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45 Cards in this Set

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What did Kitche Manitou create first, second, third, fourth and last?

1. Physical world, sun, stars, moon and earth, mountains, valleys, plains, islands, lakes

2. Plant being

3. Animal beings

4. Man

Which animal finally brought up the soil for sky-woman?


What does Anishnabeg mean?

orignal people (spontaneous beings)

Which animals made the child smile and be happy?

Fireflies, bees, dog (butterflies, bees and dragonflies)

Who do the Anishnabeg honor as the first of mothers?

Nokomis - grandma

Who did Kitche Manitou send to teach the anishnabeg?

Nanobush, Nanaboozhoo

Name the four orders of creation

1. Physical world

2. Plant

3. Animal

4. Man

Which direction did the wigwams (lodges) face? why?

East - reverence for the sun and all life

In the Pipe of Peace smoking ceremony who is offered the first whiff of smoke?

Kitche Manitou

What are the Northern Lights?

Grandfathers Fires

Why do the Grandfathers keep the fires burning?

To light up the path of souls

How do the Anishnabeg regard a tree that was hit by lighting?

Having medicine & powers

What did the parents of the girl do to end the fighting between Zeegwan and Bebon?

Put their daughter on an island

What became of the girl that Zeegwan and Bebon were fighting over?

She became a water Lily

What caused the separation of the Algics into different and distinct tribes?

Isolation from one another in a vast territory long distance and communication cut off by hostile tribes, domestic quarrels, wide seperation and non-intercourse (trade)

True or false: The algics as a body are dividied into several grand families or clans called Totems or Dodaims


Describe the functions of the Totems

A system of identification with an animal symbol. Follows the male line and sets limits on marriage, creates ties with other indian tribes.

Describe the territory occupied by the Ojibway.

Michigan, northern 1/2 of Wisconsin, NE 1/2 of Minnesota territory and Lake of the Woods lake superior into Canada

Which bands of ojibway reside on the borders of the bast western prairies?

Red Lake and pembina bands of Turtle Mountains

Why does Anishinabe mean in Ojibwa?

One of the people (indians)

List the groups who spoke the Algonquian languages.

Algonquin, cree, Ottawa, Potawatomi, menominee, Sauk fox, miami, deleware, shawnee cheyenne, arapaho, blackfeet

The Turtle mounain chippewa are part of which group?

Plains Ojibwe

Describe some of the changes in the way of life of the Ojobwe people caused by contact with fure traders.

Traditional life altered by introducing of liquor, new tools: steel axes, guns, ammunition. Men more conerned with trapping than hunting for food led to loss of traditional skills

What were the consequences of trade rivalries among the French, Dutch, and British in regard to tribes?

Inter-tribal pressures on hunting territory led to wars with other tribes. Wars were encouraged by whites

Prior to 1679 what was one of the largest gathering places of the Ojibwe?

Sault ste Marie (st. Maries river) point where lake superior emtpties into lake Huron "Saulteurs" (people of the falls)

How did the Fox tribe become separated from the Ojibwe nation?

War between French & Fox erupted by detoit 1712. Lasted 25 years Fox competed with Ojibwe for hunting grounds French urged Ojibwe to Attack fox - survivors fled to present day Iowa joined Sauk.

By the mid 1700s, what influenced the Dakota to move to the northern plains?

Pressure from the Ojibwe from 3 directions. Arming of the Ojibwe. Horses - plentiful on N. Plaine transformed lifestyle & buffulo hunt.

What was the Proclamation of 1763?

King George of England set policy for N. American colonies. All negotians for land were to be held in open council by rep. of tribes & british corn. Individual citizens nor colonial governments could not buy indian land. Boundaries fixed at crest of appalachians mts. Settlers could not go beyond.

Who is Obwan-diag and what happened to him?

Pontiac Ottawa made a surprose attack on all british forts from Pittsburgh to Mackinac. Siege on Ft. Detroit for almost 1 year. Influenced by the "Deleware Prophet" to return to old traditional ways. French did not come to his aid. Allies scattered and deserted him. Made peace w/english. Assasinated.

Who was Tecumseh and why did the indian tribes turn to him?

Shawnee war leader in present day ohio formed a great indian alliance to oppose expanding American settlers into their territory. His brother preached a return to the old trad. ways and unite all tribes. Procolomation of 1763 broken by white settlers wars constantly on the frontier. Killed at battle of Thames Oct. 1813.

What happened to the Indian tribes after the War of 1812?

Those who fought against Americans on the side of the British w/ Tecumseh, but tribes still lost lands if they sided w/ Americans. Those that stayed neutral also lost lands. Treaty of Ghent in 1814 did not acknowledge land rights of Indian Allies. Some removed to Canada with the british conquered.

The Proclation of 1763 established policies dealing with American Indians. What were these policies and how did they set a precedent?

1. Establish a fixed boundary for english settlement

2. Purchase indians lands only thru treaties w/ central govt.

3. Govt regulations of all trade

4. Special govt official (or depts) to handle political and diplomatic relations with tribes

What were the three major periods affecting indian tribes from 1789 to 1900? Describe how these policies were implemented.

A. Treating making (1789-1870) - "Removal" Congress forced indians to move away from settlements

B. Reservation period (1870-1887) "concentration" on few reservations (prison style)

C.Land Allotment Period (1887-1934) "Assimilation" broke up res into private owner.

What brought about the passage of the Dawes Allotment Act in 1887 by Congress

1. Pressure of settlers for more land - surplus lands sold to

2. Missionaries - urged Dawes Act to destroy indian religion, culture and tribal organization.

3. Govt officials - wanted to manage the affairs of incomp indians

According to map 12, who made the first treaty with the ojibwe for their land? when was the first treaty made by the U.S. Government and with which tribes?

Canada (C1) british w/ ojibwe and missisauga, 1764 for a narrow strip between Lake Erie and Ontario along the Niagara river. US treaty of Greenville: ojibwe, Deleware, shanee, miami, Huron, Ottowa, & Potawatomi, ceded ohio & fort detroit 1795.

Some prominent whiteman (chimookmaan) such as Louis Cass and Ramsey were skillful and ruthless treaty negotiators. What methods did they use to force the acquisition of Indian lands?

1. Ramsey threatened Ojibwe who helped themselves to a traders goods when the treaty commission never showed up. (1862)

2. Ramsey brought 2 companies of soldiers (400) and a section of Howitzers with him to the treaty negotiations

3. Senate made changes to the treatys

4. Govt had tribes sign treaties who were not on the land.

The present day custom of the government declaring "Gratuitous offsets" against Indian claim settlements started with the custom of paying debts owed to fur traders by individual Indians. True or false: explain

True 1825, dishonest traders could claim exorbitant depts and 1837, treaty paid $70,000 to American Fur Trade Co.

When was the last major land cession made between the Ojibwe and the U.S.?

1863 - Old crossing treaty made by the Pembina Red Lake Bands ceding the Red River Valley and 1866 Bois Fort band ceded land south of Rainy river.

What caused the Riel Rebellion and what happened to the people who were involved after it was over?

1869-1870 - 1st Rebellion, Canadian govt took Metis lands from them. (c12 & c13) Metis relocated to wes.

1885 - 2nd rebellion, sk canadian govt took lands again and whites slaughtered all the buffalo heards to loss of anishinabe independence.

Who was Stone Child and how is he associated with Big Bear and the Rocky Boy Reservation?

Ojibwe leader of a band that split off from red lake band who migrated north allied with Sask. by big bear. They joined the 2nd Riel Rebellion because of starvation due to slaughter of buffalo and reserves life.

Who are the Turtle Mountain people and hwo did they come to be there?

Ojibwe protested, reservation est. 1882 by president chester a arthur, 32 X 24 miles

Why do the Ojibwe people own less than 10% of the leech lake reservation as compared to 100% of the red lake reservation?

Whites were allowed to buy uip res land during the allotment era at leech but not at red lake since they never accepted allotment and still hold their land communally. Clap Rider declared mixed blood competant.

What was the purpose of the 1863 treaty and what bands were involved and what happened after two years?

To concentrate 5 communities of mississippi bands on the pillager res at leech lake. Promised a bigger res and more money for a road saw mill. Only 2 chiefs forced to sign treaty - Failed. Most chiefs refused to move.

What happened after 1874 in the vicinity of the Leech Lake reservation and how did the needs of the city of Minneapolis and other factions affect the Ojibwe people?

The level of the lakes rose at leech lake and other lakes because the Army Corps of Engineers built a system of dams & reservoirs to regulate the flow of the Mississippi river. Minneapolis mill owners persuaded government to do this. Indians gardens , homes, wild rice beds, cranberries and timber flooded. Threatened survey but couldn't stop them.

What was the purpose of the Nelson Act of 1888? The purpose of the Dawes Act?

to sell vuluable timber on indian lands and to move all indians to white earth.

the dawes act is allotment of indian lands for farms for each family the rest to be sold to white settlers