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36 Cards in this Set

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Qing hao bie jia tang (artemesia and soft-shelled turtle shell decoction)
K: qing hao, bie jia
M: zhi mu, sheng di huang
A: mu dan pi
(dang gui liu huang tang)
(nourish yin, purge fire, consolidate the exterior to control sweating)
(qing gu san- cool the bone powder)
(for steaming bone disorder/ yin def. heat)
Xin jia xiang ru yin
representative for summer wind cold
K: xiang ru
M: huo po
A1: bai bien dou flower
A2: jin yin hua and lian qiao
(xiang ru san)
original formula upon which xin jia xaing ru yin is based
(xiang ru, huo po, bai bien dou)
(qing shu yi tang)
(for summer heat damaging the qi and yin; attachment formula is qing shu yi qi tang)
liu yi san- six to one powder
6 hua shi, one gan cao
clear summer heat, resolve dampness, augment qi
(attachments yi yuan san, bi yu san, ji su san
(gui ling gan lu yin)
(expels summer heat, clears heat, transforms qi, resolves damp)
(qing luo yin)
(summer heat attack lung in the qi stage; all fresh ingredients)
Li Zhong Wan
warmt he middle jiao to expel cold, tonify the spleen, augment the qi
K: gan jiang
M: ren shen
A: bai zhu
G: gan cao
*fu zi li zhong tang
li zhong wan + fu zi
for severe yang def.
*gui fu li zhong tang
li zhong wan+rou gui
for severe yang def.
*zha qu li zhong tang
li zhong wan+ shan zha, shen qu, mai ya
for st fails to accept qi ( poor appetite)
*sha ban li zhong tang
li zhong wan+ sha ren, ban xia
for stomach fails to decend turbidity ( vomitting)
*li zhong hua tan wan
li zhong wan+ fu ling, ban xia
spleen fails to transform damp (cough with phlegm)
xiao jian zhong tang
(interior cold)
warm and tonify mj cold, moderates spasmodic abdominal pain ( MJ def. cold + LV/GB disharmony)
K: yi tang
M: gui zhi
A: sheng jiang, da zao
G: gan cao
*huang qi jian zhong tang
warms and tonifies MJ qi, moderates spasmodic abdominal pain
xiao jian zhong tang+ huang qi
*dang gui jian zhong tang
ton. qi and blood, moderates spasmodic abdominal pain
xiao jian zhong tang+ dang gui
*da jian zhong tang
warm and tonify MJ, descend upward flowing cold, stop pain
yi tang, shu jiao, gan jiang, ren shen
Si ni tang- frigid extremities decoction
(rescue devistated yang)
rescues devistated yang, warms the MJ, stops diarrhea
K: fu zi
M: gan jiang
A: gan cao
*tong mai si ni tang
si ni tang, increase dosage of gan jiang and fu zi, + zhu dan zi
* si ni jia ren shen tang
si ni tang+ ren shen
* bai tong tang
( si ni san attachment formula) cang bai, gan jiang, fu zi, zhu dan zhi, ren niao
* shen fu tong
ren shen, pao fu zi
Dang gui si ni tang ( dang gui decoction for frigid extremities)
(warm channels, disperse cold)
warms channels, disperses cold, nourishes blood, unblocks the blood vessels
K: dang gui, gui zhi
M: xi xin, bai shao
A: tong cao
A/G: da zao, gan cao
* dang gui si ni jia wu zhu yu tang
dang gui si ni tang+ wu zhu yu, sheng jiang
* huang qi gui zhi wu wu tang
huang qi, gui zhi, shao yao, sheng jiang, da zao
Si jun zi tang (4 gentlemen decoction)
tonifies qi and strengthens the spleen
K: ren shen
M: bai zhu
A: fu ling
G: gan cao
Yi gong san
spleen and stomach qi deficiency with qi stanation
si jun zi tang+ chen pi
liu jun zi tang ( 6 genltemen decoction)
spleen and stomach qi deficiency with phlegm
si jun zi tang + chen pi and ban xia
xiang sha liu jun zi tang
spleen and stomach qi deficiency with qi stagnation and phlegm
si jun zi tang+ chen pi, ban xia, mu xiang, sha ren, sheng jiang
Shen ling bai zhu san
for qi deficiency with excess dampness; tonifies the qi, strengthens the spleen, eliminates dampness to stop diarrhea
K: ren shen, bai zhu, fu ling
M1: shan yao, lian zi
M2: bai bian dou, yi yi ren
A: sha ren, chen pi
G: jie geng, gan cao
Bu zhong yi qi tong
for spleen deficiency with qi sinking; for qi deficiency fever ( yin fire)
K: huang qi
M: ren shen, bai zhu
A1: dang gui, chen pi
A2: sheng ma, chai hu
A/G: gan cao
Sheng mai san ( generate the pulse decoction)
qi and yin injury (from summer heat excessive sweating or chronic cough with LU xu)- tonifies qi, generates body fluids, astringes yin to stop sweating
K: ren shen
M: mai dong
A: wu wei zi
* ren shen ge jie san
tonifies the LU and KD to stop cough and wheeze
ge jie, gan cao, xing ren, ren shen, fu ling, bei mu, sang bai pi, zhi mu
yu ping feng san (jade screen decoction)
for exterior deficeincy syndrome; tonifies qi to strengthen the defensive layer, consolidates the exterior to stop sweating
K: huang qi
M: bai zhu
A: fang feng