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12 Cards in this Set

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Stamp Act Congress

colonies upset with Stamp Act, petitioned King/Parliament, but failed...Parliament did repeal it in 1766.

1st Continental Congress

sent petition to King demanding repeal of Intolerable Acts, no more military in colonies, let colonies impose own taxes, boycott of British goods until demands were met, all were rejected.

2nd Continental Congress

established a military, Washington to lead them, sent Olive Branch Petition to King George...again, ignored by him, said colonists were in a state of rebellion.
Declaration of Independence

6/7/76, Richard Henry Lee of Va. proposed we should be independent from Britain, unanimously approved. Committee appointed to write this formal document, five men appointed, Jefferson wrote most of it...7/4/76 Congress approves it and sends to G.B./King George. Also, all "new" states were to draft their own constitutions, included self-government, separation of powers, limited gov't, and individual rights.

New England Confederation

unite to defend themselves from native Americans in Dutch colonies
Albany Plan of Union

reps from each colonies' assembly, President appointed by King, job was to regulate trade, raise an army, have naval fleet...shot down

representative gov't
from King's council of nobles and religious leaders to bicameral Parliament, House of Lords and house of Commons...their goal: limit the king's powers over time

limited gov't concept

came from Magna Carta- King John needed $$ to pay for his army, wanted to increase taxes, nobles refused, gathered their own army, forced him to sign Magna Carta...result: monarchs had to obey laws as citizens, no new taxes w/o consent of nobles, gave people trial by jury of their peers.

individual rights

Parliament forced King Charles I to sign Petition of Rights: no citizen imprisoned w/o due process of law, no quartering of troops in people's houses, no martial law during peace time. After Charles I beheaded, no monarch for brief time, then William and Mary take over, only after they sign English Bill of Rights: really limited power of monarchy, members of Parliament had freedom of speech, citizenry had protection against cruel/unusual punishment, as well as other rights people already had from Petition of Rights...this was called the Glorious Revolution, established England as a Const. Monarchy for 1st time.


representative gov't, citizens take active part in gov't, if we give too much power to monarch, he could become a tyrant
Christian values- individual rights come from God, individual responsibility, self-gov't, and freedom of worship.

enlightened thinkers

people's natural rights-liberty, life, and property, the idea of there being a social contract between people and those who govern them, as well as people's right of economic freedoms(free enterprise)