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11 Cards in this Set

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Who was the leading thinker of childhood history theory? What was his book called?

Philippe Ariès

Centuries of Childhood (1962)

What was the result of Ariès' theories?

Childhood has a history

- Didn't exist until 17thc. 'discovered'

3 Stages in Life

- Infancy, Adulthood, Old Age

Infancy ends at 7, after that children participated fully as adults, including work

What sort of evidence did Aries have to back his theories?

Visual evidence:

Painting depicting children as 'little adults'; early 1630's.. 1690's onwards, kids playing

The Material Evidence:

Toys: Toy musket, Miniature jug

Contractual Evidence:

An apprenticeship contract, Paris 1610

- Kid 11 years old, apprenticeship for 3 yrs

What are two Specific Paintings that 'prove' Aries' theories?

'Three unknown Elizabethan children' by Netherlandish artist, c. 1580

- Dressed and posed like adults

'The Painter's Daughters Chasing a Butterfly', by T. Gainsborough, c. 1756

What are the three Criticism of Ariès?

-Research methods; use of visual sources dodgy

-Other historians disagree with his claims that adolescence didn't agree (Natalie Zemon Davis)

- Implied that children were treated with emotional coldness; that parents didn't love their children

Ariès 'followers':

Lloyd de Mause ed., History of Childhood (1975)

(3 Sources for that literature)

-Didactic lit. about children and their upbringing produced by religious reformers


-Coroners' reports

What were three characteristics of the Early Modern Period Childhood?

-Unstable family and household

- First 7 years w/ mothers & female relatives

- 'Breeched' at 7; fathers became important

What were 3 Important traits in a Household?

Order, Hierarchy, Piety

Education influenced by which 3 religious factors?

Protestant Education:

-Spiritualisation of the family

-Children like plants; they need guiding, w/out care they may turn out badly

-Proverbs 22:15 'Foolishness is tied in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline shall drive it away'

Education influenced by religious divisions & Began earlyProtestant Education:

Catholic Education:

-Less fear of original sin (baptism)

-Growth in idea of duties of parents towards children, not just the other way around

-Set up schools to make up for deficiency of families

Childhood, Work and Fostering: What were 6 points of this

-Household chores

-Copied parents

-Had to contribute to family economy

-Service and apprenticeship common

- Fostering common among both the rich and the poor

-Fostering associated with hopes of future social advancement and acculturation