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70 Cards in this Set

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Beginning of harvest--50 days after passover


Savior, Liberator, Jesus


Jewish high court--had to get allowance from the king


Latin translation of Bible--Catholic Church's latin version of the Bible

Apostolic Succession

line of bishops back to the apostles


Belief that Christ was 1st of the God the Father's creation and being through whom created all other things


"Thanksgiving" celebration of Lord's Last Supper. Bread and wine blessed and consumed in honor of the Lord's flesh and blood

Council of Nicaea (DATE)

325 AD--Council of Christian bishops


"Correct" faith in Christianity and acceptance of the doctrines


"Takers" of contrary positions, namely in Christianity. Opposing Orthodox


"Lands" granted to cavalry men to fund their equipment and service

Papal States

Central part of Italy; Pope Stephen became he secular ruler. Pope rules as secular ruler


Prophet of Islam. Claims to hear voice of Alah and records it in the Quran


Peasant bound to land they work


self-sufficient rural community that was fundamental institution in medieval life. Where serfs worked the land


person granted an estate or cash payment in return for rendering service to a lord

Three-feild system

two fields get crops, one field left empty. Restorative system of crop rotation to insure soil fertility

Charlemagne (DATE of crowning)

Crowned on Christmas day in 800. Established political order; feudalism; classical learning centralization

Carolingian Renaissance

reading and writing, ancient learning; minuscule form of writing

Papal Primacy

bishop of Rome is universal pastor and supreme head of the church. Pope has ultimate authority

Agricultural Revolution

Increase crop yield, 3 field system, tandem harnessing, heavy plow


Heretical sect, simple pious way of life, following the example of Jesus and apostles but rejected key Christian doctrines


sisterhoods of pious self-supporting single women

Alexius I

Byzantine emperor (1081-1118) during the crusades

Crusades (DATE of capture of Jerusalem)

Captured in July of 1099. Campaigns authorized by the church to combat heresies and rival faiths

Fourth Crusade

1201-1204 Constantinople captured by crusaders


First sultan of Egypt and Syria founder of dynasty

Knights Templar

miltant order; both monks and knights. destroyed in 14th century. Formed after 1st crusade--wealthy order

Council of Clermont (DATE)

1095, Urban calls for the first crusade--Byzatine emperor asks for help

Plenary Indulgence

If killed, all sines are gone and you go to heaven without serving any time in pergatory


Simon the Sorcerer, buying and selling of offices

Investiture Struggle

authority to appoint and control clergy, Pope Gregory excommunicated Henry IV settles at Concordat of Worms 1122

Cluniac Reform

restoring traditional monastic life, encouraging art

Regular Clergy

Secular Clergy

Live under monastic rule

Live in the world

Gregory VII

Gregorian reform; papacy should choose bishops; excommunicates Henry IV

Concordat of Worms

struggle settled 1122 Henry chooses bishops

Fourth Lateran Council (DATE)

1215 Celebrate mass, confess sins, and transubstantiation (bread and wine=body and blood)



Order out in the world begging

Order of preachers, academics, educators, inquisition; attached to universities

St. Thomas Aquinas

Writer of "On Kingship", catholic priest, doctor of the church

William the Conqueror

Duke of Normandy, combined feudalism and anglo-sexton--made all England his domain--20 year conquest

Bayeux Tapestry

Battle of Hastings

Domesday Book

Recording of survey of land

Angevin Empire

Empire created by union of Eleanor and Henry

Magna Carta (DATE)

"Great Charter" 1215, document that spelled out limitations on royal authority to King John in 1215

Thomas A Becket

Arch bishop of Canterbury; Saint and Martyr for the Catholic Church and Anglican communion

Capetian Dynasty

Frankish origin


Region in central France near Paris


monopolies maintained by landowners. Tenants pay to grind all grain in landowners will


Method of study associated with the medieval university; Attempt to combine Aristotelian philosophy with Christian theology

Peter Abelard

Scholastic philosopher and theologian


Church and schools, teaching of the 7 liberal arts





T: Grammer, rhetoric, logic (language arts)

Q: Arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music

Merchant guilds

where merchants can sell items have ownership over all items

Three Orders of Medieval Society



Laboratores-serfs and peasants

Dubbing Ceremony

knights kneel in front of king to get knighthood

Black Death

plague that hit Sicily and spread through Europe; reduced the population


subjects someone to flogging by 2/5


communal uprising or revolt bloddy rebellions that peasants waged

Estates General

assembly of representatives from France's propertied classes

The Great Schism

split within the Catholic church

Conciliar Theory

council could effectively regulate the actions of the pope

Babylonian Captivity of the Church

attacked 7 sacraments only 2 (baptism and eucharist) are biblical--Papacy moved to Avighon

John Wycliffe

Scholastic philosopher, Biblical translator, Roman Catholic priest

John Huss

Czech priest early Christian reformer

Clerico Laicos

a papal bull which forbade lay taxation of the clergy without papal approval

Unam Sanctam

declared that temporal authority was subject to the spiritual power of the church, besieged papacy

The 100 Years War

1337-1453 England vs France, series of hit and run attacks by England almost 100% in French territory and all won by England, Joan of Arc lead the French to victory

Joan of Arc

Heroin of France, peasant girl who heard God's voice which helped her in leading France to victory over England

Marsilius of Padua

Italian Scholar trained in medicine, political figure