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22 Cards in this Set

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(1) A word that means “good news.” (2) Books that tell of Jesus. In the NT, these are narratives of Jesus’ life. The message about what Jesus accomplishes for the relationship between God and humanity and for relations about humans
Historical Jesus
- An image of what the actual person Jesus was like and what he did, without the interpretations of the church. Some present-day scholars work as though they were able to present the facts about Jesus life with at the same time inserting their own interpretations.
Designation for the written source that contained the preserved sayings of Jesus; both Matthew and Luke used Q to supplement the material they found in Mark. No copies of this work have survived.
Synoptic Gospels
Designation for Matthew, Mark, Luke, given because they are alike in so many ways. The Synoptic Problem is the question of how these Gospels are related to one another. Most interpreters think they have some literary relationship
Beloved Disciple
The only name the Gospel of John gives for the disciple who sat next to Jesus in its account of the Last Supper. This Gospel also identifies him as the source of the material in that Gospel. He seems to be from Judea rather than Galilee because so many of the stories of the Gospel of John that are not in the synoptic occur in Judea.
Good Samaritan
central character in parable of Jesus, helps person who has been beaten and robbed, stories hero
Herod the Great
Ruler of Judea, Samaria, Galilee and the Decapolis. Still in power during Jesus’ birth. He was a ruthless leader but also expanded the temple in Jerusalem.
John the Baptist
- Cousin of Jesus who baptized Jesus as he began his ministry. John acts as the one who prepares for the ministry of Jesus in the Gospels. Some scholars think that Jesus was a follower of John before Jesus began his own ministry.
Kingdom of God/Heaven
Mathew’s way of referring to the kingdom of God. This expression shows Mathew’s Jewish sensitilities because he is avoiding direct mention of God.
- Mother of Jesus. She is a leading character in Luke’s infancy narrative. Even though she appears only occasionally in the Gospel’s narratives of the ministry of Jesus, she is present at the crucifixion.
Messianic Secret
The characteristic of Jesus when he tells people to not tell anyone of miracles
Roman procurator of Palestine who condemns Jesus to death
Sermon on the Mount
First of the five speeches in Matthew. Matthew composes this speech mostly from Q material. The material in the Sermon on the Mount includes: The Beatitudes, the Lord’s Prayer, and a series of Jesus’ interpretation of the law.
Son of Man
- This ambiguous phrase could refer simply to a person or a mortal, but in the Gospel it designates Jesus as one who has an eschatological role.
The Word
A way John speaks of the identity of the pre-existent Christ. Drawing on Israel’s wisdom tradition. John has the Word assist God in the creation and sustaining of the world, as well as being the clearest revelation of God in the world.
The Roman centurion, who in Acts 10-11, becomes the first Gentile convert to the church
Jerusalem Conference
In about the year 50, Paul and Barnabas go to Jerusalem to discuss with the leaders of that church whether Gentile members of the had to be circumcised and begin to observe the Torah as Jews did. The basic question was whether Gentiles had to become full proselytes to Judaism in order to be full members of the church.
A persecutor of the church who has an experience of the risen Christ on the way to Damascus that leads him to become a believer. He becomes the apostle and leading missionary to the Gentiles in the first generation of the church. His letters to his churches account for more book in the New Testament than any other author.
- A harvest festival within Judaism that also celebrates the giving of the Law to Moses. This pilgrimage feast come 50 days after the Passover. In Acts, it is on this feast day that the church comes into existence
leader among disciple of Jesus who becomes known as apostle to Jews
A Gentile who converts fully to Judaism.
First Christian martyr. He was also one of the first people appointed as a deacon in the Jerusalem church