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30 Cards in this Set

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Education and health services are the responsibility of what level of government


Foreign affairs and the military are the responsibility of what level of government?


Public transit and snow removal are the responsibility of what level of government?


Citizens can make their voices heard by:


Running for a political office

Belonging to a social movement

Who is our current premier

Kathleen Wynne

Citizens in Canada have the right to:

Express themselves freely

Associate with whom they may

Belong to any religious organization

What are the three branches of government?

Legislative, Executive and Judical

What are the three levels of government

Federal, Provincial and Municipal

An elected member of the house of commons is known as an:


An elected member of the provincial parliament in ontario is known as an:


The executive branch of Canada has the power to:

Administer and carry out the laws

The legislative branch has the power to:

Make and amend laws

The Judical branch of Canada has the power to;

Decide who has broken the law and to set penalties

Most candidates who run for political office belong to:

Political party

A person can become a Canadian citizen by

Being born in Canada

Be a permanent resident of Canada and meet certain criteria

Be born outside of Canada but have a parent that is a Canadian citizen after 1977

A party platform is a statement of where a party stands on:

Political issues

A political party wins enough seats in a general election to form a majority government when:

It wins more seats than any other party but less than 50% (+1) of the seats in the parliament/legislature

Our Judical system protects the right of individuals by ensuring that:

Everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty

No one can be forced to testify as a witness at his or her own trial

All accused people have a right to a lawyer, if they wish. If they cannot afford one, the government must may for one.

Governor general

Represents the queen at the federal level

Lieutenant governor

Represents the queen at the provincial level

Party platform

Specific ideologies of a political party


This person mediates all proceedings in the House of Commons

Political spectrum

System of classifying different political ideologies

Majority government

Can pass bills without the help of the opposition

Minority government

Needs the support of the opposition to pass bills


When a session of parliament is ended

The senate

Also referred to as the upper house of parliament

Political party

A group of people that share similar political ideologies

Mens Rea & Actus Reus

Mens Rea: a person must: intend, know, or atleast be aware of the rule. For example u steal a car and u know its against the law

Actus Reus: this is defined as the wrongful/criminal act. For example this would be the action of taking the car

Interest groups

An interest group is an organization of people who share a common interest aNd work together to protect and promote that interest by influencing the government