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15 Cards in this Set

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What is chronic illness?
a medical condition or health prob with assoc symptoms or disabilities that req long term management.
What are the 9 phases of chronic illness?
Pre-trajectory, trajectory onset, stable, unstable, acute, crisis, comeback, downward, dying
what is the pre-trajectory phase?
genetic factors or life style behaviors that place an individual or community at risk for the dev of a chronic condition
what is the trajectory phase?
appearance of noticeable sym; incl period of diagnostic workup and announcement of dx.
what is the stable phase?
illness course and sym are under control. everyday life activities are being managed within limitations of ilness. illness mgmt centered on the home.
what is the unstable phase?
period of inability to keep sym under control or reactivation of illness. disruption and difficulty in carrying out everyday life activities. adjustments being made in regime with care usually taking place at home.
what is the acute phase?
severe and unrelieved sym or the dev of illness complications needing hospitalization or bed rest to bring illness course under control. everyday life activities temp placed on hold or drastically cut back.
What is the crisis phase?
critical or life threatening situation req emergency trmt or care. everyday life activities suspended until the crisis passes.
What is the comeback phase?
a gradual return to an acceptable way of life within limits imposed by disability or illness. involves physical healing, stretching limitations thru rehab proc, psychosocial coming to terms, and adjustments in everyday life activities.
What is the downward phase?
Illness course char by rapid or gradual physical decline accompanied by incr disability or difficulty in controlling sym. req adjustment and alterations in everyday life activity with each major downward step.
What is the dying phase?
final days or weeks before death. char by gradual or rapid shutting down of body processes, biographical disengagement and closure and relinquishment of everyday life interests and activities.
What is remission?
the period during which the disease is controlled and sym are not obvious.
What is exacerbation?
when the disease becomes active again with recurrence of pronounced symptoms
What is prevalence?
refers to the total number of cases at a given point in time. prevalence rates are higher than incidence rates because they include all persons(cases) with a specified condition(old cases)and those who acquired the condition during a specified period of time(new cases)
What is incidence?
refers to the number of cases of illness that had their onset during a specified period of time. commonly health statistics report the number of new cases for a calendar year.