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29 Cards in this Set

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What are the synthesis steps, with associated enzymes, leading to cholesterol synthesis?
HMG-CoA (by HMG-CoA Synthase)
Mevalonic Acid (by HMG-CoA Reductase *rate limiting)
Cholesterol (from Mevalonic acid)
What is the rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis?
HMG-CoA Reductase
How is cholesterol eliminated?
As bile salts
What are the functions of cholesterol?
structural component of cell membranes, precursor to bile acids, steroid hormones, and vitamin D
Which organ is most responsible for regulating cholesterol homeostasis?
The liver
What are the body's major sources of cholesterol?
dietary cholesterol, de novo cholesterol by extrahepatic tissues (HDL) and the liver
How is cholesterol eliminated from the liver?
as unmodified cholesterol in bile, converted to bile salts and secreted into the intestinal lumen, becomes a component of plasma lipoproteins (e.g., VLDLs)
What is a cholesterol ester (CE)?
an esterified cholesterol, which makes it more hydrophobic than free cholesterol
How are cholesterol and CEs transported?
in lipoprotein particles or bile micelles
Where is cholesterol synthesized?
by virtually all tissues, but liver, intestine, adrenal cortex, and reproductive tissues make most (this occurs in the cytoplasm)
Under what conditions is cholesterol synthesized?
during the fed state, where ATP and NADPH are available
How is HMG CoA synthesized?
Acetyl CoA → acetoacetyl CoA (HMG CoA synthase) → HMG CoA
How is mevalonic acid synthesized from HMG CoA?
HMG CoA (HMG CoA reductase + 2 NADPH) → mevalonic acid
How is cholesterol synthesized?
19 enzyme pathway that is very ATP, NADPH dependent
How is cholesterol synthesis regulated (rate limiting enzyme)?
HMG-CoA reductase (active in fed state, when dephosphorylated)
What is the effect of SREBP on HMG-CoA reductase?
a transcription factor that binds the HMG-CoA reductase gene, increases expression → more cholesterol
What effect does cholesterol have on the mRNA of HMG-CoA reductase?
shortens its protein half life → less cholesterol
What effect does insulin and glucagon have on HMG-CoA reductase?
insulin activates HMG-CoA reductase by dephosphorylation → more cholesterol, glucagon has an opposite effect
What effect does obesity have on cholesterol synthesis?
obesity leads to insulin resistance in muscle and adipose, but NOT liver → accelerated hepatic de novo cholesterol synthesis
What do statin drugs do to plasma cholesterol levels? How do they do this?
statins (HMG-CoA analogs) lower plasma cholesterol by competetively inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase
What is the rate limiting enzyme of bile acid synthesis and what does it do?
cholesterol 7-(alpha)-hydroxylase, adds hydroxyl group at 7 position of steroid ring
7-(alpha)-hydroxyl cholesterol is converted to what two primary bile acids?
chenodeoxycholic acid, cholic acid
Bile acids are conjugated with two amino acids to form two bile salts. What are they?
chenodeoxycholic acid + taurine → taurochenodeoxycholic acid
cholic acid + glycine → glycholic acid
What are bile salts taurochenodeoxycholic and glycholic acid used for?
digestion (emulsification) and absorption (micelles) of dietary lipids, and the excretion of hydrophobic waste in bile
What do intestinal flora do to bile salts?
deconjugate them back to bile acids, convert primary bile acids to secondary bile acids, deoxycholic and lithocholic acids
Which are better emulsifiers: bile acids or bile salts?
bile salts (more polar)
Where do primary and secondary bile acids and bile salts get reabsorbed?
the ileum
What are the treatments for hypercholesterolemia?
statin drungs, weight loss, cholestyramine
What is cholestyramine's effect on cholesterol?
prevents reabsoption of bile salts, thereby forcing the liver to use more cholesterol for bile salt synthesis (lowers cholesterol)