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55 Cards in this Set

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Approximately how many single words should a typically developing 18-month old have?
50 "Look at the house red" for "Look at the red house." would be an ______error. syntactical error
Within the last 25 years, there has been a/an _________ in the prevalence of fetal-alcohol syndrome.
We can describe children's language development by calculating the:
the average, or mean length of utterance, in morphemes. # of morphemes, divided by utterances
Children with fetal-alcohol syndrome exhibit language problems characterized by:
language problems, echolalia, comprehension difficulties, inappropriate turn taking, word retrieval difficulties, short sentences.
The vision of newborns is?
Very limited short-term visual memory
By twelve weeks, the infant is most likely to re-vocalize if the caregiver responds to the infant’s initial vocalization with a
Verbal ________ become more important as handling of infants by caregivers____
dialogues; decreases
During the first few weeks, the infant learns to coordinate
vision and hearing.
Infants are able to distinguish their caregiverʹs voice and face from strangers by
two weeks.
Joint action patterns between the caregiver and child include
rituals and game playing.
At around twelve weeks, the predominantly ________ pattern of caregiver-child vocalization begins to change to a ________ one.
simultaneous; turn taking
The recognition of “right” and “wrong” grammar by native speakers of a language is called
linguistic intuition.
The rules governing how sounds may be arranged in words are called
When a four-month-old utters “da da,” this is not considered a word
if it does not consistently refer to the father or an adult male.
Although neglect and abuse are rarely the direct cause of communication problems___
the context in which they occur directly influences the child's development.
What is a example of a phonological error for "I want to go to the mall."?
"I wan to go to the ma" for
Metalinguistic skills typically develop during what age?
during the school age and adolescent years- Younger children being unable to make judgements without a supporting nonlinguistic context.
At what age, generally, is the first word spoken?
12 months
At present, when are children with ASD typically identified?
By the time they are 2 or 3 years old
Children with specific language impairment exhibit significant limitations in language functioning that cannot be attributed to deficits in:
hearing, oral structure, and function,general intelligence, or perception.
Children's expressive vocabularies grow to approximately 300 words by age___.
The form of Language includes_____
Phonology, morphology, and syntax
_________ is a more significant factor in language development than maltreatment.
Child-mother attachment
The term "language impairment" applies to:
a heterogenous group of developmental and/or acquired disorders or immaturities in th comprehension and or production or spoken or written language
Selective mutism isa relatively rare disorder in which a child_____.
does not speak in specific situations
Metalinguistic skills are:
related to reading and writing developmentSkills the enable a child to think of language in the abstract.
An idiom isa form of___
figurative language
What is symbolization?
Using an arbitrary symbol like a word or sign to stand for something
Approximately how many single words should a typically developing 18-month old have?
Approximately 50
What are the signs of ASD?
By the time they are 2 or 3 no babbling by 12 months no gesturing by 12 months no single words by 16 months No 2-word spontaneous speech by 24 months
Syntax refers to:
How words are arranged in a sentence
Phonology refers to:
In the sound system of a language
Morphology refers to:
Involves the structure of words
Semantics refers to:
Meaning or content. Girl and woman share semantic features of Feminine
the smallest grammatical unit within language
Pragmatics refers to:
The use of language. If I am hungry I might say “let's get something to eat”
Languages are dynamic, means that:
They change over time.
The rules governing how sounds may be arranged in words are called
The recognition of “right” and “wrong” grammar by native speakers of a language is called
linguistic intuition.
The arrangement of words in a sentence refers to the sentence’s
The rules of a language compose its
What is communication
Exchange of ideas between a sender and receiver
The study of cultural identity, setting and participants is called
Language is defined as
_____ A socially shared code or conventional system for representing concepts through the use of arbitrary symbols and rule-governed combinations of those symbols.
The rules of language makeup it's_______
Language is Generative means_____
Each utterance in freshly created
Phonotactics rules specify
How sounds may be arranged in a word
Disorders of Form
Errors in sound. “ hi shir, too sma” Incorrect use of past tense “we wented” Incorrect word order and run-on sentences. Not permanent and may pertain to Sensory limitations, or limited exposure to correct modeling.
At 8 to 9 months infants develop
Intentionality in their interactions primarily through gesture
Reformulation is:
Repeating a child's utterances in a amormature form in response:“Tommy come 'morrow” “Yes, tommy is coming tomorrow”
Children's vocabularies mushroom to 900 to 1500 words by
3 or 4 years old
Mental retardation / Intellectual disability
Substantial limitations in intellectual functioning significant limitations in adaptive behavior consisting of conceptual, social and practical skills. Originating before age 18 2.5 % of the population
ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is________
Neurological impairment in executive function the regulates behavior. Short attention span, dis-tractability, fixation on a task (preservation)
Pervasive Developmental disorder
Any of several disorders of childhood that are characterized by markedly atypical behaviors and severe impairment in the ability to relate to others, including infantile autism and childhood schizophrenia.
Semantic Pragmatic disorder
A mild form of PDD characterized by limited vocabulary, concrete definitions and poor conversation skills.