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32 Cards in this Set

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Hypertension gen
- long-term increase in BP for given CO
1. increased arteriolar constriction
2. increase in resistance: TPR or pulmonary
3. heart generates higher P to maintain normal BF
primary hypertension
-occurs without underlying reasons frequently in humans ( 95%)
- very rare in animals
secondary hypertension
-consequence of another primary disease
secondary hypertension in dogs
- frequent causes:
1. renal failure: elevated angiotensin and aldosterone cause vasoconstriction and NaCl retention, respectively
2. hyperadrenocorticism (cushing's):
- increased cortisol and aldosterone
- most frequent hormonal dysfunction in adult-old dogs
secondary hypertension in cats
-most frequent causes:
1. renal failure
2. hyperthyroidism:
a. thyroid gland produces excess of thyroxine
b. enhances the effects of Norepi and Epi
local edema
impressions remain after pushing on the edematous site
puerperal gaseous edema
clostridium novyi (anerobic) infection:
- produces toxins and gas
- toxins cause edema
eyelid edema
1. bilateral: long hospitilization in recumbent position
2. unilateral: insect bite
edema causes
- noticeable excess in interstitial fluid caused by imbalance between filtration/reabsorption/ lymph flow:
1. increased capillary hydrostatic P
2. decreased plasma oncotic P
3. lesion of capillary cell membranes
4. decreased lymph flow
normal P dynamics of exchange in capillary bed
1. arterial side: hydrostatic P of blood(driving force)> oncotic P of interstitium= filtration
2. venous side: oncotic P of blood (driving force)> hydrostatic P of interstitium= resorption
normal % dynamics of exchange in capillary bed
- 20 L/ day (humans): filtered from plasma into ECF
- 18L/day: reabsorped into plasma
- 2 L/day (10%): return to the circulation through the lymphatic system
imbalance between filtration and resorption
filtration exceeds resorption and lymph flow= edema:
1. increased venous P= increased filtration
2. decreased plasma oncotic P (eg hypoproteinemia)= decreased resorption
factors which limit degree of edema
1. filtration limited: by increase of interstitial hydrostatic P (no further flow increase above +2mmHg)
2. filtration reduced: by decrease of interstitial oncotic P
3. lymph flow promoted: by increase on interstitial hydrostatic P
edema caused by increased venous P
1. cardiac failure
2. pulmonary congestion
edema due to cardiac failure
- cause: increased venous P
- Left side: lung
- R side:
1. animals: abdomen
2. humans: legs
edema due to pulmonary congestion
- cause: increased venous P
-lung or legs/abdomen
-when lung interstitium is full, fluid is filtered into the air spaces and alveoli: cough of frothy fluid
edema due to hypoproteinemia
1. malnutrition: kwashiokor (humans) causes ascites
2. loss of protein:
a. nephrotic syndrome: glomerula permeable to proteins
b. severe burns: loss through damaged capillaries
edema due to hypoxia
mountain sickness:
-limited oxygen transport capacity
- 8-24 hours after first arrival at high altitudes (>3000m)
edema due to lymphatic obstruction
1. tumor: location depends on tumor
2. parasites/ diseases: microfilaria, elephantitis, tuberculosis (TBC), pnuemonia
hemmorrhage decreases
1. BV (venous side)
2. CO
3. arterial P
4. central venous P
5. atrial P
6. hematocrit, nutrients, etc
immediate control mechanisms of hemmorrhage
-survival: return of arterial P within seconds to minutes
- S and PS nerves
- baro, chemo and volume receptors
- CNS ischemic mechanism
intermediate control mechanisms of hemmorrhage
-conservation: minutes to hours
1. vasoconstriction: BF to kidneys decreased via renin and ADH
2. vasodilation: stress relaxation mechanism= protect against high BP, lasts min- hours
3. capillary fluid shift mechanism:
low capillary hydrostatic P shifts fluid from interstitium to blood
long term control mechanisms of hemmorrhage
-restoration: hours to months
1. renal: BF decreased via renin
2. thirst: baroreceptor and atrial volume receptor reflexes trigger hypothalamus--> thirst --> 1-2 days
3. replacement of blood components:
a. plasma proteins: liver, days
b. blood cells: bone marrow, weeks
effectiveness of renin in hemmorrhage
- severe hemmorrhage: acute fall of BP to 50
- P compensation within minutes:
1. without renin: BP up to 60
2. with renin: BP up to 83
circulatory shock definition
-generalized inadequacy of BF throughout the body to extent that tissues are damaged
effects and clinical signs of circulatory shock
1. vasoconstriction: cold limbs (except in septic), pale skin
2. hypoxia: cyanosis (tongue, conjunctiva), flat respiration
3. low BP: threadlike pulse, oliguria (reduced urine)
4. sympathetic activity: mydriasis = dilated pupils
classifications of circulatory shock
1. hypovolemia
2. traumatic: burn, bruises= plasma loss
3. dehydration: diarrhea, peritonitis
4. anaphylactic: allergic= loss of plasma
5. toxic= vasomotor paralysis
non- progressive stage of circulatory shock
- reduction of blood supply to non-vital organs via vasoconstriction of ANS, catecholamines, hormones:
1. heart: baroreceptor reflex
2. kidney: renin
3. hypothalamus: ADH
4. suprarenal gland
- 40% loss of blood in dogs
- depending on severity full recovery possible without treatment
progressive stage of circulatory shock
decentralization of blood circulation
1. vasomotor failure
2. cardiac depression
3. nervous depression
- depending on severity, full recovery possible with treatment
vasomotor failure in progressive circulatory shock
oxygen and nutrient deficiency, plus increase of metabolic end products in tissues:
1. damage of capillary membranes
2. plasma shift to interstitium
3. decreased BV
4. increased blood viscosity: danger of thrombosis
cardiac and nervous depression in progressive circulatory shock
1. cardiac:
- decreasing arterial P decreases coronary circulation
- positive feedback cycle
2. nervous: oxygen deficiency effects CNS= clouding consciousness
irreversible stage of circulatory shock
decompensation of blood circulation:
cardiac failure and failure of cardiovascular centers:
1. too much tissue damage
2. too many destructive enzymes released into body fluids
3. too much acidosis
- no ability to recover, regardless of treatment or restoration of BP