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58 Cards in this Set

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What is metabolism?
the collection of controlled biochemical reactions that take place in a cell; include catabolism and anabolism
What is catabolism?
breakdown of large molecules into smaller molecules; produces ATP
What is anabolism?
synthesize large molecule from smaller molecules; require ATP
What does ATP stand for?
Adenosine triphosphate
How much ATP does bacterium need per second?
3 million ATP molecules
What is the other name for Aerobic Energy Production?
cellular respiration
What is the equation for Aerobic Energy Production?
C6H12O6 + 6O2 > 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP
What is glucose to a bacteria?
its a nutrient; food!
What is oxygen in the Aerobic Energy Production equation?
the reactant; required to produce ATP
What is required to produce ATP?
What is carbon dioxide in the Aerobic Energy Production equation?
the byproduct from producing ATP
What is the byproduct from producing ATP?
What is a Redox reaction?
reduction + oxidation
What does LEO stand for? What does it mean?
loose electrons; oxidized (glucose)
What does GER stand for? What does it mean?
gain electrons; reduced (oxygen)
What is the equation for making ATP?
ADP + P + Energy = ATP
What does ADP stand for in the ATP equation?
adenosine diphosphate
What is the P in the ATP equation?
the phosphate groups
What are the 3 steps in Aerobic Energy Process?
2)kreb's cycle
3)electron transport chain
What is glycolysis?
the splitting of sugar
Where does glycolysis occur?
occurs in the cytoplasm of prokaryotes and eukaryotes
What does the splitting of glucose create?
2 pyruvic acids
2 NADH (electron carriers)
What is the Bridge in the Aerobic Energy Process?
the splitting of the 2 pyruvic acids into 2 acetly coA
What does the splitting of pyruvic acid create in the process?
2 CO2
2 NADH (electron carriers)
What is NADH?
electron carriers
What is Kreb's cycle?
2 acetly coA "spin" the Kreb's cycle one time = 2 spins; then they continue to open bonds and release energy;
Where does the Kreb's cycle occur in prokaryotes?
in the cytoplasm
Where does the Kreb's cycle occur in eukaryotes?
in the mitochondria
What is produced throughout the Kreb's cycle?
4 CO2
6 NADH (electron carrier)
2 FADH2 (electron carrier)
What is FADH2?
electron carrier
What is the Electron Transport Chain?
a series of proteins embedded in the plasma membrane
Where is the ETC located in prokaryotes?
in the plasma membrane
Where is the ETC located in eukaryotes?
in the mitochondrial membrane (inner)
What is delivered to ETC? What transports it there?
electrons; NADH and FADH2
What is the final member of ETC in aerobic energy production?
Is there more electronegativity at the beginning or the end of the ETC?
at the end
Where is the energy stored?
in the bonds of ATP
How do you produce ATP via the ETC?
need to build H+ concentration gradient; to put more H+ on one side of a membrane
Where does NADH drop off his electrons?
at the beginning of the ETC
What does oxygen + e- + hydrogen produce?
What do you use to produce ATP (relating to the ETC)?
use a H+ concentration gradient and ATP synthase (enzyme)
What is ATP synthase?
an enzyme that helps produce ATP
How many ATP molecules are produced by one NADH dropping off its electrons?
How many ATP molecules are produced by FADH2 dropping off its electrons?
Does FADH2 drop off its electrons at the beginning of the ETC?
no; therefore produces less ATP than NADH
How many total ATP molecules are produced after the Aerobic Energy equation?
38 ATP total
One glucose molecule produces how much ATP?
38 ATP
What is Anerobic Energy Production?
Glycolysis, Kreb's, and ETC; instead of using oxygen as last member, you use sulfate or nitrate
What is the final member of the ETC in anerobic energy production?
sulfate or nitrate
What use the anaerobic energy production?
prokaryotes only (but not all prokaryotes can)
Can prokaryotes do aerobic energy production?
yes if oxygen is available
What is fermentation?
when there is no oxygen; therefore, no aerobic energy production is possible; only glycolysis
How many ATP molecules are produced from 1 glucose molecule in fermentation?
Does fermentation produce end products?
What is the only step you do in fermentation?
What is the end product of yeast in fermentation?
ethanol (alcohol)
What is the end product of humans in fermentation?
lactic acid (muscle burn)
What is the end product of bacteria in fermentation?
acetic acid (vinegar)/ acetone