Boy

What does Kore mean? what is the date that the Peplos Kore was set up on Athenian Acropolis?

What is the Garment she is wearing called?

Kore= female freestanding statue, c. 530 BC, peplos is the garment.

When was Kritios Boy presented on the Athenian Acropolis? Who is the Sculptor?

475 BC, sculptor is Kritios

What does Kritios Boy show a transition of?

Transition of Archaic to severe style

What is the objective of Greek sculpture shift to naturalism?

accurate depiction of human form through functional anatomy

What is the fateful date and its significance

480 BC and destruction of Acropolis @ Athens by Persians ?

When was the Athenian Acropolis rebuilt? Under what general?

450 BC - General Perikles

What were the 3 buildings built by the general in the reconstruction of the Acropolis?

Parthenon (Temple to Athena), Propylaia (entrance gate), Erechtheion (shrine to Athena Polias).

What is Propylaia, the date and what is the significance?

Monumental Gateway; 438-432 BC; marks the shift from fortress to civic sanctuary

What is the Erechtheion, what significance does it bring and what is its date?

South Porch of Erechtheion, Significance (Caryatids), 430-404 BC

what is the archaeological significant date attached to the Parthenon ? What is it notable for among Greek temples ?

448-432 BC - Notable for it's scale (large size - 8x17

What is the design style at the front and rear porches of the parthenon?

prostyle - closed cella and opsithodomos

what was on the exterior of the Parthenon sculpture ?

pediments, metopes, acroteria(roof)

What was on the interior of the Parthenon sculpture ?

frieze around inner building, statue of Athena Parthenos

What were the sculptures on the Pediments of the Parthenon ?

East Pediment: Birth of Athena

West Pediment: Contest between Athena and Poseidon

What were the sculptures on the Metopes of the Parthenon?

East Metope: Gigantomachy

South Metope: Lipiths and Centaurs

West Metope: Amazonomachy - Greeks vs Amazons

North Metope: Trojan War

What style of Frieze was on the Parthenon and what did it depict ?

Ionic Frieze and it depicted the procession/assembly of the gods.

What is the theme of the Parthenon Frieze?

Panathenaic festival

Who is the sculptor for Athena Parthenos? what is the year of the monument? how tall is it?

Sculptor is Phidias,

448 -438 BC, - Chrystelephantine c.

12m high

What is the Date of the Hellenistic Period ?

Hellenistic period: 323 - 27 BC

In the hellenistic period who what dominated by from when? Who were the 2 main kings?

Macedonians; 338 BC

King Philip of Macedon; 360-336 BC

King Alexander III 'the great': 336-323 BC

Date of Royal palace at Vergina? Who's tomb is located here and when did that person die?

Date of Royal Palace at Vergina 340 - 300 BC

Tomb II or Tomb of Philip - died 336 BC

What are the 5 identifying features of the Tomb of Philip the II

1) pottery, small finds, fresco - exterior indicates c. 340 BC

2) Monumental scale and design (doric facade)

3) Larnax and acorn crown indicate royal status

4)deceased male in mid 40s- philip died 46yr

5) Injury to skull similar to description of ancient authors

When did Alexander the Great assume power, when and where did he die

Assumed power 336 BC

Died in Babylon in 323 BC

Successors of Alexander the great ?

Seleukos (seleuoid empire)

Antigonos (antigonid empire)

Ptolemaios (Ptolemaic Empire, Egypt) - saviour

Which successor is cleopatra a successor of? What is the date attached to her picture in slides

Ptolemy (ptolemaic Empire) - 69-30 BC

When and by who was the Great Library at Alexandria founded? when was it burned and by who ?

Founded by Ptolemies in 3rd c. BC .

Burned by Julius Caesar in 48 BC

Where is the Altar of Zeus located originally, and where is it now?The date of the Altar of Zeus is ? 200 figures with scenes of what?

Originally located in Pergamon (turkey)

Now located in Berlin

175-150 BC

200 scenes with Gigantomachy

What is depicted on the Alter at Pergamon ?

Athena fighting giant

What period is the monument Death of Lacoon? What does it depict?


Hellenistic Baroque

Lacoon and sons and snakes

2nd c. BC

What is the Traditional Foundation date of Rome?

What are the dates of the different forms of government that lead Rome?

Traditional : 753 BC

Monarchy: 753-509 BC

Republic: 509 - 27 BC

Empire: 27 BC

Where are Roma Urbs located? What does Septimontium mean?

River Tiber

7 Hills

Who are Livy and Vergil ?

Livy wrote 700 yrs after the foundation of Rome

Vergil was a poet who wrote the account of the foundation of Rome and links Rome to Trojan War

Who is Aeneas? Who was Aeneas' wife and son?

Aeneas was a trojan warrior who fled the sack of Troy with Penates (household gods).

Aeneas' wife was Creusa

Son was Ascanius (lulus)

What is Roman Art and what does it reflect?

Roman art is a traditions of styles, genres and iconography that served political and cultural needs of society.

It reflected the Roman Society

What is the influences in Roman art

etruscan and italic influence- roman adoption of greek art and architecture

What was the Etruscan Temple made of

1) Stone foundation

2) walls in mudbrick

3) wooden columns

What was the style of the Etruscan Temple

Prostyle (porch on only one side)

When did Augustus Rule ? Who was his Grand-Uncle and adoptive father? What did he establish?

27BC- AD14

Julius Caesar

Established Role of the Emperor

What is the Roman arch made of and face with? Who was it employed by and in what?

Roman Arch was made of concrete often faced with stone or brick. It was employed by the Greeks in dry masonry.

What is the Pantheon known as? Where is it located and what is the date? What emperor had it constructed?

Pantheon is known as 'temple of all the gods'

located in Rome

Dated AD 118-125

By Emperor Hadrian

What is the Pantheon's architecture inverse of? What matters the most ? What are the dimensions?

Architecture inverse of Greek architecture, where appearance of exterior matters the most.

Dimensions; 47 m diameter, by 47m high

what was the pantheon constructed of? Which section of the building was lighter? what is the date of the building ?

Constructed of Concrete

Heavier at base and lighter at the top

AD 118-125

What is Ludi Circenses ?

Venationes ?

Munera ?

Ludi Circenses is chariot racing in the circus

Venationes is games with animals (hunt, held in circus as well as amphitheater)

Munera is gladiatorial games

where did Munera originally take place

Originally took place in the circus, later in amphitheaters (also theaters)

where was the earliest form of amphitheater?

southern Italy (Pompeii = c. 80 BC)

What is the Colosseum constructed out of ?

What is Vomitoria, Velarium?

Concrete construction; stone exterior

Vomitoria = exit and entrance passages -76 in/out

Velarium = awning

How long did inaugural events last in the colosseum? Battle? How was the seating of the colosseum organized

100 days; battle of 3000 men in the arena

Hierarchal seating based on social status and gender, women sat higher- higher social status sat lower

What is the significance of Murmillo

Armour weighed about 16-18 kg

one of heaviest armed types

Ara Pacis Augustae - means what and was built when ? What style is it?

Altar of Augustan Peace

built 9 BC

Classicizing style = looks back to classical period and greek sculpture/ architecture

Who is Aeneas?

Founder of Roman Race

what is specific about the Roman statue type

body is standard type, standard attire, but head is individualized

In Portraits what is significant of the monuments?

idealized face (airbrushed or photoshopped)

expression is calm, control and authority

heroic nudity as a form of costume

What is the date of the Venus De Milo? what is the significance of the body of the sculpture ?

Venus De Milo - c. 100 BC

Idealized body (nudity), realistic portrait head

What did hair styles signify in portraits of women? what date is attached to the portraits of the women in this lecture? What else was common for these women in regards to their hair?

Complex Hair styles signified wealth and leisure.

AD 90.

Wigs also common, as well as slaves doing wealthy women's hair.

who was the wife of emperor Trajan ?


Who was the wife of Augustus? what was significant about her portrait?


Blank Expression in her portrait, this was idealized in Roman women to be composed and show no emotion in public.

What are the 2 phases to make the crater in Mt. Vesuvius ?

Phase 1: ' airfall phase' - accumulation of ash and pumice to ca. 4 m deep

Phase 2: 'anuee ardante' (glowing cloud) - hot avalanche of ash and gas - 2 parts to this phase

What are the 2 parts to the second phase of making the Crater of Mt. Vesuvius?

Part 1 ground surge- ring shaped cloud of gas and suspended rock fragments - moves outward @ high speed from base of eruption

Part 2 pyroclastic flow - hot avalanche of pumice, ashes and gases, moves at high speed after ground surge

Which part or phase is the most deadly during the creation of Mt. Vesuvius?

ground surge - most victims die from inhaling hot gases

what is the usually sequence to make moulds of deceased victims of eruption

Bodies usually die from ground surge (inhaling gas & heat), bodies are then encased in pyroclastic flow, creating the moulds

how many victims found at the site of Mt Vesuvius in Pompeii


Who was the excavator for the ruins of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius?

Giuseppe Fiorelli

Date of Pompeii

AD 97

What does forum mean? What tribe is Pompeii linked to?

forum = agora

Samnite tribe (indigenous Italian tribe). Pompeii a Samnite town since 4th c. BC

what was the theater at portico transformed into

gladiator barracks

What year was the Amphitheater of Pompeii built? Who used it?

ca. 80-70 BC

use by colonists

Patronus? Cliens? Salutatio ?

Patronus = patron

Cliens = client

Salutatio = formal greeting/reception

what is the date of the Alexander Mosaic ? What is it called ?

100 BC

House of the Faun

Pompeian Wall Paintings how many styles and what are the dates they were used in ?

4 styles;

1- Masonry Style -2nd c. BC - 80BC

2- Architectural style (illusionism) - 80 BC- 20 BC

3- Colour field (ornamental) - c. 20 BC - 10 BC

4- Mix of 2nd and 3rd with mytholoical and landscape panels - 10 BC - 79 AD

Pompeii was colonized by who and when ?

Rome, 80 BC

The first style of wall painting, Samnite house Herculaneum imitates what ? What is the goal of it?

Imitates masonry and polychrome marble facings

goal is to monumentalize domestic interior through allusion to public architecture

What style is depicted by the Cubiculum of Villa at Borscoreale ? What is the date of this?

2nd Pompeian style, c. 50 BC

What are some characteristics of the Third Pompeian Style?

Delicate linear designs against contrasting backgrounds

Dominantly monochromatic

detailed scenes

fanciful, no attempts at emulating natural world

When and where did the 4th style of fresco flourish? What focus is continued?

flourished AD 62-79 in Bay of Naples

continues Ornamental focus of 3rd style

Where is the peristyle garden located? what does it bring?

Garden located House of the Vettii, brings nature in the house.

Who was Nero's wife? What style does Atrium, Villa A at Oplontis depict?


2nd style

Who was the original owner of Villa A, Oplontis ?

Date? Excavation

L. Calpurnis Piso, 58 BC, excavated 1750 -1765 never fully uncovered

Who built the Getty Villa, where is it located? What was the design based off of ?

J. Paul Getty, Malibu, Villa of the Papyri

What are the 5 Roman burial practices

1) Cinerary Urns

2) Sarcophagi

3) Tomb Markers

4) Monumental Tombs

5) Burial occurred outside the walls of the city

what is columbarium?

niches for ashes of individual

Roman tradition for the sarcophagi would be ?

sarcophagi in marble with sculpted relief - with portrait of the deceased.

What is the date of the Portonaccio Sarcophagus

AD 200

Tomb of the baker- who's tomb is this? Date?

Made of ?

Marcus Vergilius Eurysaces

50 BC

Made of Travertine and Concrete

The mausoleum of Augustus dates back to ? Intended for what? Eventually held the remains of ?

Dates back to 28 BC

Intended for Dynastic use: niches for family members

Eventually held the remains of Roman Emperors

What is an Apodyterium?



Apodyterium is a changing room- there were cubbies for clothes and theft was common

Palaistra was an exercise area

Natatio was a swimming pool

What is Tepidarium?

What is Caldarium, Frigidarium ?

Tepidarium is a warm room, not always a bath - scrape off excess dirt and oil from exercise

Caldarium is a hot bath

Frigidarium is a cold bath

What is a Hypocaust System, who was it credited ?

Hypocaust system was a furnace that heats from below. Suspended floor on pillars, heated by furnace.

Credited to Sergius Orata

What were the first imperial baths and what do they date to ?

Baths at Agrippa; 25CE

What baths were destroyed by a fire and rebuilt by Alexander Severus ? Date?

Baths at Nero: 62 CE

Who were the last great baths made by? Where are they Located? When are they Dated back to?


Quirinal Hill

ca. 315 CE

What baths had similar construction to the Baths of Titus? What was their date ?

Baths of Trajan; 104-109 CE

What Baths took up 300 acres, via Appia Antica ? what was the year they were constructed?

Baths of Caracalla; built 198-211 (or) 212 - 219 CE

who created the Fernese Hercules ? What are the dimensions ? Where is the monument located ?


10ft 6 in tall

Located in NAM - Naples

Farnese Bull dates back to ? Located ?

3rd c. CE,

NAM - Naples

Baths of Diocletian date back to ?

298 - 306 CE

Ephesos is a ......... city founded in ....... BC?

Under ....... rule in ..... BC

What do the remains tell about the city ?

Where is it located ?

Greek city, founded in 10c. BC,

Under Roman rule in 129 BC

Remains show combination of longstanding Greek culture with Roman overlay

Modern Turkey

The Celsus Library Dates back to ?

"scaenographic" architecture, is characteristic of what?

117 - 120 AD

Pont Du Gard is located where ?

Dated back to when ?

Built through ....... engineering



mid 1st c. AD

Built through Roman engineering

Roman Hydraulic Works- supply towns with continuous fresh water

How long is the aqueduct connected to the Pont du Gard ? How tall is the Pont du Gard? How much stone was needed for the bridge?

50 km

50m high

50, 400 tonnes

When did Julius Caesar invade Britain ?

What year did Claudius successfully capture Britain and make it a Roman province?

Construction of Hadrian's Wall in ?

55 & 54 BC

AD 43

AD 128

what is Vindolanda ?

Date ?

Roman Auxiliary fort, mid 2nd c. AC

How many Vindolanda tablets were uncovered ? what were they made of?

what did they say ?


wood tablets

daily life on the Roman frontier

What was the Battle between Maxentius vs Constantine called? What year ? Who won?

Battle at Milvian Bridge, AD 312, Constantine Won

Who legitimized Christianity ? In where ? what year?

Constantine, in Roman State, AD 313

Where did Constantine move the Roman Empire capital in AD 324?

Byzantium/ Constantinople (later named Isantbul)

Who were the 4 rulers of Tetrarchs ? Who were their leaders ?

Augusti and Caesar

A: Diocletian and Maximian

C: Constantius Chlorus and Galerius

When did Maxentius rule ? who was he the son of ?

Maximian, ruled 306-312

what is a Basilica ? When did Basilica of Maxentius begin ?

'royal hall' suitable for assembly, 306 AD

what kind of statue is the Colossal Constantine? What are the materials it is made of?

Acrolithic statue; torso made of wood and the head, hands, feet are made of marble

When does the arch of Constantine date back to? what does it celebrate ?

AD 312 - 315, celebrates the triumph over usurper Maxentius

What is Spolia ? Who were the 3 Emperors that Spoila was from ?

Elements taken from somewhere else and reused.

Trajanic, Hadrianic, Marcus Aurelius

What part of the Arch of Constantine is not Spoila ?

Victories in Spandrels and reliefs below roundels

In the arch of Constantine dacians spoila from who, and dated back to when ?

Trajan, 98-117 AD

Hadrianic roundels dated back to when

117-138 AD

How do we distinguish Roman art from early christian art?

roman art- roman culture/society

Christian art- significance imparted through rites/rituals/tenets of Church.

when was St. Peter's Basilica finished, where is it located?

1626, Rome

What is set up over the grave of Constantine that is from Greece

porphyry w. other spiral columns

what is Baldacchino ? why is it significant ?

Canopy over grave of St. Peter

What is the Santa Costanza? When is it date back to?

Masuoleum built for Costantia - daughter of Constantine - c. AD 350

On the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus what was the sculptural style? and what were the architectural elements?

Roman/Classical, Christian subject matter

When did Constantine make Byzantium the capital of the Roman Empire ?

AD 324

When did the Council of Nicaea make Christianity de-facto official religion of Roman world

AD 325

Who was the Snake Goddess bought by? When? What was wrong with it ?

1931, Charles Currelly, no provenance

what is provenance

official and legitimate record to findspot

Who identified the snake goddess in the Boston Museum as fake

Kenneth Lapatin

How many snake goddess fakes were found in total?


The Getty Kouros are located where? Provenance?

J. Paul Getty museum,

Provenance; 'papers' showing history of objects sale - later to be found out papers were fake

Problems with the Getty Kouros ?

hair - 6th c.

feet, face, torso -5th c

thighs heavier than torso

base larger than usual

Marble from Thasos (greek island)

Why is looting bad?

disturbs site, no context, no provenance, results in object driven research, hampers attempt to create a typology.

Function can also not be addressed

The Getty Aphrodite is dated to ? Bought for how much ? How tall ?

2.3m Tall,

Dated to 425-400BC,

18million US