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32 Cards in this Set

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Types of COPD


Chronic bronchitis


sleep apnea

cystic fibrosis

Risk Factors

-Cigarette smoking = 90% of risk

-environmental exposure

->ozone, smoke, airborne particulates

-occupational dust/chemicals

Pathophysiology COPD

-dyspnea -SOB from exertion to just rest

- ^ mucus production

- impaired clearing of mucus from resp. track

-airway obstruction (mucus, scarring, bronchospasm)

-Low TLC = air trapping

-freq./severe RTI

-persistent cough and sputum, wheezing

Pathophysiology Chronic bronchitis

-^ size of mucus glands, goblet cells

-^ mucus production, impaired clearance of mucous from Resp. track

-airway fibrosis

Patho. Emphysema

-imbalance of elastase and anti-elastase proteins (tissue degredation)

-alveolar dilation and disruption of A-C membrane

inadequate oxygenation

Patho. of Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema

-non-specifc changes in parenchyma and airways



current/past smoker


SOB on phys. exertion

chronic productive cough

Physical Exam:

-barrel chest

-decreased breath sounds, wheezing

-sings of CHF (edema)

-clubbing of fingers (rare)

Diagnosis of Chronic brochitis vs emphysema

Chronic br: based on history

Emphys: based on anatomy

Diagnosic tests of COPD


-O2 saturation (normal >90%)

-not as accurate as art. bld measurement

Chest Radiography:

-hyper inflated lungs with flattened diaphragm

-hyperluncent lungs = ^ blackening from increased transmission of x-rays

-Bullae = areas of destroyed lung tissue

Arterial Blood Gases:

-^PaCO2 , low PaO2, normal pH, ^HCO3

Pulmonary Fuction Tests findings COPD

-Changes in Volume (FVC, flow rate)

*FEV1/FVC = <.75

*Low FEV1

->FEV1 <50% = stage 1

->FEV1 35-49% =stage 2

->FEV1 <35% = stage 3

^ TLC, FRC, RV = air trapping

low diffusion capacity

Treatment COPD

Smoking cessation

Management of syptoms


-bronchial mucosal congestion and edema

-airway inflammation

- increased airway secretion

Pharmacological Tx

-inhaled/oral steriods = antiinflamm.

-bronchodilators= dec. bronchospasm


-mucolytic agents= mucus clearance

supplemental O2

Primary PRevention COPD


tobacco, occupational exposure, pollution

Secondary Prevention


Tertiary Prevention

Avoid exposure to risk particulates

Pulmonary and cardiac rehab.

-exercise training


-breathing retraining

Other Acute Lung diseases








Types of RLD

Pulmonary Firbrosis




Interstitial Lung Disease

Pathophysiology RLD

-Low Lung Volume

-Decresed TLC, VC, FRC

-normal Airway resistance

Pathophysiology Intrinsic RLD

-increased elastic recoil = low lung volumes

-increased expiratory airflow

-arterial hypoxemia

->ventil.-perfusion mismatch

->intrapulmonary shunt

->diffusion impariment

-hyperventilation at rest

-inflammation and scarring

-low gas diffusion

Pathophysiology Extrinsic RLD

-diseases of extraparenchyma (chest wall, pleura, resp. mm.)

- ^ elastic recoil of chest wall and lung = low lung volumes

-arterial hypoxemia = atelectasis

-structural abnormalities (kyphosis, lateral curvature, kyphosis, sternal angulation)

-nueromuscular disorders =CNS, spinal cord, resp. mm

-impaired ventilation = resp. failure

PFT findings RLD

changes in FVC, FEV1

low TLC, FRC, RV

decreased FVC (<.8)

Symptoms Intrinsic RLD

-progressive exertional dyspnea

-dry cough

-bloody sputum

-pleuritic chest pain

Symptoms Extrinsic RLD

Non muscular:

-middle aged = dyspnea, decreased exercise tolerance

-resp. failure secondary to spinal and chest wall deformity


-progressive resp. mm weakness

-dyspnea upon exertion

Diagnosis RLD:

Physical Exam of Intrinsic and Extrinsic mm

Intrinsic Exam:

-Velcro crackles

-inspir. squeaks or rhonchi

-pulm. hypertension

Extrinsic Exam:

-massive obesity

-abnormal configuration of thoracic cage

-pleural disorders

-nueromuscular disease

Diagnostic exams RLD cont'd

Chest Radiography (Intrinsic)

-most common

-air space opacity

Arterial Blood Gases = Low PaCo2, Low PaO2

Extrinsic = Low max. inspiratory and exp. mouth pressures


manage symptoms:


-mm weakness

-low compliance

Pharmacological Tx:

-inhaled or oral corticosteriods

-immunosupressive agents


Supplemental Ox

External mechanical ventilation

Pathophysiology of Asthma

- ^ IgE levels and airway reactivity to allergens

-Inflammatory response (edema, epithelial disruption)

-Airway obstruction (bronchospasm, mucus)


wheezing, SOB, infections.

Risk Factors asthma

Childhood Onset:

-indoor allergens

-environmental tobacco

-^ URI in infancy

-Low birthwt

Adult onset:

-occupational exposure

-organic dusts (chemical, inorganic particles)

Risk of Death - asthma

-Hospital admission for asthma in last year

-poor medical management

-alcohol abuse

-overuse of B2 - brochodilators

PFT findings

Same as Obstructive

**check slides

Treatment Asthma

-Smoking cessation

-Manage symptoms


->congestion (mucus)


-inhaled/oral steriods

-supplemental ox.

**same as COPD

Primary Prevention


tobacco, occupational exposure, pollution

Secondary Prevention

Avoid risk particulates

pulm./cardiac rehab

-exercise, education, breathing retraining