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21 Cards in this Set

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Lyndon B. Johnson
This occupant of the White House was a champion in the are of Civil Rights. He convinced Congress to pass the Civil Rights act of 1964 and the most significant Civil Rights legislation ever passed, the Voting Rights act of 1965.
Linda Brown
In 1954 in Topeka Kansas, this fourth graders father attempted to enroll her in an "all white" school. She was denied admittance and the action eventually resulted in the desegregation of public schools in America.
Thurgood Marshall
The first African American to serve on the United States Supreme Court. This man also worked as a lawyer representing the NAACP
Rosa Parks
This woman refused to give up her seat. She was pivotal to the events associated with the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
This man provided the most valuable leadership to the civil rights movement. He was a founding member of the SCLC. He led civil rights demonstrations in Birmingham AL, Montgomery AL, Selma AL. He was assassinated in Memphis Tennessee in 1968.
James Farmer
This person was considered by most to be the leading member of CORE.
John F. Kennedy
This U.S. president proposed the Civil Rights Bill of 1963. The bill did not pass. He was a "casual" supporter of Civil rights for African Americans.
Homer Plessy
This person filed a lawsuit in 1896. THe case resulted in the establishment of the "Separate but Equal Doctrine"
W.E.B. Du Bois
This person is recognized as the founder of the NAACP.
Eugene "Bull" Connor
This person used tactics such as police dogs and fire hoses to break up demonstrations in his city where he served as the Commissioner of Public Safety. His racism actually worked to benefit the Civil Rights movement as it appeared in news programs across the country.
George Wallace
This man was the segregationist Governor of the State of Alabama.
Ross Barnett
This man was the segregationist Governor of the State of Mississippi.
James Meredith
Was the first African American to integrate the "all white" University of Mississippi.
Malcolm X
This important African American figure served as the spokesman for the Nation of Islam. Was later assassinated by Nation of Islam members.
Ella Baker
This woman served as one of the founding memebers of the SNCC.
James Earl Ray
Was convicted of the assassination of American Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. which occurred on April 4, 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee.
John Lewis
is an american politician and was an important leader in the American Civil Rights Movement. He was a chairman of the SNCC and played a key role in the struggle to end segregation. Lewis is a member of the Democratic party.
James Cheney
A 21 year old black man from Meridian, Mississippi who was murdered during the summer of 1964 (Freedom Summer). Also killed during this event were Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman.
Medgar Evers
an African American civil rights activist (NAACP field secretary) from Mississippi. Was murdered on June 12, 1963 by Byron De La Beckwith, a member of the KKK.
Stokley Carmichael
also known as Kwame Ture. He was a Trinidadian-American black activist in the 1960s American Civil Rights Movement. He rose to prominence first as a leader of the SNCC and later as the "Honorary Prime Minister" of the Black Panther party.
Elijah Muhammad
Notable for his leadership of the Black Muslims and the Nation of Islam from 1934 until his death in 1975.