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255 Cards in this Set

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what are moderator variables
ones that interfere with treatment
-parental psychiatric status
what are mediator variables
mediators are the part of the tx that actually WORKED (what mediated change)
what is the best treatment for ODD
parent training
3 pathways of adolescent conduct disorder
-lack of parental involvement
what med has strongest support of its use in ODD and CD
what is epidemiology
how common things are (eg rates of behavioral disorders)
how many children in US meet DSM criteria for behavior disorder
how many children with behavior disorder get effective care?
what percentage of school age and preschool children demonstrate psychosocial dysfunction
school age 13%
preschool 10%
there are how many diagnostic possiblities for children and adol?
how do we decide if behavior is diagnosable?
-unusual for child's peer group
what makes up the "4 factor model"
4-parent temperament
Barkleys' model consists of what part of the "4 factor model?"
wht are the 3 broad headings under disturbance of conduct?
what are developmental precursors of serious antisocial behavior in adolescence?
annoying oppositional behavior, such as non-compliance and argumentiveness
In order for ODD to be met the following a main criteria must be present
Repetitive pattern of defiance in disobedience and and negative or hostile attitude toward authority figure's for at least six months
But four of the following must be present in order to meet criteria for ODD
Loss of temper
Arguments with adults
Defiance or noncompliance with adult rules and requests
Being deliberate source of annoyance
Blaming others for one's mistakes
Being touchy and annoyed by Others
Frequent anger and resentment
Spite, vindictiveness
In regard to the four behaviors required in ODD, what must these behaviors be in order to be considered pathological
The behaviors must be common and must lead to impairments in functioning, (academic and social)
What is the major difference between CD and ODD
Definitions overlap, but in CD, and the violation of basic rights of others or other age appropriate social rules and norms must be present
subheadings under CD
Childhood onset type, adolescent onset type,
What is necessary for a child to meet adolescent onset Type conduct disorder
Behavior does not appear before the age of 10
There is a high Comorbidity of child onset conduct disorder and what
What is required to meet the diagnosis criteria of childhood onset conduct disorder
One of the 15 behaviors must appear before the age of 10
what is the most likely cause a child onset conduct disorder
Neurological deficiencies
what are the two bipolar dimensions that are subtypes of disturbance of conduct
Destructive / Nondestructive
Covert / Overt
Give examples of destructive overt and estructive covert behaviors
Destructive overt-aggression, assault
Destructive covert-property violations, such as stealing, fire
But give examples of overt and covert nondestructive behaviors
Overt nondestructive-anger, stubbornness
Covert nondestructive-* serious, running away, substance abuse, truancy
what is the prevalence of conduct disorders in non-clinical populations
5 to 10%,
of that percentage conduct disorder with serious problems are 2 to 9%
List the percentages and disorders that are likely to be Comorbid with ODD
14% anxiety
9% depression
what disorder usually precedes disturbance of conduct
What percentage of children diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder at the age of 26 had ADHD
What disorder protects against conduct disorder
Childhood Anxiety disorder
What is a key precursor to conduct disorder
Excessive disobedience toward adults
When are you likely to see comorbid depression and conduct disorder, and why is it concerning?
Likely to see more of this and girls, concerning because of a risk for increased suicidal ideation and increased substance use in this population
Conduct disorder is associated with later substance abuse, what does early-onset substance abuse predict
Aggression is an early sign of what?
Given samples of the kinds of aggression
aggression is early sign of severe conduct disorder

Affective /predatory

Distinction between these are important because it determines treatment options
Give example of reactive aggression
Defensive, explosive, uncontrollable, in response to perceived threat, fear, anger
Give example of proactive aggression
Means for self serving outcome, no emotion
These biological levels are thought to account for differences in ODD
adrenal androgen levels elevated in ODD
list three psychological disorders that follow conduct disorder
Drug dependency
Antisocial personality disorder
Why is it important to use a multi method assessment in disordered conduct children
Behavior may vary across settings, key areas are to look at:
1 -behavior and interaction all settings
2 -pertinent characteristics (temperament, neurological injury, presence of ADHD, social skills)
Family based interventions such as parent training are based on what theory? And whY?
social learning theory; disturbance of conduct reflects parental difficulty in reinforcement of societal appropriate treatment; parents need to refocus on prosocial behavior
In the first half of family training program, what is taught
The principles of behavior management
What are the six principles of behavior management
1- consequences: immediacy
and -consequences specificity
2- consequences: predictability
3-consequences: consistency
4-incentive programs before punishment
5-anticipating in planning for misbehavior
6-reciprocity of family interactions (not one person's fault over another, each person shares responsibility)
What does PSCT stand for
Principles of problem solving communication training
the second half of the family training program uses problem solving communication training to do what
PSCT is used to teach parents and adolescents problem solving and communication skills for negotiation over conflicts; gradually give increased independence to child; develop realistic expectations
Within the family structure what is a coalition
Two people taking sides against a third
Within the family structure what is triangulation
Two people put a third in the middle and the third vacillates a siding with one or the other
how many steps are there in the family training program
18 steps
The 1st 9 steps are used to help parents regain control, reassert authority (contingency management) and then teach interpersonal skills to develop better conflict resolution
In steps 10 to 18 problem solving is taught
in parent training a good behavioral plan includes these five steps
what is the primary developmental goal of adolescents, and what are three questions you should ask in regard to things they want to do that you may not agree with?

1- is it physcially harmful
2-emotionally harmful
3- unduly tax resources
What is the number one correlation of parents behavior with child's defiant behavior
poor parental monitoring
What is temperament
Biologically based personality attributes
Why don't boot camps work
The children learn that behaviors from the other kids in the program
what's the number one complaint from teachers or school about clinicians
Not enough teachers are asked for assessments, and clinicians don't attend meetings
Name the Federal laws protecting educational rights of children
Section 504
name four causes of defiant behavior
-parenting style
Robin And Foster (1981) created this therapy
Minuchen used...
structural family therapy
Robert Brooks suggested this of an intervention for behavioral problems in the school, in regard to speaking with staff
put the child on display for unique and positive contribution to the school environment
define TRAAY
Treatment recommendations for the use of a typical antipsychotic drugs in aggressive youths
One of the treatment recommendations for the use of antipsychotic drugs in aggressive youth
1-first treat primary axis one disorder with the best Evidence-Based treatments
2-use behavioral treatments for aggressiveness
3-use monotherapy whenever possible
4-when the above fail, try atypical antipsychotics to treat the aggression
According to barkley's theoretical model what is going on in an ADHD brain
Not so much over activity but disinhibition; power to suppress is less active in the ADHD brain;
Same circuit involved in OCD;
Like poor breaks rather than are revved up engine
What are the three symptoms in common With the DSM, Achenbach and Cdi
Sad or depressed mood
Feelings of worthlessness
Feelings of guilt
What is the most prevalent disorder among children
Anxiety disorders, about 12%
what is the compostition of child outpt referrals (% and disorder)
50% referrls for defiance and aggression
25% hyperactivity
the average child in outpt clinic has this many diagnoses
more than 3.5
depressed adolescents are ____more likely than controls to be referred to services
and disruptive d/o are ___ times more likely to be referred than controls
depressed - NO more likely
disruptive d/o 4-5 times more likely
how many youth with depression are not diagnosed?
3/4 s
of youth identified with depression, how many get treatment?
70% are NOT treated
(30% get tx)
how many kids with ADHD do not receive care?
advantages to Achenbach
-kids scales more consistent with parent and teacher ratings
-longer track record of research support
-larger clinical sample size
-recent evidence of ability to screen juv onset bipolar d/o
advantages of BASC-2
-contains validity measures
-more items cover adaptive functioning
-separate scales for the Adhd clusters
BASC-2 stands for…
Behavioral assessment system for children second edition
The Achenbach measures include.....
advantages of BASC-2
-contains validity measures
-more items cover adaptive functioning
-separate scales for the Adhd clusters
How many therapies are available for children
what is the criteria for "well established" EST?
2 or more between group designs
tx organzied by manual
sample characteristics detailed
2 diff teams demonstrate efficacy
what is the criteria for "probably efficacious" ESTs
all other criteria of "well established" met, except for the 2 research teams element
2 experiments demonstrate superiourity to wait list condition
home situation questionnaire
how is Barkley's parent training manual program similar to building a house?
first lay the foundation, using attention and praise
2nd work on the living space, which is using rewards and punishments
then the Roof is the section that deals with school issues and relapse prevention
how many sessions in Barkelys' parent training program
how effective?
8 sessions

64% + successful outcome
117 studies showed overall effect size of .86
what are some moderator variables for parent training (according to Fonagy et al 2002)
-parent mental illness
-age of child
-supports for parents
-severity of aggression
-degree of parental negatively toward the child
how is CBT for children with aggression and violence
low effect sizes in meta-analytic studies
discuss outcome data of parent training (for defiant kids)
-parental attention skills impr
-parenting more effective
-defiance is reduced
-better attitudes toward children
-increased sense of parental confidence
-improved marital and sibling functioning
conflict behavior questionnaire
anger coping program
whose work with aggressive adults was the basis for ACP
the coping power program is the expanded version of what program?
what is the primary goal of MST
to prevent out of home placements
# of tx priniciples in MST
9 core tx priniciples
typical length of tx in MST
3-5 months
how many families helped by MST
multimodal treatment study of children with ADHD
what was ruled out for the MTA study
-IQ deficits
-severe OCD
-tx with antipsychotics or hospitalized in past 6 months
MTA Behavioral tx condition consists of what?
Parent training (27 grp, 8 ind sessions)
child focused (8 wk, 5d.wk, 9hr/d grp based recreational setting)
school based (10-16 sessions of teacher training and 60 school days of PT aide in class)
Curry et al (2006) said this about the MTA study in regard to more educated households
addition of psychosocial tx to med mgmt significantly enhanced outcome for ADHD sx, in more educated households
stimulants normalizes ADHD sx in this percentage of kids
how many kids respond to the first stimulant tried?
stimulant use in ADHD reduces the risk of substance abuse by how much?
HALF the risk
Jensen and Cooper (2003) think lack of med in ADHD (how many?) suggests that this is the most impt public health problem
half the kids with ADHD not getting med, which means underdiagnosis is bigger problem than difficulties with overdiagnosis
children with ADHD have this percentage of comorbid conditions
75-80 % have comorbid d/o
ADHD and defiance & aggression should be treated with....
contingency mgmt
ADHD and anxiety & depr should be tx with.........
ind CBT or IPT
ADHD and LD should be treated with..........
academic support
conduct disorder is the psychological gateway into ...
addiction problems
known knowledge base
services for teens at risk (Brent & Poling)
in a study of adol with depr, what was discovered about untreated parental depression
untx parental depression and or anxiety impedes the ability for the depr adol to recover fully
therefore, parents of depd and suicidal adol should be assessed at intake
altho MDD and DD is rare in preschoolers, may see it...
associated with extreme abuse or neglect
prevalence of depression in children? in adol?
2% children
2-5% in adol
cummulative % of depr up to age 18 for boys? girls?
boys 19%
girls 35%
what did Costello, Erkanli and Angold's 2006 study find in regard to whether depression is on the rise in youth?
prevalence rates did not increase across cohorts
2.8% children
5.7% adol
( 5.9% girls / 4.6 % boys)
in clinical samples, how likely to have a comorbid d/o with depression?
of those with comorbidity, how many have more than 1 comordbid d/o?
40-90% those with depr have a comorbid d/o
those with comorbidity that have more than 1 comorbid d/o is 20-50%
how many with depr have comorbid anxiety?

cormorbid conduct problems?
depr & anx 30-80%

depr & conduct px 10-80 %
in kids with depr, what percentage of 1st degree relatives meet criteria for MDD
what sx of depr are evident in children (vs teens and adults)
somatic complaints
social withdrawal

under age 9, more likely to express behaviorally than to discuss
what sx of depr are more evident in teens (and adults) compared to children?
psychomotor retardation
suicide attempts
what is the best predictive family variable of depr in youth
maternal depression
(parental depr, but mother is highest predictor)
since 1950 the suicde rate has grown by.....
rate of adol suicide

out of causes of death, suicide accounts for this percent of deaths in ages 10-24

12 %
according to CDC surveys of SERIOUSLY CONSIDERED attempting suicide in HS students, since 1991, the rate of considering suicide has ....
decreased by half
1991 =29%
2007 14.5 %
since 1991, the percentage of hs students who ATTEMPTED suicide has.......
stayed fairly constant -
1991 7.3%
2007 6.9%
ratio of boys to girls with depr is....
at adolescents, this ratio is....
children: boys and girls are equal in dx of depr

adol: girls outnumber boys 2:1
one of the 5 criteria that MUST be met in order to dx youth major depression
must have EITHER:
an increase in depressed or irritable mood
greatly diminished interest or pleasure
for youth to meet criteria for dysthymia, must have sad or irritable mood for how long?
and at least 2 of the following cirteria....
dysthymia = sad or irritable mood MOST of the day, more days than not, for at least 1 yr

need 2 of following:
poor appetitie/overeating
low energy / fatigue
low self esteem
poor concentration /decisiveness
feelings of hopelessness
what is seligmans's theory of depression
learned helplessness
what is Beck's diathesis stress model?
depression has a genetic predisposition that is brought out by stress
what might you assess in a child under 10 who is suicidal?
SI very unusual under age 10, usually this is b/c they are mad and not getting their way
Gould's (1998) study on suicidal thinking and behavior
Mecca study

(is this same as the MECA? need to check)
King et al's MECA study (2001) of suicide attemptors vs ideators found these variables distinguished the 2 groups
attempters were more likely:
sexually active
smoke cigs
use substances
numerous stressful events

(why? this infers IMPULSIVITY)
what is a Functional behavioral analysis?
An examination of what happened before, during and after an event, both externally and internally
Approximately what percentage of suicide attempters actually want to die
Only about 1/3 want to die
What is the single best predictor of suicidal attempt
Past behavior
When completing the lethality assessment, what would we xpect with someone who has vegetative symptoms
When people are not sleeping or eating their level of impulsivity is decreased, so immediate lethality is decreased
while females are more likely to make suicide attempts, males are how many more times likely to complete attempts?
Males are five times more likely to complete suicide attempts
Which ethnic groups have the highest rates of suicide
native Americans and non Hispanic whites
Which adolescents are the greatest risk of adolescent suicide
homosexual and bisexual youth and
Victims of sexual or physical abuse
my standards questionnaire
Stark, Kendall et al (1996) created this program for children ages 9-13 with depression
Taking Action Program
what does the Taking Action Program consist of
for ages 9-13 with depr
18 sessions with child (2x/wk for first month; 2 x/ month at end)
11 sessions with family (after 4th mtg with child)
can be ind or grp format (grp=4-8 kids)
therapist and child manuals
60 min avg (can be 50-90 min)
the first session of the Taking Action program tries to provide this
In the taking action program, action stands for this
a - always find something to do better
c - catch the positive
t - think about problem to be solved
i - inspect the situation
o -open yourself to the positive
n - never get stuck in the muck
Curry et al (2000) created this CBT manual For depressed youth
Weisz et al's (2003) program for ages 8-15 depression
PASCET program
this is the problem solving section of the PASCET prgm
what is TADS
treatment of adolescent depression study
Newest et al (2006) studied the effect of omega 3 vs placebo on children's depr rating scale, and found this
Ss receiving omega3 scored lower in depr rating scale after 16 wk compared to placebo
which groups were excluded from the TADS study
active subst use
current/past Bipolar or CD
PDD, thought d/o
Current drug or therapy tx
Hx of non-response to SSRi or CBT
hosp for lethality in pst 3 mos
leading researcher in youth depression
nadine kaslow
acronym PASCET stands for....
Primary-secondary control enhancement training
what are the primary control and secondary control skills in the PASCET program (the 2 acronyms)
primary = ACT
secondary = THINK
the presence of youth depr increases the probability of another disorder by ____ %
youth depr predicts later depr and an increased long-term risk of ...........(3 things)
substance use
employment px
marital difficulties
anti depr are now the ____ most frequently prescribed class of psychotropic drugs in the pediatric populations in the US
PASCET is similar to ___ but adds a few things
deployment focused model
what does STEPS stand for
S - say what the px is
T - think of solutions
E -examine ea one
P - pick one& try it out
S - See if it worked
what does THINK stand for
T - think positive
H - help from a friend
I - identify silver linng
N- No replaying of bad thoughts
K - keep thinking, don't give up
what does ACT stand for
A- activities that solve px
A- activities I enjoy
C - calm
T - talents
the PASCET program uses this method of tx development and testing; this method is meant to promote mvmt of clinical trials into service settings
deployment focused model (DFM)
what are the steps of a deployment focused model
1 - protocol / manual
2- efficacy test
3- field cases
4- effectiveness 1
5-effectiveness 2
6- staying power
children's depr rating scale - revised
Kratochivil (2006) found that according to clinician ratings, clinical benefit showed up...
in combined groups first

combined is superior to med or CBT alone
(this is also true of overall functioning: combined is best, followed by Rx, then CBT, then placebo
what predictors of better improvement in acute phase of depr tx were found in Curry et al's study (2006)
-better overall fx to start
-depr present for shorter period of time
-min. # of melancholic features
-one or less comorbid disorders
-no comorbid anxiety
Kennard et al's study (2009) of TADS 36 wk follow up showed what
CBT is more effective over time
Kovaks et al (1996) suggest the avg length of a depr episode is ___ and most recover within _______
avg episode = 9 months
recovery us. within 1 yr
Mufson et al (1993) define depression as _____
a bilogically based emotional response to the loss of an attachment bonding
Mufson et al studied this treatment of adol depr
who is suitable for IPT-A treatment
depr adol who are psychologically minded
who have at least one interpersonal px
*limited to mild/limited depr only
how many sessions in IPT-A
Mufson's IPT-A defines 3 stages of disputes
renegotiation (try to solve)
impasse (stopped communicating)
dissolution (end relationship)
In the IPT-A area of role transitions, what are deteminants of success?
adol and family flexibility
adol psychological functionng
adol perceived social support
systemic-behavioral family therapy
non-directive supportive therapy
what is Beck's negative cognitive triad?
depr based on inaccurate, negative views of:
-the world
-possibilities for future
adol first onset of depr is preceded often by what?
a negative psychosocial event
adol are at an increased risk for depr if they encounter any of the following.....
-familial stress
-parental depr
-parent-child conflict
-low cohesion
-high levels of expressed emotion
what did Brent et al (1997) find when comparing CBT, SBFT and NST in adol ages 13-18
severity of depr predicted outcome
(the more depr, the poorer the outcome)
Brent et al found that this is true of CBT in his adol sample
altho CBT was better than the others, (60% in CBT had remission) at 2 yr follow up there was NO difference (so the superiority of CBT dissipates over time)
Mufson was trained by......
(Mufson is adol IPT guy)
define passive vs active placebo
passive placebo = waitlist
active = using a therapy other than one being researched
(so it relates to NON-specific effects)
Weisz et al's metaanalytic studies found this at 12 weeks
after 12 wks, there is not a big difference betwn conditions (CBT no better) but it appears that it takes longer for CBT to have it's benefits
define 'intent-to-treat analysis'
the study includes people that you planned to treat, but who dropped out
Jensen et al (2007) said that this type of aggression is associated with psychopathy
Planned Aggression
Impulsive aggression is more elevated in these disorders
bipolar d/o
unipolar depr
what percentage of children with Axis I d/o show sx of impulsive aggression?
50-90 %
(Jensen et al 07)
according to younstrom et al (2004), diagnosis of Juv onset Bip d/o has increased by this % from 1994 to 2001
manic sx predict ___________ across the life span
legal problems
what is the chief component of tx for juv onset bipolar
psychoeducation (of child and parent)
ultrarapid cycling
ultradian cycling
ultrarapid cycling = 5-364 cycles/yr
ultradian cycling = 365 cycles/yr
typical case of juv onset Bipolar has and average of ____ cycles per day
3.5 (2.0)
Kowatch uses FIND guidelines for dx manic symptoms, define FIND
F - frequency
I - intensity
N - number
D - duration
based on Pavuluri's mood spectrum, palmiter noted that we are less likely to see Bip II in childhd onset bip, WHY?
early onset= greater genetic loading and therefore more severe sx
cardinal sx for child bipolar d/o
elated mood
cardinal sx of depr
depressed mood
TEAM study stands for...
Treatment of Early Age Mania
offspring of a bipolar parent has ____ risk of a psychiatric d/o and a __ risk of an affective d/o
2.5 fold risk

4 fold risk
what is the chance your child will have bipolar d/o if family has it
1st degree relative = 5x risk

one step removed = 2.5 x risk
what % of youth dx with major depr go on to develop mania
20 - 30%
childhd bipolar d/o has high comorbidity rates with...
Multifamily psychoeducation groups
Biederman et al (2004) say this about sex as a moderator variable in bipolar
gender DOES NOT moderate expression of Bip (same across sexes)
according to Mayes et al (2003), LD rates for kids with IQs higher than 80, are highest for which disorder
bipolar has more LD than ADHD, autism, ODD, anx and depr
how many dsm conditions cover anxiety sx in children
GAD is sometimes called this in kids
overanxious d/o
there is no anxiety without...
Barrios & Hartman define 3 reactions to perceived threat
subjective (what they think)
motor (what they do about it)
psysiological (how they feel about it)
becks' concept of anxiety is based on what 2 fundatmental fears
fear of physical death
fear of social death
1/3 cases of child anxiety also meet criteria for this d/o
a depressive d/o
Tripartite Model (Watson & Clark, 1991) suggests what
lack of positive affect - uniq to depr
negative affect - both depr, anx
physio arousal - uniq to anx

physio arousal seems to be related to those with panic sx

neg affect strongly related to GAD
of those who develop anxiety d/o, temperament of toddlers was usually _____
school age children ____
toddlers - irritable shy & fearful

school age - cautious, quiet, introverted
children with an anxious parent are ___ times more likely to develop an anx d/o
7 x
who created Coping Cat
Kendall and Hedtke
prevalence of anx in childhood
8-12 %
what moderates beneficial effects of CBT for children iwth anx d/o
child's AGE
age group of Coping Cat
7-13 yo
coping cat is for use in children with which diagnoses?
separation anx d/o (SAD)
social phobia
homework for coping cat
Show That I can
the four step coping program FEAR is part of which progrm? what does FEAR stand for?
coping cat

F-feeling frightened
E-expecting bad things to happen?
A- attitudes and actions that will help
R - results and rewards
this percentage of children using coping cat no longer met diagnostic criteria
treatment terminators of coping cat had these characteristics
single parent hshld
ethnic minority
less anx sx
typical coping cat prgm lasts how long?
16-18 sesssions
parents have 2 sessions
this comorbid disorder was NOT a rule out for kendalls program (coping cat or CAT)
comorbid ADHD
at a seven yr f/u, what % if cases from coping cat prgm revealed evidence of long term maintenance of gains
Barrett and Short proposed this family based CBT prgm for anx children and parents
the FRIENDS prgm encourages children to:
-think of body as their friend (it tells them they're worried)
-be their own friend
-make friends
-talk to friends
3 parental factors associated with child's anx sx
-high parental control
-parental anxiety
-parental reinforcement of avoidance coping strategies
the FRIENDS prgm is founded on 3 specific models
-peer learning
-experiential learning
-family directed px solving
format of FRIENDS?
for children - ages 7-11
youth - age 12-16
10 sessions
2 boosters
1 hr
group format for parents and children / parents seesions preset as 4 - hr and 1/2 sessiosn
family anxiety mgmt training
what characteristics may lead cliniciam to select a combined parent and child FRIENDS tx over tx for the child alone
younger age
high parental anxiety
OCD has the following bimodal distribution
age 7 for boys
age 10 for girls
this is the only d/o specific to childhood
SAD sep anx d/o

about 3/4 show school refusal
fears are a part of normal development, so when is it considered an anxiety d/o
only d/o when it's persistent and disabling pattern
what is the most common psychological d/o in kids
anxiety d/o
what percentage of kids meeting criteria for an anxiety d/o are not getting treated?
76% not getting tx
in younger children, anxiety is more about this
anx re harm toward attachment figure
this % of kids with social phobia have another Axis I d/o
early adol with social phobia are at risk for developing what?
substance abuse by mid-to late adol (b/c self-medicate)
the coping cat prgm ends with this
kid makes commercial
who is the leading researcher in anxiety d/o in kids
Coping Koala is now called what?
who created FRIENDS prgm
(i think, at least he wrote article?)
the STEP plan in FRIENDS is an example of this kind of intervention
systematic desensitization
suicidal behavior under age 18 is most prevalent in this group
bipolar d/o
bipolar d/o can be differentiated from ADHD with these sx that are much more prevalent in bipolar
-elated mood
-decreased sleep
-daredevil acts
-rapid cycling of mood
-uninhibited people seeking
sx that DO NOT differentiate ADHD and bipolar
-irritable mood
-accelerated speech
-increased energy
in children with comorbid ADHD and mania, which comes first
ADHD begins before mania
in order to dx bipolar, you must have this
must have thinking disturbance eg grandiosity
best predictor of relapse in juv onset bip d/o
low maternal warmth
first med choice for juv onset bipolar
lithium or divalproex
ideal tx for juv onset bipolar
medication and psychotherapy at same time
results of study of CBT vs Sertraline vs Combined vs placebo
response rates:
CBT 60%
sertratline 55%
combined 81%
placebo 24