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35 Cards in this Set

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Southerners believed the Constitiution gave them the right to do what?
The right to retrieve an enslaved person who fled across state lines
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Based on her experiences in Cincinati and other slave stories.
Fugitive slave act
Required all citizens to help catch runaways slaves or they would be fined or imprisoned if they helped fugitives. Angered the North
The Kansas Nebraska Act destroyed this party
Whig Party
Summarize Dred Scott Act
Dred Scott tried to sue for his freedom because his slaveowner moved to a free state but then he ran away so the court tried to say he still is a slave because he was property but he claims that he once lived on free land so he is free. This became a political issue.
why did thousands move to California in 1846?
Gold mining
describe what Lincoln said in his inaugural speech
He said he just wants peace between North and South
Why did Lincoln want to prevent Maryland from seceding?
Because if Maryland seceded then the N government would be surrounded
Wilmot Proviso
Said slavery should be abolished in any lands that were acquired from Mexico
Most Famous Conductor in U.R
Harriet Tubman
What was John Browns intentions of raiding Harper's Ferry?
He wanted to arm African Americans with weapons to rebel against their owners
Border States that did not secede from Union
Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware
Underground Railroad
system that helped enslaved African Americans follow a network of escape routes to freedom in the North
Why was Kansas given the name Bleeding Kansas?
slavery supporters attacked the town Lawrence and burned churches, buildings, a hotel, and the home of the governor
Frederick Douglas
was a African American abolitionist who traveled to talk about slavery and helped enslaved people
what was Lincolns goal at the beginning of Civil War?
preserve Union even if it meant slavery continued
Emancipation Proclamation
declared that all enslaved people are free
what advantages did the north have over the South
they have a larger population to help and support them
13th amendment
abolished slavery in all U.S
what signified end of war between North and South
Lee's troops were surrounded and failed to break through
Main points of the Anaconda Plan
cut of souths connections and capture or control a few southern states
role of women during war
managed businesses and family, hospitality, nurses for troops
radical republicans
had an extreme approach to Reconstruction
Illegal act common in South during reconstruction
Ku Klux Klan Act
members went against Af. Am and burned their homes, churches, schools and even killed
Lincolns reconctruction plan
10% of voters in a state had to take oath of loyalty to North/Union and form a new govt. and new const. banning slavery
Radical Rep. Plan
develop own plan to rebuild Union
Johnsons Impeached
Fired Edwin Stanton without Senate vote and challenged Tenture of Office Act
Original goal of KKK
drive out Union troops , carpetbaggars, and regain control of south Democratic Party.
main goals of radical republicans
prevent confederate leaders from regaining power, wanted rep party to become powerful in South, wanted federal govt. to help Af. Am achieve political/equality by voting in South
Reasons why Reconstruction ended
Democrats rose to power, North grew tired of supporting South's problems
why did grant win in southern states in election of 1868
Union troops allowed Af Am to vote in big numbers and northerners were convinced the South was not trustworthy in reconstruction on their own
Why was there no clear winner during 1876 election
there was plenty of election fraud
Northerners who moved to South to support Republicans
southern whites who supported Republican Reconstruction in South