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35 Cards in this Set

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what is language?
A communication system in which words and their written symbols combine in rule-governed ways and enable speakers to produce an infinite number of messages.
communicative competence
The ability to convey thoughts, feelings, and intentions in a meaningful and culturally patterned way.
productive language
The production of speech.
receptive language
Understanding the speech of others
The system of sounds that a language uses
The basic unit of a language's phonetic system; phonemes are the smallest sound units that affect meaning.
The study of word meanings and word combinations, as in phrases, clauses, and sentences.
The structure of a language; consists of morphology and syntax.
The study of morphemes; language's smallest units of meaning.
A language's smallest unit of meaning, such as a prefix, a suffix, or a root word.
the part of grammar that prescribes how words may combine into phrases, clauses, and sentences.
A set of rules that specify appropriate language for particular social contexts
language acquisition device (LAD)
Chromsky's proposed mental structure in the human nervous system that incorporates an innate concept of language.
critical period
A specific period in children's development when they are sensitive to a particular environmental stimulus that does not have the same effect on them when encountered before or after this period.
creole language
A language spoken by children of pidgin-language speakers that, in contrast with pidgin, in highly developed and rule governed.
language acquisition support system (LASS)
According to Bruner, a collection of strategies and tactics that environmental influences--initially, a child's parents or primary caregivers--provide the language-learning child.
infant-directed or child-directed speech
A simplified style of speech parents use with young children, in which sentences are short, simple, and often repetitive and the speaker enunciates especially clearly, slowly, and in a higher pitched voice, often ending with a rising intonation. Also called motherese.
A technique adults use in speaking to young children in which they imitate and expand or add to a child's statement.
A technique adults use in speaking to young children in which they render a childs incomplete sentence in a more complex grammatical form
A gesture that either an infant or a young child may use to get someone to do something she or he wants.
categorical speech perception
The tendency to perceive as the same a range of sounds belonging to the same phonemic group
A very young infant's production of vowellike sounds.
An infant's production of strings of consonant-vowel combinations.
patterned speech
A form of pseudospeech in which the child utters strings of phonemes that sound very much like real speech but are not.
naming explosion
The rapid increase in vocabulary that the child typically shows at about the age of 1.5 years.
The use, by a young child, of a single word to cover many different things.
The use, by a young child, of a single word in a restricted and individualistic way.
A single word that appears to represent a complete thought
telegraphic speech
Two-word utterances that include only the words essential to convey the speaker's intent.
The application of a principle of regular change to a word that changes irregularly.
speech acts
One- or two- word utterances that clearly refer to situations or to sequences of events.
Socially based conversation.
metalinguistic awareness
The understanding that language is a rule-bound system of communicating
phonological awareness
the understanding of the sounds of a language and of the properties, such as the number of sounds in a word, related to these sounds.
The acquisition of two languages.