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46 Cards in this Set

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Civil Liberties

Are guaranteed safeties for people, opinions, and property from undemocratic acts of government, including the freedoms of speech and religion.

What does our government protect?

Civil Rights

A term used for the positive acts that the government has set in place to make constitutional guarantees a reality for all people

The prohibitions of discrimination


Someone who is foreign-born, a noncitizen

From another country

Due Process Clause

Is a part of the 14th amendment that guarantees that no state can deny any basic rights to it's people

Equality 👴👵👶👱👲👮👳🤴💂🕵🤰👨‍👨‍👦👪👪👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦

Process of Incorporation

The process of including, most of the Bill of Rights into the 14th amendment's due process clause

Establishment Clause

Part of the 1st amendment of the constitution that guarantees the separation of church and state.

Free Excersise Clause

The 2nd part of the constitutional guarantee of religious freedom; Guarantees to each person the right to believe whatever they choose to believe in matters of religion



Parochial school ⛪


False and malicious use of printed words



False and malicious use of spoken words

Mean and personal


The crime of attempting to overthrow the government by force or to disrupt its lawful activities by violent acts.

Getting in the way

Seditious Speech

Advocating, or urging an attempt to overthrow the government by force or to disrupt its lawful activities by violence

Symbolic Speech

An expression by conduct; communicating ideas through facial expressions, with body language, or by carrying a sign or wearing an armband


The patrolling of a business site by workers who are on strike.

Prior Restraint

The idea that the government cannot curb ideas before they are expressed.


A court order that forces or limits the performance of some act by a private individual or by a public official.

Shield Laws

A law that gives reporters some protection against having to disclose their sources or reveal other confidential information in legal proceedings.


To gather with one another in order to express views on public views.


A citizen's right to bring their view to the attention of public officials by such means as written petitions, letters, lobbying, and marches.

Civil Disobedience

A form of protest in which people deliberately but non-violently violate the law as a means of expressing their opposition to some particular law or policy.

Content Neutral

The government may not regulate assemblies on the basis of what might be said.

Right of Association

The right to associate with others to promote political, economic, and other social causes.

Due Process

Doctrine that holds that the government must act fairly and in accord with established rules in all that it does.

Procedural Due Process

A concept that holds that the government must employ fair procedures and methods.

Substantive Due Process

A concept that holds that the government must create fair policies and laws.

Police Power

Is the authority of each state to act to protect and promote the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of its people.

Search Warrant

A court order authorizing a search

Eminent Domain

The power of a government to take private property for public use.

Involuntary Servitude

Forced labor


Bias, unfairness

Writs of Assistance

A blanket search warrant with which British custom officials had invaded private homes to search for smuggled goods.

Probable Cause

Are reasonable grounds or reasonable suspicion for a crime.

Exclusionary Rule

A ruling stating that evidence gained as the result of an illegal act by police cannot be used against the person from whom it was seized.

Grand Jury

A formal device by which a person can be accused of a serious crime.


A formal complaint before a grand jury that charges the accused with one or more crimes.


Formal accusation brought by the grand jury on its own motion, rather than that of the prosecutor.

Double Jeopardy

Part of the 5th amendment staying that no person can be put in jeopardy of life of limb twice; once a person has been tried for a crime they cannot be tried again for the same crime.

Bench Trial

A trial in which the judge alone hears the case.

Miranda Rule

Constitutional rights that police must read to a suspect before questioning can occur.


A sum of money that the accused may be required to post (deposit with the court) as a guarantee that he or she will appear back in court at the proper time.

Preventive Detention

A law that allows federal judges to order that an accused felon be held, without bail, when there is a good reason to believe that they will commit yet another serious crime before trial.

Capital Punishment

Death sentence



The betrayal of one's country; in the constitution, "by levying war against the United States or offering comfort or aid to its enemies."

Writs of Habeas Corpus

A court order that prevents unjust arrests and imprisonments.

Innocent until proven guilty

Bill of Attainder

A legislative act that inflicts punishment without a court trial.

Ex Post Facto Law

A law applied to an act committed before its passage.