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73 Cards in this Set

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What did rybarczyk say is admirable about fundamentalists?
they believe in truth
What are the 5 points of the Niagara creed?
1. Inerrancy of the bible
2. Virgin birth
3. The full deity of Christ
4. The substitutionary atonement of Christ
5. The bodily resurrection and physical return of Christ
What was the name of the mother church of Pentecostalism
azusa street mission
In what city was Pentecostalism’s mother church located
los angeles
What do Pentecostals believe is the sign of spirit-baptism?
Who were the two fathers of the Pentecostal movement?
-John Wesley AND Charles Parham
Vanguard was started by which Pentecostal denomination
Assemblies of God
What are the 2 largest churches of god denominations in the USA?
Church of God in Christ and
Around the globe are most Pentecostals in denominations or independent
What is holiness Pentecostal?
Sanctification is an experience/event/crisis moment
Pentecostals tend to be more egalitarian than evangelicals because of the Pentecostal belief in what?
spiritual gifts
What is Glossolalia?
Unknown gibberish, least of the gifts, and evidence of ths spirit-baptism
Pentecostals believe that a spiritual gift indicates that god wants us to do what with it?
use it as an oppurtunity
When people live in the spirit, are open to the spirit, are they less likely or more likely to be missionally driven?
more likely
Rybarczyk said Pentecostalism with its practice of praying in glossolalia is not irrational but instead is
arational: doesnt care about reason
To what other human activities did rybarczyk compare praying in tongues
-Artists: lose self-awareness
-Athletes: in the zone
-Actors: becoming the role
Define xenolalia
Pentecostals are characterized by populism. What does that mean how does it give them an advantage over Catholics?
populism: by and or and of the people
What was the collective state of mind of Roman Catholic Church in and around Vatican 1?
“In all places and all times, all churches should agree with the roman church”
Following V1 who did Catholics believe were the truest Christians?
those baptized in the name of the trinity
At V1 to whom did ministry belong
ministry was a clerical prerogative
Protestants declared that the bible was inerrant about the same time that roman Catholics declared the pope was ___________. Both groups were seeking what by their varied declarations?
A pope only speaks ex cathedra concerning what 2 matters
out of the seat of authority and
What were the years during which Vatican 2 convened?
Translate into English the Italian word aggiornamento
coming up to date, modernization and adaptation
What were the 2 purposes that john 23 called Vatican 2
bring the church up to date and promote Christian unity
Because of v2 Roman Catholics call Protestants _________ brethren
Did Jesus used force/coercion to promote his own agenda? Did Mohammed?
Jesus refused to be a ______ messiah
In the city of medina how many men did Mohammed behead?
5 centuries before the crusades how much of the Christendom was leveled by Islam
Islam is unique as a religion concerning violence. How is this so
compromised a motive of their warfare. Koran teaches that allah wants muslims to conquer the world
What was the original goal of the crusades?
recapture the holy land
Which famous and influential Muslim leader offered an apology for atrocities committed against Christians in the middle ages?
Who did Foster develop as an historical paradigm of the Charismatic Tradition?
Assisi, St. Francis
what wild animal did this figure tame?
a wolf
Who did Foster site as a biblical paradigm of the Charismatic Tradition?
Apostle Paul
Who did Foster site as a contemporary paradigm of the Charismatic Tradition?
William J. Seymour
What gift did this contemporary figure’s wife receive from the Holy Spirit?
Speaking in tongues
Finish Frank Bartleman’s famous quotation, “The color line________________.”
“was washed away in the blood.”
For William Seymour, what was the more important sign of the coming of the spirit?
Speaking in tongues
Foster says that the spirit’s charismata do what with our actions?
The effect of one’s actions greatly exceeds the input of the human being
What is the first major strength of the Charismatic Tradition?
It offers an ongoing correction to our impulse to domesticate God.
What are the first two perils of this Tradition?
1. The danger of trivialization
2. danger of rejecting the rational and the intellectual.
Who did Foster develop as a historical paradigm of the Social Justice Tradition?
john woolman
what social policy did this historical figure challenge?
Who did Foster site as a biblical paradigm of the Social Justice Tradition?
Who did Foster site as a contemporary paradigm of the Social Justice Tradition?
dorothy day
What, in English, are the three great themes of this tradition?
loving kindness
what are the three arenas for social justice?
Personal arena
social arena
institutional structures
What are the 2nd and 4th major strengths of the Social Justice Tradition?
-It is constantly calling us to a right ordering of society -social justice gives relevance and bite to the language of Christian love.
What are the first two perils of the Social Justice Tradition?
-Strident legalism
-become an end in itself
What Old Testament prophet is especially pertinent for Pentecostalism?
Within what Christian tradition did Seymour’s parents raise him?
Why did Seymour sit in the hall of Parham’s Bible school in Houston?
Because of “Jim Crow” laws, he had to be separated from the other students
how many attendees could fit into the Azusa Street Mission?
Between 300-350 people
By 1907 how many of the Mission’s magazines were being printed?
Speaking to the issue of race, what was Frank Bartleman’s famous quote?
The color line was washed away in the blood.
What caused Seymour to be blind in one eye?
His bout with smallpox
8. What did the on-line writer say is the cause of Seymour’s greatness?
His concern for spiritual empowerment and unity.
Vatican Council
What was the father’s original plan?
Raise men to a participation of the divine life.
Whom does the Catholic Church see in the poor and suffering?
Sees the image of its poor and suffering Founder.
What do the Catholics believe arouses the discernment of the faithful?
Hope and works through charity.
Does Lumen Gentium believe the church is necessary for salvation?
Complete the following sentence, “A council is never ecumential unless it is confirmed or at least accepted as such by__________.”
The successor of Peter.
When will the church experience the “final age of the world?”
It is already experiencing the final age
Where do Catholics believe they are especially united to the church in heaven?
Reestablished in Christ
What has been the traditional-historical geographical/nationality based stereotype of Christianity?
Christianity is the religion of the west.
On what continents is Christianity experiencing its greatest growth?
behind Europe, which continent has the most Christians today?
latin america
By 2025, which continent will have the most Christians?
latin america
How is it that the poorer peoples may come to have great influences within the world?
They have a higher birth rate, therefore larger populations to change the world.
How do Muslims typically respond to those who want to leave Islam?
The result is death; if you leave you aren’t going back.