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53 Cards in this Set

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When was the Congress of Vienna?
Who was Metternich?
He was the right hand man to the Austrian emperor
Who was the man that joined the 3rd estate during the Tennis Court Oath, although he was a nobleman (1st estate)
What was Talleyrand?
Why didn't Louis XVIII want to see another revolution in France?
Because the last one killed his cousin Louis XVI
When was Charles X in power?
What did Charles X want but his people did not?
Charles X wanted more power than the people were willing to give him
What did the French do after finding out Charles X wanted more power?
They rioted
Charles X resigns in favor of who?
Louis Philippe
Louis Philippe replaces who?
Charles X
What does Louis Philippe do that had been banned by Charles X and Louis XVIII
He brought back the flag of the revolution from Napoleon's time
French inspired what country with their riots?
When did the Railway Act take place?
Who created the Railway Act?
Louis Philippe
Why did Louis Philippe create the Railway Act?
-wanted people to become more cultural

-all train tracks led into Paris rather than crossing the country
Although Louis Philippe had great ideas, they were not too ______.
Feb. 22, 1848. What happened?
People rioted in France
Two days after the French started rioting, what was announced?
France had a 2nd Republic
How was Louis Napoleon related the THE Napoleon?
he was his nephew
Why did people like Louis Napoleon?
Because of his name. It reminded people of the great Napoleon before him.
What type of citizen was Louis Napoleon?
-middle class (never served in the military)

Who becomes the president of the 2nd Republic?
Louis Napoleon
During the Revolution, where does Metternich go?
Into hiding
What was Giuseppe Garibaldi trying to prevent?
the Pope from ruling Italy
Who stops Garibaldi? Why?
Louis Napoleon stops Garibaldi because Louis Napoleon is Catholic.
What was the Frankfurt National Assembly
Invites all the states in Germany to Frankfurt, trying to create a new German state
When was Zoliverin created?
What was Zoliverin?
an economic treaty
What year do you not want to be in Prague?
The leader of Austria resigns in what year?
Who does the leader of Austria hand the throne over to in 1848?
his nephew, Francis Joseph
Who does Francis Joseph try and cut a deal with in order to 'clean up' Hungary?
When does Francis Joseph cut a deal with Russia?
Who tries to cut a deal with Russia in order to 'clean up' Hungary?
Francis Joseph
By the end of 1848, what is the only country doing well?
What is the year when the Frankfurt National Assembly wants to create a federated state?
Prussia elected ______ _______ to be emperor of all of the German Empire. he declined.
Frederick William
In 1851, Louis Napoleon calls an end to what?
2nd Republic
Louis Napoleon changes his name to what?
Napoleon III
True or false, France suddenly becomes a republic rather than an empire

it becomes an empire rather than a republic
What does France suddenly in 1851?
An empire
Who was Cavour?
-agricultural premiere of Piedmont, Italy

-Invited to become prime minister (turns it down)

-He suggests to prime minister to join Britain and France

-He made France an ally of Piedmont
March of 1861, What does Italy do?
It can officially call itself a country
What was Otto von Bismark good at?
taking other peoples' ideas and making them his own
What nationality was Bismark?
What does Denmark decide to do in 1863
decides to take over the German state of Schleswig
Austria and Prussia attack Denmark and win. What do they take in return?
Why is Austria getting annoyed with Prussia?
In order to get to the Austrian territory of Holstein, Austrians need to travel through Prussia. Prussia is getting frustrated with the frequent travels.
What was the 7 Week War?
War that took 7 weeks between Austria and Prussia.
During the 7 Week War, what was Austria warned not to do by Prussia?
not to mess with the greater German territory
What was the North German Confederation?
Bismark said if Austria wins in the 7 Week War, everyone will have to be Catholic. (NOT GOOD for Germany)
What religion are Germans?
Mostly Lutherins
When was the Ems Telegram sent?
July 13, 1870