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116 Cards in this Set

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Ionic Bond
The strong electrostatic attraction between the positive and negative ions
Covalent bond
The bond formed between two atoms that share electrons
Negative ions
Octet rule
When atoms of elements react, they tend to lose, gain, or share electrins to achieve the same electron arrangement as the noble gas nearest them in the periodic table.
How do you determine the formula of an ionic compound from its name and determine the name from its formula.
-->The positive ion is named first followed by the negative
-->Element name is used for positive ion
Metals achieve a noble gas electron arrangement by
by giving up electrons
Binary Compound is made up of ___.
only one metal and one nonmetal; name of negative ion ends in ide
Nonmetals achieve a noble gas electron arrangement by
adding or sharing electrons.
Most common polyatomic ions are ____ charged.
negatively charged; ammonium ion (NH+4) is the major exception
Positive ions
The only difference between the way a formula containing a polyatomic ion is written is ___.
polyatomic ion is enclosed in parentheses when the subscript is larger than one. Example-->Aluminum nitrate is Al(NO3)3; The name of the positive ion followed by the negative ion
Covalent bond
The bond formed between two atoms that share electrons. The negative charge of electrons is evenly distributed over the bond.
A single covalent bond is formed when 2 atoms____.
share a single pair of electrons
Ionic Bond
complete separation of the charges
Hydrogen forms binary compounds with ____.
all the nonmetals (except the noble gases)
Polar covalent bond
Two atoms with different abilities to attract electrons bonded covalently. HF and H2O are examples of this bond.
Nonpolar covalent bond
When two atoms are bonded covalently and their abilities to attract electrons are the same, there is an equal sharing of the bonding electrons. The bonds in H2, F2, and NCl3 (N and Cl have equal abilities to attract electrons) are nonpolar.
H20 has what kind of a bond?
NaCl has what kind of bond?
Ionic Bond
F2 has what kind of bond?
Covalent Bond
CH3CH2CH3 or Propane is
a(n): Alkane or Alkene?
Alkane because each carbon atom has 4 single bonds, the highest number possible for each making it saturated.
The hydrocarbon class is the ____ class of compounds.
The simplest large class of compounds
Alkanes are often referred to as ____ because they have the ____ possible ration of hydrogen to carbon atoms bonded in a molecule
saturated hydrocarbons; highest
Hydrocarbons contain ______.
only carbon and hydrogen
General formula for saturated hydrocarbons is ____.
CnH2n+2, where n is the number of carbon atoms
Alkanes are ____ and contain____.
Hydrocarbons that contain only C--C and C--H single bonds
Double Bond
When two shared pairs of electrons join the same two atoms. A good example of this is C02
A(n) ___ always has 4 single bonds around each carbon atom.
When 2 atoms share three pairs of bonding electrons, the result is a ____
Triple bond. N2 is a good example of this because each nitrogen atoms needs to share 6 valence electrons with the other to satisfy the octet rule.
Which is the order from, strongest to weakest, of the different bonds?
Triple bonds are shorter (and stronger) than double bonds; double bonds are shorter (and stronger) than single bonds
Formula for Alkenes or unsaturated hydrocarbons is____.
Bond Energy
the amount of energy required to break a mole of the bonds
Hydrogen bonding
Attraction between a covalently bonded hydrogen atom and a highly electronegative atom in another or same atom
The Alkene series of hydrocarbons are compounds that have __.
one or more C=C bonds, that is carbon—carbon double bonds
Fluorine(F), oxygen(O), and nitrogen(N) all undergo ____.
These three undergo Hydrogen bonding.
The Alkene series of hydrocarbons are: saturated/unsaturated hydrocarbons.
Unsaturated hydrocarbons. These have one or more C=C bonds
transformation of a Gas to a liquid
Double and triple bonds will only occur in ____.
Unsaturated hydrocarbons
The transformation of a liquid to a solid
The transformation of a solid to a gas
Water is often referred to as the _____ solvent.
The Universal solvent
water is a liquid between __*C and __*C.
0*C and 100*C
Vapor pressure
The pressure in the gaseous state of those molecules that have escaped from the liquid at a given temperature
Is the density of solid ice more or less than that of water?
Solid ice is less dense than solid water
The more prevalent liquid in a solution
Heat capacity of water is___.
about ten times that of copper or iron because heat can break hydrogen bonds instead of increasing the temperature
What is being dissolved by the solvent
Heat of vaporization
The heat required to vaporize a given quantity of liquid at its boiling point. The heat vaporization of water at 100*C is 540 cal/g
substances dissolve into _____.
like solvents
The number written before symbols to balance the equation
Higher ___ of reactants increases reaction rates. The more reactant atoms, molecules, or ions, the more frequent the collisions that have enough energy to be successful.
The chemist’s counting unit; equal to the number of atoms in exactly 12g of carbon-12
These increae the rate of reactioin without being changed themselves by creating an alternate pathway with a lower activation energy.
Avogadro’s number
6.02X10^23 ; The number of items in 1 mol
Activation energy
The distinctive quantity of energy needed for successful collisions
Molar Mass (A.K.A. Molecular Weight)
The mass in grams of 1 mol of a substance. This is equal to the mass in grams numerically equal to the atomic weight of the element.
A high activation energy level means the reaction will be ___.
A Higher ___ in a reaction means particles move faster, in turn allowing more of them to get over the activation energy hill and react.
A ___ activation energy means the reaction will be fast.
Dynamic Equilibrium
A state of balance between exactly opposite changes occurring at the same rate (water vapor in a closed containter)
One that requires heat to take place; most will not happen at all without a continuous supply of heat or energy—otherwise known as unfavorable reactions
Chemical Equilibrium
A chemical reaction and it’s reverse are occurring at equal rates
The disorder of matter and can be measured
The conversion of such a large quantity of the reactants to products that what is unconverted is not noticeable and unimportant. (The combination of hydrogen and oxygen to form water is a reaction of this kind)
What is the order of entropy, greatest to least, between crystalline solids, liquids, and gases?
Gases have a higher entropy than liquids; liquids have a higher entropy than crystalline solids
Le Chalelier’s principle
If a stress is applied to a system at equilibrium, the system will adjust to relieve the stress.
N2(g)+3H2(g) <--> 2NH2(g)
(<--> symbolizes equilibrium)
The more molecules or the more different kinds of molecules there are in a mixture, the _______ the entropy
Any reaction that releases heat; most of the time once they get going are favorable—no input of energy is required to keep them going
Reactions are favorable when they result in a decrease in _____ and an increase in _____.
Energy and entropy
The First Law of Thermodynamics (A.K.A. Law of Conservation of energy)
“Energy can be converted from one form to another but cannot be destroyed or created”
Distinct properties of acids include:
-->In water have a sour or tart taste
-->Are able to change the color of acid-base indicators pink
“The total amount of energy and matter in the universe is ______” is stated in the First Law of Thermodynamics.
An acid is able to ____ a hydrogen ion to a base.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics
“The total entropy of the universe is constantly increasing." Although the energy of the universe is constant, once energy is converted to entropy it is never again available for useful purposes.
H+ ions will/will not stay independent in water solutions, which are symbolized by aq for aqueous.
Will not stay independent in water solutions, instead they bond to water molecules to give hydronium ions (H3O+)
“Energy is conserved in _____ but not _____” is stated in the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Quantity and quality
Distinct properties of bases include:
-->slippery or soapy to touch in water solutions
-->Change litmus from red to blue
Recycling counteracts the natural direction of increasing ______.
In the presesnce of water bases have a solution of _____.
Hydroxide ions (OH-)
In the acid-base relationship, bases _____ a hydrogen ion.
accept; (OH-)
Neutralization reactions
When exactly the equivalent amounts of acid and base react so that all of the H3O+ and OH- ions are used up in forming water.
A solution that contains H3O+ (also known as hydronium) ions and has the properties common to acids is referred to as _________.
An acidic solution
Na2SO4(aq)+H2O(l) is an example of what kind of reaction?
Neutralization reaction.
______ solutions contain a higher concentration of H3O+ ions than OH- ions.
______ solutions contain a higher concentration of OH- ions than H3O+ ions.
Basic or alkaline
Salts are composed of the _____ ion from a base and the _____ ion from an acid.
positive metal and negative
The concentration of a solution is____.
the quantity of a solute dissolved in a specific quantity of a solution or solvent.
Molarity is____.
the number of moles of solute per liter of solution.
Pure water is neutral because _____.
it contains equal amounts of hydronium ions and hydroxide ions.
What is the equation to find molarity?
Moles of solute / Volume of solution (in liters)
Expressed as molarity, neutral solutions have a concentration of ________.
1.0X10^-7 M at 25*C
Strong acids have a ____ concentration of ____ ions and are very acidic.
high; hydronium
The product of the molarity of the H3O+ ions and the HO- ions in pure water is _____.
This is customarily written as:
weak acids are only slightly ionized in an aqueous solution because ________ is established.
The larger concentration of ____ in a solution, the more acidic it is.
hydronium ions (H3O+)
Strong bases, when dissolved in water are _____.
completely converted to ions
The smaller the pH value, the more ____ the solution.
The larger the pH value, the more ____ the solution is.
A buffer is ____.
an acid-base combination suitable for controlling pH
If pH<7.0, the solution is ____.
The pH of human blood is about ____.
if pH=7.0, the solution is ____.
If the pH of human blood raises about 7.5 it will lead to a condition called _____.
If pH>7, the solution is ____.
If the pH of human blood falls below 7.35, it will lead to a condition called ____.
A buffer system contains _____.
a base that reacts with an acid and an acid that reacts with a base so that the pH of the solution remains close to its original value.
weak acids usually mix with ____.
their weakly basic cpunterpart.
Weak bases usually mix with _____.
their weakly acidic cations.
Heartburn occurs when _____.
the acid contents back up into the esophagus and cause a burning sensation in the chest and throat.
Buffers produce what?
no new substances are produced by buffers, the products are always components of the buffer.
Antacids are ____ used to neutralize ____ that causes _____.
bases; acids; heartburn
How can acidic cleaners be harmful?
They can harm the skin and eyes on contact.
The most common antacid ingredients are:
Magnesium and aluminum hydroxides, and bicarbonate and carbonate salts.
How can basic cleaners be harmful?
They are very abrasive and can damage the nasal tissue, lungs, and bronchial tubes.
Antacids generally form ___, which decomposes to ____ and ____.
carbonic acid; carbon dioxide and water.
Why is the stomach's inners lining not harmed by the presence of hydrochloric acid with a pH between 1.5-2.0?
The mucosa, or inner lining of the stomach, is replaced at a rate of about half a million cells a minute.