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60 Cards in this Set

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This cranial nerve is the major sensory nerve of the face and innervates muscles derived from the 1st pharyngeal arch?
What fiber types are carried by the trigeminal nerve?
What does the motor component of the trigeminal innervate?
Muscles of mastication, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini, mylohyoid, and anterior belly of the digastric
Where does the trigeminal nerve emerge?
from the anterolateral portion of the pons
What division of the trigeminal exits the skull at the superior orbital fissure?
Where does the maxillary division exit the skull?
Foramen rotundum
Where does the mandibular division exit the skull?
At the foramen ovale
What is the most superior and medial division of the trigeminal?
The opthalmic division contains fibers of (GSA, SVE, both, neither)?
What are the three main branches of the opthalmic division?
Nasociliary, frontal, lacrimal
This nerve courses along the upper border of the lateral rectus muscle?
What does the lacrimal nerve receive from the maxillary nerve?
postganglionic parasympathetics from the pterygopalstine ganglion via a communicating branch of the maxillary, the zygomatico-temporal
What does the lacrimal nerve innervate?
lacrimal gland and lateral part of the upper eyelid
This nerve passes on the levator palpebrae superioris muscle?
Frontal nerve
What does the frontal nerve divide into?
The supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves
This nerve innervates sensation of the skin and conjuctiva of the upper eyelid as well as the lateral forehead and the scalp as far superiorly as the vertex?
Supraorbital Nerve
This nerve innervates sensation of the skin of the medial side of the upper eyelid and the root of the nose and the adjacent forehead?
Supratrochlear nerve
What is the path of the nasociliary nerve in relationship to the optic nerve?
Initially lateral > crosess over > runs obliquely to the medial wall
What does the nasociliary give off as it crosses over the optic nerve?
Long ciliary nerves
What are the two terminal branches of the nasociliary nerve?
Anterior ethmoidal and infratrochlear nerves
After leaving the anterior ethmoidal foramen, the anterior ethmoidal nerve takes a course in the anterior cranial fossa over the cribiform plate and then through it into the nasal cavity to finally end on the face as what nerve?
External Nasal Branch
What nerves provide sensory information from the cornea?
Long ciliary nerves
Long ciliary nerves act as a taxi bringing what to the dilator pupillae muscle of the iris?
Motor sympathetic innervation
What nerve gives sensation on the skin of the lower half of the nose
Anterior ethmoidal nerve
This nerve provides sensory innervation of the lacrimal sac, skin of the eylids medially and skin on the side of the nose?
Infratrochlear nerve
Most of the branches of V2 arise in what fossa?
Pterygopalatine fossa
Where does the terminal branch of V2 leave the pterygopalatine fossa?
inferior orbital fissure (infraorbital nerve)
What is the only branch of the main trunk of the maxillary nerve that doesn’t originate from the pterygopalatine fossa?
What artery does the meningeal nerve course with?
Middle meningeal nerve
These connecting branches go through the pterygopalatine ganglion without synapsing through them?
Ganglionic branches
The zygomatic nerve leaves the pterygopalatine fossa through what opening?
Inferior orbital fissure
What dos the zygomatic nerve divide into while on the lateral wall of the orbit?
zygomaticotemporal and zygomaticofacial nerves
The zygomatiotemporal and zygomaticofacial give sensory innervation to what part of the face?
Lateral cheek and temple
The posterior superior alveolar nerve leaves the pterygopalatine fossa thorugh what ?
Pterygomaxillary fissure
posterior superior alveolar nerve gives sensory innervation to the?
upper molars and maxillary sinus
What is the terminal branch of V2?
Infraorbital nerve
Within the infraorbital canal, what arises from the infraorbital nerve?
middle and anterior superior alveolar nerves
What nerves, when affeceted, give people the misconception of a toothache when they actually have sinusitis?
Superior alveolar branches of the maxillary and infraorbital
This is the only division of the trigeminal that contains both motor and sensory fibers?
Mandibular division
What do the SVE fibers of the mandibular division of the trigeminal supply?
Muscles of mastication, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini, mylohyoid, and anterior belly of the digastric
What is the only branch of the anterior division of the mandibular that is sensory?
Buccal nerve
The infratemporal surface of the maxilla (tuberosity) is what wall of the pterygopalatine fossa?
The pterygoid process of the sphenoid is which wall of the pterygopalatine fossa?
The perpendicular plate of the palatine is which wall of the pterygopalatine fossa?
The pterygomaxillary fissure is which wall of the pterygopalatine fossa?
The sphenopalatine foramen is located on which wall of the pterygopalatine fossa
Both the pterygoid canal and the pharyngeal canal are located on this wall of the pterygopalatine fossa
This opening is located on the anterior wall of the pterygopalatine fossa?
Inferior orbital fissure
What are the contents of the pterygopalatine fossa?
maxillary artery/vein; pterygopalatine ganglion; maxillary nerve
The pterygopalatine ganglion contains neurons of what type?
Parasympathetic fibers heading into the pterygopalatine ganglion come from what nerves?
Greater petrosal nerve and the nerve of the pterygoid canal
Sympathetics from the plexus on the ICA and sensory fibers from the maxillary nerve (do/do not) synapse in the ganglion?
Do Not
This nerve arises from the pterygopalatine ganglion and courses through the sphenopalatine foramen to supply the nasal cavity?
Nasopaltine nerve
The nasopalatine nerve provides sensory innervation to what?
Nasal septum and oral mucosa
This nerve innervates the mucosa of the hard palate and originates from the pterygopalatine fossa?
Greater palatine nerve
This nerve innervates the soft palate and originates from the pterygopalatine fossa?
Lesser palatine nerve
This nerve innervates the mucosa of the nasopharynx and originates in the pterygopalatine fossa?
Pharyngeal branch
A patient comes in with left sided anasthesia of the face, along with loss of the corneal reflex. When asked to speak his mandible moves to the left side. What is most likely his problem?
Left sided trigeminal nerve lesion
What is trigeminal neuralgia or Tic Douloureux?
a condition of the sensory part of V, affects areas of distribution of the maxillary and/or mandibular branches, Very painful
What is a common viral infection affecting the trigeminal nerve?
Herpes Zoster