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29 Cards in this Set

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What is the word that tells us that all resources and goods are limited, what is the inability to satisfy all wants at the same time?
What are the factors of production that are used in the production of goods and services that can be human or natural?
The characteristics of this major economic system include: private ownership of property, profit, competition, consumer sovereignty and individual choice?
Free Market Economy.
What is the government agency that monitors how businesses are protecting the environment?
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Who is a person who takes a risk to produce goods and service in search of a profit?
A entrepreneur.
What is the opportunity to select an item or action from a set of possible alternatives?
What is how much of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy at a certain price?
What is the amount of good or service that producers are willing and able to sell at a certain price?
What is the amount of money exchanged for a good or service as determined by the interaction of supply and demand.
What is the word for giving up one item for something different instead – when the highest value alternative is not taken?
Opportunity cost.
What kind of economy is centrally owned and planned and lacks consumer choice?
Command economy.
What is the amendment to the Constitution that allows income tax to be collected by the Federal Government?
The 16th Amendment.
What is the entity that can restrict the money supply in response to economic conditions?
The Federal Reserve.
What is the type of economy that allows individuals; businesses and government contribute to the products available in the marketplace?
A mixed economy.
What is the term for the worldwide market in which buying and selling take place between nations?
Global economy.
What are the five characteristics of the United States economy?
Free markets, private property, profit, competition, and consumer sovereignty.
What is the form of business organization with one owner who takes all of the risks and all of the profit?
What are the ways that governments produce public goods and services?
Tax revenues and
borrowed funds.
What are the ways that the Federal Reserve can slow the economy?
Increasing the reserve requirement, raising the discount rate, and selling government securities.
What is the form of business organization that can act as a legal person regardless of the number of owners – owners share profits but liability is limited to investment?
A corporation.
What are the ways that the Federal Reserve Bank stimulates the economy?
Lowering the reserve requirement, lowering the discount rate, and purchasing government securities.
What is the combining of human, natural, capital, and entrepreneurship resources to make goods and provide services?
What is rivalry between producers/sellers of a good or service results in better quality goods and services at a lower price?
What is the government agency that regulates trade?
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
What is the term that individuals and businesses have the right to own personal property as well as the means of production without undue interference from the government?
Private property.
What is the government agency that regulates content on the television and radio?
The Federal Communications Commission.
What are the ways the government promotes marketplace competition?
Enforcing anti-trust laws, engaging in global trade, supporting business start-ups.
What are the characteristics of private financial institutions?
Receiving deposits, making loans, saving and investing by paying interest on deposits.
What are previously manufactured goods used to make other goods and services?