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209 Cards in this Set

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Symptoms 7-10 physical and emotional signs days before menstruation


Excessive estrogen, deficient progesterone or both Hypothalamic-pituitary dysregulation: effects of reproductive horones on brain endorphines. Melatonin, and serotonin.

PMS (Premenstrual syndrome)

Weight gain, irritability, personality changes, depression, abdominal bloating, pain, or tenderness of the breast, breast enlargement, craving for sweets, swelling of ankles, feet, and hands: anxiety or increased physical activity.


Daily recordings of her symptoms Symptoms for at least 2 months.

Common finding is that client is mentrual free.

Menstrual Dairy

Hormonal drug treatment in PMS deal with the fluctuations of

Estrogen and Progesterone.

Oral contraceptives ,progesterone, synthetic androgens, or gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analog such as histrelin (Supprelin) and nafarelin (Synarel) for 6 month.

Used In PMS Hormone Therapy

Tranquilizer or Antidepressants such as Fluoxetine (Prozac), Non-Analgesics such as Mefenamic acid (Ponstel), ibuprofen (Motrin), and Naproxen (Anaprox):

Used in PMS discomfort

100-mg Vitamin B6 reduce irritability, fatigue, and Depression in


400 international units of Vitamin E to reduce tenderness for:


1200-mg calcium in divided doses three times a day before to relieve bloating and body ache\ 400-mg magnesium to relieve pain, water retention and dysphoria used for:


Eating Six meals per day, including complex carbohydrate and foods high in calcium while reducing sugar and salt for what condition:


Reduce or eliminating caffeine to relieve irritability and ease tenderness, Eliminate alcohol prior to menstrual avoid depression or mood swings, aerobic exercises 30 min a week, sufficient sleep each night, manage stress more effectively by performing progressive muscle relaxant, deep breathing exercises, or practicing yoga:


Painful menstruation that may be primary or secondary:


T\F Increasing aerobically 30 min and sleep each night help PMS:


T\F eliminate alcohol intake before menstruation to stop mood swings or depression


T\F Muscle relaxant Yoga, deep breathing Exercises help PMS:


What is drug therapy used for: Oral contraceptive, progesterone, synthetic androgen or gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) analog such as histrelin (Supprelin) and nafarelin(synarel) for 6 months to aid in fluation of progesterone and estrogen.


PMS: Diary PMS Chart goes from 0-1-2-3 (disabling)


Depression, Anxiety, Irritability, Lethargy, Insomnia, Forgetfulness, and confusion apart of what chart?

PMS Diary

Swelling, Breast Tenderness, Abdominal bloating, palpitations, weight gain, Constipation, headache, Rhinitis, are part of physical symptoms for what chart?

PMS Diary

Mentrual Cramps, Painful intercourse, pelvic pain, Backache signs of what on what chart?

PMS Diary

Oral contraceptive is drug therapy in what disorder?:


T\F estrogen levels are suptessex while on drug therapy for PMS?


Bone Density. Uncomfortable sex and vaginal dryness occurs in taking: For PMS

GnRH analog

NSAIDS used in PMS for pain relieve with GnRH should be take with: To avoid gastric distress


PMS occurs?

7 to 10 Days before Period.

Excessive Estrogen and deficient Progesterone causes:


Painful mentruation is:


Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) that is idiopathic and no abnormality is found is what of the 2 types of menstruation?

Primary Dysmenorrhea

What type of dysmenorrhea is caused by Endometriosis(tissue of the uterus growing on outside not inside), Displacement of Uterus, and Fibroid Uterine Tumor.

Secondary Dysmenorrhea

T/F: Secondary Dysmenorrhea is chased by underlined Bad Condition:


Lower Abdominal pain, cramping,

Worsened by fatigue, cold and Tension: Signs of what Menstrual issue?


Dysmenorrhea is treated by treating underlying cause and with with :

Non-narcotic analgesic .

Contraceptive pills for 2 to 3 months And discontinued can provide

Less Menstrual pain

Symptom relief by heat, warm shower, moist heating pad, or wattle bottle for what:


Retroversion or backward tilt of Uterus in Dysmenorrhea can be helped by:

Knee-Chest Position

What position is used in Dysmenorrhea for discomforts?

Knee To Chest

Adequate rest, nutrition, less stress, can help in Dysmenorrhea why?

Help Cope with Discomfort

What is the Absence of menstrual flow?


A women who has never menstruated and is of productive age?

Primary Amenorrhea

When mentruation Stops after mentruation has occurred its:

Secondary Amenorrhea

Occurs when Ovaries, Uterus have been removed, Occurs normally during pregnancy, after Menopause, Thru Lactation

Secondary Amenorrhea

Occurs normally in Pregnancy (menstrual flow)

Secondary Amenorrhea

Menopause can cause what type of stop in Mentrual flow:


Infrequent Mentruation is:


T/F: A adolescents girl experiences infrequent periods before she establish menses: is this normal?


Hypothyroidism, stress response , lean body mass cuases:


Female athletes , anorexic nervosa, debilitating diseases have low level estrogen does what?

Cease mentruation

Premature ovarian failure and Polycystic ovarian syndrome cuase


Ovaries cease to function in women than 40, Early in teens:

Premature ovarian failure

Irregular menses and Natural menopause like s\s:

Premature Ovarian Failure

Depleted follicles or unresponsive to FSH

Premature Ovarian Failure

Autoimmune attack can destroy ovarian follicles and cuase:

Premature Ovarian Failure

Follicles that are programmed lack maturity to get help from other mature follicles and result in:

Premature Ovarian failure

Luteinized follicles:

Do not release

POF is diagnosed by:

Sample of Blood

Higher that normal level of FSH, history of irregular menses and premature cessation of period:


Characterized by cluster of s/s such as amenorrhea and Oligomenorrhea.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome age group:

20 to 40 years of age

Gynecologic exam and physician palpitates ovaries feels enlarged multi fluid filled cysts in ovarian follicles its:

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Vaginal ultrasonography and blood test confirm:

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Progesterone that depress menstrual or Ovum not secreated by effected follicle in:

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Multiple Endocrine Abnormalities such as overproduction of insulin, and high testorone levels is:

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Interference with mentruation/Ovulation, weight gain, excessive growth of body hair, acne, thinning hair or baldness, abnormal lipid levels and hypertension sign of:

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Treatment to offset excess testosterone and regulate menstul cycle thru contraceptive for what:

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Oral hypoglycemic agent aka metformin and Progestin agent given to Polycystic Ovarian Failure p/t who want to:


Lipid lowering agent and antihypertensive are given to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome P/T to lower:

Lipids and Blood Pressure

Excessive Bleeding at the time of Normal Mentruation:


Period that longer than 7 days, two pads per day or extends added 3 or more days:


Endocrine, Coagulation, or systemic disorders can cuase:


NSAID, Progestin, hormonal contraceptives in combo with estrogen and Progestin used for:


NSAID reduce Prostagladin, chems in edometrial tissue that stimulate Uterus use for what:


Tranforms proliferation endometrium into a secretory endometruim that simulates a pregnant state used in Menorrhagia:

Progestin and Synthetic forms

"Pill period" from hormonal contraceptive produce what in Menorrhagia?

Light Bleeding

Dilation and Curettage can be use in what excessive bleeding but only last 1-2 months:


Endometrial Ablation is non surgical alternative for what?


Detachment of lining of Uterus for Menorrhagia:

Endometrial Ablation

Photodynamic therapy or uterine gallon therapy (endometrial Ablation) used in:


Photodynanic therapy: Photosensitive substance applied in endometrial tissue, laser sloughs used in:


Uterine Balloon therapy, heated balloon cuasing Sloughing of uterus lining used in:


Dilation and Curettage (D and C) used for syptomic relief: in


Vaginal bleeding at a time other than mentrual period:


Amount of blood in Metrorrhagia not important, its important that it:


Irregular bleeding often results from an erratic stimulation of renouncer to what in Metrorrhagia:

Pituitary or Ovarian Hormone

Spotting for a day or two in between periods due to ovulation is not considered:


Uterine malignancies, cervical irritation, or breakthrough bleeding occurring from hormone replacement therapy or low dose hormonal contraceptive is:


Intermenstrual or postcoital bleeding needs evaluation:


Unexpected bleeding see:


Whose role in bleeding disorder to gather appropriate info, assist gyno exam, suggest discomfort relief, instruct client for drug therapy, prep for surgery, recovery help, health teach:


Cessation of Menstrual cycles:


Climatic and perimenopausal period is when:

Ovarian activity gradually cease.

Menopause begins when period ends:

1 year post

Menopause occurs age:

45 to 55

Surgical menopause from ovary removal occurs any:


Osteoporosis and Cardiovascular disease occur in Menopause when what decreases?


Ovarian function diminishes what occurs:


In menopause Levels of estrogen and progesterone drop and hypothalamus raises them by raising what? Which stimulates PG to release FSH and Luteinizing Hormone:


Hypothalamic-Pituitary stimulation in menopause is responsible for:

Hot flashes, sleep disturbance,irritability or depression, vaginal dryness, diminished libido, or dyspareunia uncomfortable sex, and disequilibrium in mood.

Thin vaginal walls,

Estrogen Deficiency.

Test that show decrease in estrogens production:

Cytologic examination of Vag and Cervical Smear.

Hormone replacement therapy used estrogen + progestin, ERT estrogen replacement therapy, estrogen alone for:


Increase in breast cancer, heart disease, bloot clots, stroke amongst for:


Risk for fatal and bin fatal stroke ; increase in endometrial cancer.


Increase risk for stroke and blood clots, risk for dementia 65 and up, gallbladder disease

Estrogen with or w/o Progestin

Increased risk of breast cancer and heart attack, not with estrogen alone

Estrogen with progestin

Osteoporosis,menopause s/s such as hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness treated with:

Low Dose Estrogen

Estrogen,Cortisone Cream, or Ointment reduce:

Vaginal Dryness

Low grade androgens restore what in menopause:

Sex Drive

Tranq's and Antidepressants are prescribed for:


Bisphosphonate or selective estrogen receptor modulators prevent what in menopause instead of HRT:



Phytoestrigen like isoflavones in soy products, lignans in flaxseed, reduce hot flashes and:

Menopause symptoms

Bioidebtical hormones contain:


Phytoestrogen isoflavones soy products and lignans in flaxseeds used in:


Do not give alendronate(fosamix),risedronate (actonell), or ibandronate (boniva) they:

Prevent Bone Resorption/ No milk given

Alendronate (fosamix, risedronate actonell, or ibandronate boniva:

Remain upright for 30 minutes

Inflamed Vagina


Feminine hygiene problems, allergy c reaction, age related tissue changes, atrophic vaginitis with menopause, etiology, infection cause:


Bacteria gardenerella vaginalis, the protozoan trichomona vaginalis, yeast fungus candida cuase:


Acidic use antibiotics and frequent douching eliminate bacilli that promote:


Thick moisture consistency of vag tissue stop of:


Preg girls, unhelped diabetes, hormonal contraception w\ estrogen and glycogen support;


Antibiotics create C. Albicans which cuasr;:


Vaginitis change with age + more alkaline who effected? Vaginitis

Older women

Test for glucose in blood and pelvic exam for?


Abnormal vaginal discharge is:


Curdy white, thick, strong odor, burning pee vaginitis:

Candida Albicans

Yellow white, foamy, foul smell, sever itching:

Trichomonas vaginalis

Gray white, watery , fishy, more discharge after sex:

Gardnerella Vaginalis

Itching, burning. Redness sign of;


Visual and microscopic exam of bag secretion diagnos:


Antifungal, antiprotozal, and antibiotic agent treat:


Atrophic vaginitis relieved with:

Estrogen replacement

Regulate blood glucose to prevent what vagina condition?


Douche daily for 10 to 14 days with 1 of 2 tablespoons in 1 pint waterfor :


Lactobacillus acidophiles or eat yogert with actice cultures of lactobacilli replenish good bacteria where?


Sitz bath relieve itching, burning, swelling of vulva, perineum in what?


Trichomoniasis and Gardenerella Vaginalis treated with:


Headache, dizziness, ataxia, unpleasant metallic taste, anorexia, nausea, vomiting , diarrhea, dark urine med for vaginitis:


Antifungal Clottimazole(Gynelotrimin), miconazole (monistat), Terconazole (Terazol), tioconazole (vagistat) treats what vaginitis:


Antifungal Clottimazole (gynelotriminil), miconazole ( monidtat), terconazole (terazol), tioconazole (vagistat) side effect:

Erythema, stinging, slight urinary frequency, vomiting, nausea, cramping.

Clotrimazole (gynelotrimin), miconazole (monistat), teraconazole (teraziol), tioconazole (vagistat) placement:

Remain recumbent for 10-15 minutes or admin at bed time tablets high in vag

Antiprotozal metronidazol is contraindicated in what trimester of prego?


Dark urine occurs in what vaginitis drug:

Antiprotozal Metronidazole (flagyl)

Antibiotic Sulfisoxazole (Gantrisin) treats:

Chlamydia Trachomatis

Headaches, Nausea, Vomiting. Abdominal Pain, agranulocytosis, photosensitivity, hematuria occur in what vaginitis drug:

Antibiotic Sulfisoxazole (gastrisin)

Administer Sulfisoxazole gantrisin on :

Empty stomach

Report Blood in urine, rash, fever. Difficulty breathing. Drowsiness,nausea, vomiting or diarrhea in what drug for vagitis:

Antibiotic Sulfisoxazole (gastridm)

Infectious microorganisms, decreased estrogen levels during menopause, or trusma during gyno visit or inserting tampons or bag med applicators:


Streptococcal, staphylococal, gonorrheal, and Chlamydial etiologies to what?:


Cervicitis increases during:


Infection can travel up uterine and tubal structure call, scarring and causing ectopic prego or difficulty conceiving in:


Dyspareunia or painfull inter coarse/ slight bleeding after sex, weight in pelvis feeling, sporting or vsg discharge sign of:


Visual exam diagnosis as and cervical swab smear identifies what?:


Douches and local systemic antibiotics treat:


Cervical or bag packing or electric coagulation of blood vessels required in:

Frank bleeding.

Cervicitis healung :

6 to 8 wks

Conization removes:

Diseased Cervics

Surgery for Cervicitis is done:

5 to 8 days end of menstrual period

Momentary cramping during:

Electrocautery procedure for cervicitis

Rest for 1 to 2 days, slight bleeding about 11 day, folow up 2 to 4 wks, abstsin from sex until heal, healing tske 6 to 8 wks,avoid lifting, rest in bed - report slight bleeding, frank bleeding go back to hospital, expect grayish green maloodoroys discharge 3 weeks after cautery for:


Infection of pelvic organs other than the uterus:

Pelvic inflammatory disease

Ovaries(oophoritis), fallopian tubes (salpingitis), pelvic vascular dystem , and pelvic structure involved in;

Pelvic inflammatory Disease

Infectious malodorous discharge, backache, severe or aching abdominal and pelvic pain, a bearing down feeling, fever, dyspareunia, nausea and vomiting, Menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea relate to:

Pelvic inflammatory disease

Culture and sensitivity test of bag discharge given for:

Pelvic inflammatory disease

Ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computed tomography (ct) may show:

Pelvic abscess

Antipyretic used for:

High tempt

Ruptured pelvic abscess require:

Emergency surgery

Pelvic inflammatory disease do not dough in :

48 hrs

Staphylococcus as aureus, streptococcus pyogenes, and clostrigduim sordelli cuase:

Toxic Shock

TSS occurs in:

Men and non mentruatiing women with soft tissue post operative infection

Tampons not changed and birth control on inside cuases

Toxic shock syndrome

Abundent bacteria and that go unchecked by normal body defense cuases:

Toxic Shock

Whst conditiob creates Bacteris in what disorder cuases blood vessels to dilate and keep blood volume down their, reduce cardiac out, and sever hypo ten shock:

Toxic Shock Syndrome

Fever. Chills, tenderness, or pain, in muscle, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hyootension, hyoeremia rdness a and congestion of muscle membrane did orientation and head ache:

Toxic shock syndrome

Palm rash and shedding, skin is warm, pulse rapid and threedy, means:

Toxic shock syndrome

Aspartate amino transfer and alanine amino transferase elevat under:

Toxic shock syndrome

Blood urine nitro, serum creatinine, and serum bilirubin elevated in what?

Toxic shock syndrome

Oxacillin(ptostaphlin), nafcillin(nafcil), methicillin (staphcillin) used in:

Toxic shock syndrm

Conteresct vasodilation dopamine intropun and dobutamine dobutrex is used for

Toxic shock syndrome

Toxic shock may require oxygen at:

Cell level for metabolism

Nurse report urine output less than 500ml and place pressure on wound sites in what:

Toxic shock

Tissue that suppose to be inside uterus found outside


Ovaries. Pelvis, and abdominal cavity can contain:


Embroyonic tissue remaining , retrograde mentruation. Follpians expelling endometrial tissue cuases:


Endometriosis can cuase sterility with;

Follopian tubes

Chocolate cycts on ovaries occur in:


Dysmenorrhea, chocolate cyst creates abdominal bleeding, dysunia and pain in defecations, fixed tender region in pelvis, needs laparoscopy is,:


Cured nat or by surgical menopuase


9 months non bleeding phase estrogens progestin for:


Progestin norethindrone (Norlutin) and the synthetic androgen danazol (danocrine) are effective in:

Atrophy of endometrial tissue issue

Laparoscopy removes small area of ectopic tissue in:


Uterus, both follopian tubes, ovaries are removed for endometriosis: called


Elagolix reduces pain for


Opening between bladder and vagina:

Vesicovaginal fistula

Opening between rectum and vagina

Rectovaginal fistula

Opening between ureter and vagina

Ureterovaginal fistula

Cancer, radiation treatment, surgical obstetric injury, congenital abnormaly, ultercerayive colitis cuases by:

Vaginal Fistula

Fecesvand urine drain from vaginal in:

Vaginal fistula

Fecesvand urine drain from vaginal in:

Vaginal fistula

Sterile probe if fistula is seen and dye methylene blue To detect location for:

Vaginal Fistula

Vesicovaginal fistula Put dye n bladder thru:


Ureterovaginal fistula require:

I've dye

Detects dye thru lower genital:

Intravenous pyelogram (IVP)

Located by looking for fecal drainage on posterior vaginal wall

Rectovaginal Fistula

Neomycin (Mycifradin), Kanamycin (Kantrex), or clean bowel from microorganism in repair of:

Rectovaginal Fistula

Light low residue diet keep stool soft, give enema and cleansing vagina irrigation, insert cathrete:

Vaginal fistula

Obstructed catheter may cuase pressure and mess up fistula:


Warm perineal irrigation and heat lamp treatment promote fistula


Serosanguineous bag discharge is:
