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27 Cards in this Set

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Thurgood Marshall

Fought segregation and discrimination while a lawyer with NAACP, became known as "Mr. Civil Rights" - won 29 of 32 cases before the Supreme Court

Brown v. Board of Education

separate but equal doctrine is unconstitutional, desegregation of public schools

Rosa Parks

African American woman who would not give up her seat on a Montgomery bus

Montgomery bus boycott

African Americans refused to ride buses for 381 days, Supreme Court orders desegregation of public transit

Martin Luther King Jr.

leader of the Civil rights Movement

CORE( Congress of Racial Equality)

used sit ins during 1940s , leader was James Farmer

SCLC ( Southern Christian Leadership Conference)

introduced the concept of nonviolent protest ( boycotts, marches, demonstrations and sit ins)

SNCC ( Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee)

student organization which gave youth a voice in the Civil Rights Movement

National Urban League

helped people of color find jobs and homes

sit in

protest technique in which protesters occupied establishments and demanded service

Freedom Rides

Civil Rights activists rode buses to make sure interstate buses, waiting rooms and public facilities were desegregated

James Meredith

enrolled at University of Mississippi and was first black to go to classes there

Civil Rights Act of 1964

legislation that banned discrimination in all public facilities

freedom summer

registering as many African Americans to vote as possible to sway Congress to pass the Voting Rights Act

Fannie Lou Harper

the voice of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

Voting Rights Act of 1965

legislation that enabled more African Americans to vote

de jure segregation

segregation created by law

de facto segregation

segregation caused by social conditions

24th amendment

eliminated poll taxes as a requirement to vote

Malcolm X

demand complete control over your community, livelihood, and culture

Nation of Islam/Black Nationalists

preached self help and to separate from white society

Stokely Carmichael

leader of SNCC

black power

African Americans should unite, take pride in their heritage and control their own organizations

Little Black Panthers

political party started by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton advocated self help and defense of black rights

Kerner Commission

find the cause urban violence ...white racism

Civil Rights Act of 1968

ended discrimination in housing

affirmative action

to make special efforts to hire and enroll groups that have suffered discrimination