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74 Cards in this Set

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Suicide is the ________ leading cause of death in ages 15-24
____________ __________ has comorbidity with ODD, CD, anxiety, and ADHD
Childhood depression
Identify: Child raised by parent with depression
Risk Factors for Mental Illness
What is the most prevlaent form of child abuse in the US?
All instances of child abuse are __________ to be reported by nurses.
Attention deficit problems have an ________ percentage heritability.
Genetic factors are implicated in _________, __________, _______, ____________, and ___________ (5)
autism, bipolar, schizophrenia, AD disorders, mental retardation
Depression causes a decrease in which 2 neurotransmitters?
Norepi & Serotonin
Which neurotransmitter is affected in a child with ADHD?
The process of dendrite and axon branches of neruons removing old connections and establishing new ones is called _____________.
Changes in _______ areas of the brain during teens are reflected in emotional/behavioral fluctuations.
____________ & ____________ the brain is pre-programmed for pruning.
Adolescence and early adulthood
The style of behavior used by a child to cope with the demands and expectations of the environment.
Temperament is __________ determined and modifiied by _____________ relationship.
genetically; parent-infant
__________ __________ temperament occurs when the caregiver does not respond positively to the child
Difficult child
The relationship between a child's temperament and enviornmental factors is known as _______________.
1. Adapts to enviornmental change.
2. Forms nurturing relationships
3. Able to distance self from emotional chaos
4. Good social intelligence (development of empathy with others)
5. Uses problem-solving skills
Criteria for a resilient child
Resilience can be a "____________ __________" of family stability even when poverty and adversity occurs.
cushioning effect
Identify and foster qualities to assist at-risk children
Responsibilities of RN
What is a cultural and ethnic risk to children?
Lack of cultural role models for minority children
In assessing a child: what category would chief complaint, and development and duration of problems be categorized as?
Hx of Present Illness
In assessing a child: what category would developmental milestones, attachment behaviors, types of play and social skills and friendships be found under?
Developmental Hx
In assessing a child: what category would psychomotor skills, language skills, cognitive skills, academic achievement and energy level and motivation be found under?
Developmental Assessment
In assessing a child: what category would cerebral functions, cerebellar functions, sensory functions and reflexes be found under?
Neurological Assessment
In assessing a child: what category would review of body systems, medications (past & current), allergies, and any operations be found under?
Medical Hx
In assessing a child: what category would illnesses in related family members, background of family members, and family relationship be classified under?
Family Hx
In assessing a child: what category would activity level, affect, speech, gait, thought processes, and characteristics of play be classified under?
Mental Status Assessment
Severe, pervasive impairment in social interaction and social skills, behavior, interests and activities is classified as ______ _____ ___________ (PDD)
Pervasive Developmental Disorders
What 3 main diagnosis are classified as PDDs?
1. Autistic d/o
2. Asperger's d/o
3. Rett's d/o
The prevelance of autism is ______.
Autistic children have problems with their _______ brain hemisphere that deals with language, logic & reasoning.
Failure in social responsiveness seen in an infant with __________.
______ & ____-_________ activites enhanced in children with autisum.
Music & visual-spatial
20% of autistic children have an __________ in brain size.
DSM-IV criteria symptoms for Autism (3)
1. Impairment in communication
2. Impairment in social interactions
3. Marked restricted, stereotypical patterns of behavior, interests & activities
Impaired communication, language delay or absent, repetitive words or odd sounds, lack of imaginative play, INDIFFERENCE TO AFFECTION, FAILURE TO BE COMFORTED, rigid adherence to routines and rituals
S/Sx of Autism
Has a later onset than autism & no significant delay in language or cognition
Asperger's d/o
Problems with empathizing with others, social relationships are difficult, repetitive behaviors, and has an average or above average intellect.
Asperger's d/o
Which d/o is more prevelant in males, Autism or Asperger's?
Asperger's d/o
3 Major Components of ADHD
1. Inattention
2. Impulsivity
3. Hyperactivity
What is the basic concept for ADHD medications?
To balance dopamine levels which may help supress impulses.
In what d/o is nocturnal enuresis common?
What distinguishes Oppositional Defiant Disorder from Conduct Disorder?
In ODD, there is no serious violations of the rights of others, where in CD, the rights of other or rules of society are broken.
What are 2 predisposing factors for Conduct Disorder?
1. ADHD 2. ODD
Type of therapy using children's literature to help them express feeling and gain insight, as well as cope with difficulties.
Type of therapy where there is a reward for desired behavior to reduce maladaptive behaviors (operant conditioning)
Behavioral Therapy
This type of therapy uses an evidence-based tx approach; replace negative and self-defeating thoughts with realism and accurate appraisals to improve function.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
This therapy is used to treat OCD, depression, and aversion to school.
Cognitive-Behavioral Thearpy
Drugs used to treat PDDs
Antipsychotics-Risperidone (Risperdal), Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
Drugs used to treat Autistic d/o
1. Antipsychotics-Haloperidol (Haldol)
2. Propanolol (Inderal)
3. SSRI-Clomopramine (Anafranil)
Meds used to treat ADHD
Stimulants-Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
Antidepressants-Bupropion (Wellbutrin), Fluoxetine (Prozac)
Alpha-adrenergic agonists-Clonidine (Catapres)
Meds used to treat Conduct d/o
Antipsychotics-Risperidone (Risperdal)
Stimulants-Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
Mood stabilizers-Carbamazepine (Tegretol)
Alpha-adrenergic agonists-Clonidine (Catapres)
Meds used to treat Anxiety d/o
SSRIs-Citalopram (Celexa)
TCAs-Imipramine (Tofranil)
Atypical anxiolytics-Buspirone (BuSpar)
Atypical antipsychotics-Riseridone (Risperdal)
Meds used to treat Depressive SYMPTOMS
SSRIs-Fluoxetine (Prozac)
Atypical antidepressants-Nefazodone (Serzone)
Antipsychotics-Quetiapine (Seroquel), Risperidone (Risperdal)
Nursing Dx: A lack of responsiveness or interest in others, empathy or sharing
Impaired social interaction; Risk for impaired attachment
Nursing Dx: Severe behavior problems creating stress on family members
Caregiver role strain; Interrupted family processes; Chronic sorrow; Spiritual distress
Nursing Dx: Lack of cooperation or impaginative play with peers
Activity intolerance; Situational low self-esteen
Nursing Dx: Disruptive, hostile behavior leading to difficult with making or keeping friends.
Activity intolerance; Situational low self-esteen
Nursing Dx: Language delay or absence, stereotyped or repetivite use of language
Impaired verbal communication
Nursing Dx: Inability to feed, bathe, dress, or toilet self at age-appropriate level
Delayed growth and development
Nursing Dx: Heda banging, face slapping, hand biting
Risk for trauma
Nursing Dx: Catastrophic reactions
Risk for other-directed violence
Nursing Dx: Impulsiveness, anger and aggression
Risk for self-mutilation
Nursing Dx: Thoughts or verbalizations regarding self harm
Risk for self-directed violence
Nursing Dx: Frequent disregard for bodily needs
Self-care deficit; Risk for situational low self-esteem
Nursing Dx: Conflict with authority, refusal to comply with requests
Powerlessness; Readiness for enhanced power
Nursing Dx: Failure to follow age-appropriate social norms
Ineffective coping
Nursing Dx: Blaming of others for problems or for causing his or her actions
Defensive coping; Imapried individual resilience
Nursing Dx: Fear of being spearated from parent
Anxiety; Relocation stress syndrome
Nursing Dx: Depression
Stress overload; Spiritual distress
Nursing Dx: Refusal to attend school
Ineffective coping; Readiness for enhanced parenting
Nursing Dx: Inability to concnetrate, withdrawl, difficulty in functioning, feeling down, change in vegetative symptoms
Risk for suicide
Nursing Dx: Re-experiences of past trauma (dreams, illusions, flashbacks)
Post-trauma syndrome; Rape-trauma syndrome
Fear of objects, people or situations