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22 Cards in this Set

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Developmental psychology
concerned with the changes in behavior and abilities that occur as development proceeds
tabula rasa: definition

who used this term to describe children?
"blank slate"

John Locke, his theory was that all children were born equal, and the mind of a new born is like a white piece of paper-a "tabula rasa"
the theory that human development results principally from inborn processes that guide the emergence of behaviors in a predictibale manner. page 5
Cultural Relativism
The belief that each culture should be examined and evaluated on its own terms. page 5
Natural Selection
An evolutionary process proposed by Charles Darwin in which charateristics of an individual that increase its chances of survival are more likely to be passed along to future generations. page 6
An early biological notion, later adopted by psychologist G. Stanley Hall, that the development of the individual repeats the development of the species. page 6
Baby Biography
Method of study in which a parents studies the development of his or her own child page 6
the spirit of teh times, or the ideas shared by most scientists during a given period. page 7
A theory of psychology, first advanced by John B. Watson, that human development results primarily from conditioning and learning processes. page 7
The biological processes assumed by some theorists to be primarily responsible for human development. page 8
A timetable of age ranges indicating when normal frowth and developmental milestones are typically reached. Page 9

-What stage does this occur?
-who created this term?
Freuds term for the press through which desires or motivations are driven into unconcious, as typically occurs during the PHALLIC STAGE. page 11

-what stage does this occur?
-who created this term?
The Freudian process through which the child adopts the characteristics of the same-sex parent during the PHALLIC stage. page 11
Interactionist perspective
The theory that human development results from the combination of inborn processes and enviromental factors. page 12

(in erickson's theory)
In Erikson's theory, the component of personality that develops across the eight stages of life and that motivates progress through the stages. page 12
Nature vs. Nurture debate
The scientific controversy regarding wheater the primary source of developemtntal change results in biological (nature) factors or in enviromental (nurture) factors. page 13
Continuity vs. Discontinuity debate
whether developmental is constant and connected (continuous) or uneven and disconnected (discontinuous). page 14
Normative vs.Idiographic development
The question of whether research should focus on identifying commonalities in human development (normative development) or on the causes of individual differences (idiographic development). page 14
Universals of development
Aspects of development or behavior taht are common to children everywhere. page 15
Genetic Epistemology

(piaget's theory)
Piaget's term for the study of childrens knowledge and how it changes with development. page 16
Clinical Method

-who's principal research method?
Piaget's prinicipal research method, which involved a semistructured interview with questions designed to probe children's understanding of various concepts. page 16.
Piaget's term for the cognitive structures of infancy. A scheme consists of a set of skilled, flexible acrion patterns through which the child understands the world.