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30 Cards in this Set

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a political system in which ownership of all product and land are in the hands of the people and all goods are equally shared, communism is where the production and sharing of goods is controlled by the government, there is no freedom of speech: if you speak against the government, you might die. China is still a communism party, Cuba, former soviet union, and north Korea
the government has ownership over the countries basics goods and services, however private businesses are owned by service businesses. Socialist country’s: Sweden, France and Canada have a socialized health system but are not a socialist country, England has socialized T.V.
a system of government in which the people rule directly or indirectly
a system of government in which all citizens elect public officals to rule for them
representative democracy
a system of government in which all citizens participate in politics and decision making
direct democracy
a ruler gains power through inheritance. Today’s monarchy is usually constitutional monarchies, which means that the monarch shares powers with a group of advisors or a democratic body. Ex. Great Britain, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, etc.
a political philosophy that advocates unlimited power for a political leader who controls all aspects of the peoples lives
a form of government based on theology or religious faith. It is where God or deity are recognized as the supreme civil ruler and the laws are being interpreted by the government officials. Ex: Puritans. You couldn’t vote or own property if you weren’t apart of the theocracy. In
no government, complete disorder that can result from having no government or laws.Ex. New Orleans, when we pulled away from England
a doctrine that states that monarchs derive their right to rule directly from God and are accountable only to God.
the divine right of kings
an English philosopher who wrote the Law of nature. In the law of nature he argues that all men seek to cherish and protect their life liberty and property. “Wherever law ends tyranny begins.”
john locke
he was heavily influenced by John Locke and other philosophers, he truly believed that government should be there to serve the people; he is going to rely heavily on John Locke and his philosophies when he writes the declaration of independence.
thomas jefferson
list the New England Colonies
New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts
list the Middle Colonies
New Jersey, New York, Delaware, and Pennsylvania
list the southern colonies
North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland, and Virginia
new england colonies
. harsh winters and rocky soil this will severely limit the agriculture
b good harbors for fishing, ship building, and trade
c. education was valued, rise of ivy league schools, Harvard, Yale, they are going to be self sufficient, they are going to be frugal, they will have a higher moral standard
d. because the economy depended on shipping and trading, New England felt the restrains of the British control the most, they are hurt most by the taxes and the call for revolution started in New England
middle colonies
. good soil and a good climate they will be able to grow things, earn the nick name of the Bread Basket: they will grow especially grains, fruit, veggies and live stock.
b. their also going to have good ports which are going to allow them to export products and import English goods. they also built ships
d. the middle colonies are more cosmopolitan
southern colonies
a. they had a good climate for long growing seasons, it allowed the south to grow, tobacco, rice, and indigo
b. these crops are labor intensive, so you need to fine a large cheap labor force
c. the south first uses indentured servants as their first labor force: this lead to slave trade.
d. Charleston was a very important port for the south and it became a very big place for the slave population
e. the southern colonies are sparcly populated it is a one crop economy, very few institutions of education, education is not valued as much in the south as in the in new England colonies, because they are mainly focused on the skill of farming. We have inferior roads
f. wealthy southerners try to immolate the British aristocracy, they have large plantations that copied the English manors, a large labor force, into fox hunting, and the Episcopal church copied the church of England, they identified themselves as English, not in favor of gaining independence
: England needed money to help protect the colony form Indian attacks, so they passed the stamp act. It was a tax on all legal documents, newspapers, wills, deeds, licenses, diplomas etc. American colonist’s trade and feathered officials, burned official buildings, and declared that the colonists were not bound to parliamentary law. Only local assemblies could pass laws and so therefore England appealed the stamp act.
stamp act of 1765
a tax imposed on English tea, the English decide to boycott the tea, when that doesn’t work they decide to dress up as Indians go into Boston harbor and dump the tea into the harbor. Know as the Boston Tea Party
tea act of 1773
England’s punishment for the colonies for the Boston Tea Party
the intolerable acts
what did the intolerable acts do?
they closed all Boston Ports
b. They restricted the local government in Massachusetts
c. they placed Massachusetts under military rule
d. restrict westward expansion, colonies wanted more land
e. Massachusetts and Boston are very much ready to revolt against England
Congress voted to boycott all English goods until the intolerable acts are repealed. They also said the boycott will continue until England recognized the continental congress of the legislative body.
b. England will ignore the colonies demands
the first continental congress - 1774
warfare between British troops and minutemen
lexington and concord - 1775
someone who supports england
someone who supports the united states
. Written by Thomas Jefferson and it stated the reasons why the 13 colonies decided to separate from England and it also list the abuses of the King and explains that the purpose of government is to protect the rights of individual citizens
2. it did not provide a government for the new nation
3. the writers knew that this was treason against England and they must be prepared to fight the most powerful navy in the world
declaration of independence
these pamphlets encouraged separation form the crown, they called the king abrute and said that America had a separate destiny than England. These will influence the colonists and help them to separate from England.
common sense
when the delicates didn’t want to break with Great Britain but wanted to find a way to resolve their differences. T asked King George the III to help solve the differences between the colonists and parliament. The King will refuse to work on their problems and he will declare everyone in the continental congress a trader
olive branch petition - 1775
when the delicates didn’t want to break with Great Britain but wanted to find a way to resolve their differences. T asked King George the III to help solve the differences between the colonists and parliament. The King will refuse to work on their problems and he will declare everyone in the continental congress a trader
olive branch petition
. The Continental Congress spent over a year debating revolution and how to fund the colonial armies
5. Common Sense-
second continental congress