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15 Cards in this Set

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What are we looking for when an SL-P or a CDA does a screening for preschool language skills? What about assessments?
- in screenings, looking to see if theres a problem and whther or not a client needs an assessment
- 5-10 minutes, informal

- in assessments, we are concerned with diagnosing and defining the problem
Some assessment tools for preschoolers...
* preschool language scale (PLS-4)
* clinical evaluatino of Language Fundamentals - Preschool (CELF-P) (expressive and receptive)
* Expressive one-word picture vocab test - revised (EOWPVT-R)
* recetive one-word picture vocab test - revised (ROWPVT-R)
* peabody picture vocab test - revised (PPVT-R)
What is the PLS-4?
- start at a level 1 year earlier than the child
- 'show me what you cut paper with' - point to scissors (receptive task)
- must get certain # wrong before you go to a lower level -- need to find out at what level the child is functioning at
- for expressive...ask' what is this?'..if he uses 'nana' instead of banana you would mark it correct because its a language test, not a speech test
- goes over past tense, describing procedures, namiing animals (given 1 minute, haev to name at least 6 for the point), comparative & superlative ' the lamp is bright but the sun is even ___ '
What are 4 types of service delivery models?
1) clinical (1:1, group)
2) language based classroom (schools or daycare centres)
3) collaborative or consultative
4) mediator training (training other professionals)
What are 5 Intervention Approaches??
1) clinician-directed approaches
2) child-oriented approaches
3) hybrid approaches
4) family centred therapy
5) parent based approahc
Describe the clinician-directed approach.
* drill (ex:flashcards)
* drill play (still drilling but combine with play)
* clinician directed modeling
* there are also naturalistic modifications of this approach
* structured...clinician runs the show
Child Oriented Approaches
- indirect language stimulation (ex: pretend play)
- following the child's needs; not honing in on goals all the time
- whole language (ex: play contexts, themes ex: transportation)
- combines everything we know about language rather than focusing on particular goals
Hybrid approach
- best approach - used in most settings
- combines variety of approaches
Family Centred Therapy
- includes fmaily (ex: parents, siblings, grandparents) in the therapy
Parent Based Approach
* parents sit in on session and carry thru on activities and goals through the week
What could be some possible language goals that your S-LP may want to target for kids ages birth to 2 years?
- putting 2 words together
- increase vocab

- for a 6 month old...
*give parents info on joint referencing, babbling, eye gazing, imitation of vocalization...by the parents
- to increase sound awareness
- pointing or reaching for objects (ex: presenting with 2 choices and letting them point)
- with kids with a diagnosis, start teaching baby sign language (ex: w/ downs syndrome)
- cause and effect (this is a big one...babies need to know that they can predict your behavior and change it...ex: peekaboo, or child throws thing and they learn mom will bring it back)

- for 9 month olds > turntaking (must have attention first) - give ball, take it back, they take it back from you
Language goals for the one-year old...
- increasing vocab
- putting sounds together
- increasing sound repertoire (p,b,m,w)
- modelling intonation to show its a question
- symbolic play
- increasing mly to 2 words by 2 years (maybe even 3)
- adding 'no' 'more' to other words
- 'match plus one' (add another word to what child says..ex: 'juice' -> 'more juice'...use easy, functional words'
- following directions (1 and 2 step)
- teaching semantics (word meaning, so receptive goal)
What Language Goals mightb e targeted fro children 3-5 yrs old?
- may need to work on birth-2 goals
- receptive lang for very delayed kids...check hearing and oral motor (SLI)
- increasing vocab (using different themes)
- increasing mlu...to 3, or 4-5
- increase sequencing
- increase lablling of objects
- imporve sentence structure (ex: increase use of S-V-O, increase use of verbs or nouns or conjuctions)
- pronouns
- brown's morphemes
Pragmatic goals for 3-5 yr olds
- 'increase use of pragmatic skills'
- turntaking
- greetings
- manners
- requesting
- responding
- eye contact
- social skills
- increasing tolerance to adult interference
More language goals for 3-5 yr olds
- verbs -> auxiliary verbs [primary (have, do), and secondary (may, will)]
- work on colors, numbers (not necessarily on their own)
- following directions (receptive only)
- increasing listening skills
- increasing memory skills (auditory or visual)
- negation (no, not, dont)
- interogative language forms (wh-questions, yes/no questions)
- conjunctions (and, but, because, or)
- comparatives/superlatives
- active vs passive sentences
- increasing awareness of environmental sounds