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13 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
Risk factors
late talking at age 2
family history (also this might contribute to environmentalmaternal education, social disadvantage
neurological (childhood epilepsy)
sensory deficit: hearing loss
genetic: Fragile X, Down's Syndrome...
Stage MLU Approximate Age(In Months)
I 1.0-2.0 12-26
II 2.0-2.5 27-30
III 2.5-3.0 31-34
IV 3.0-3.75 35-40
V 3.75-4.5 41-46
V+ 4.5+ 47+
Brown's morphemes
Riding on skates, John hit Debbie's car. Here it is. The car crashed. She hopes he has insurance. He does. She's thankful he's cooperating.

1. 19-28 Present progressive
2 & 3 27-30 Prepositions
4. 24-33 Regular plural 's'
plural inflection balls
Forms: /s/, /z/ and /iz/
Cats, Dogs, Classes, Wishes
5. 25-46 Irregular past tenses
6. 27-39 Possessive 's
7. 27-46 Uncontractible copula - to be as main verb
8. 28-46 Articles: a, the, an
9. 28-46 Regular past, past inflection "ed"
10. 28-46 Regular third person "s"
11. 28-50 Irregular third person "does, has"
12. 29-48 Uncontractible auxiliary
13. 29-49 Contractible copula 's, 're
14. 30-50 Contractible auxiliary 's
Cut offs for language
1-1.25std below normal range or 16th percentile
(2 std for funding)
Types of language assessment
Norm referenced
Criterion referenced
Developmental scales
Profile measures
Norm referenced tests
RENFREW action picture test
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
Preschool Language Scale (PLS-4)
Criterion referenced
Measures knowledge of particular body of knowledge/class of words eg. questions, particular morphemes etc, maybe reading a story and then asking questions
standard scores for the receptive language, expressive language and total language have a mean of 100 and a SD of 15. Subtest scores have a mean of 10 and a SD of 3.
Steps for diagnosing language disorder
‎Analyse a speech sample to see if it's artic or phonol - so analysis could include MLU, TTR, presence of phonol processes and if they should still be there, intelligibility, morpholgical analysis for language development. If language is ok but some sounds are odd - SODA - then it's artic. But if it's a phonol problem - consistent sound error patterns - the DEAP and if kid's a bit off (not playing with other kids) maybe a receptive/expressive language ax such as the CELF 3/4. And the case history, parent's description of language is important too. And if siblings had problems
Rules for computing MLU
a. Count each free morpheme and each bound morpheme or inflection such as plural s as one
b. In stuttering or false starts, count each word only once. If a word is repeated for emphasis 'no, no no' count each occurrence of the word
c. Count compound words, proper names and reduplications as only one morpheme
d. Count irregular past tense forms went as one if a child overgeneralises count as two e.g.. goes
e. Count words with diminutive endings as one
f. Count auxiliary verbs even if they're contracted, except for can't and don't
Type Token Ratio
Measures NTW and NDW

(SLI kids normal)
Wh- words
All should be gotten by 3 except for 'when'
Morphemes sentence
Riding on skates, John hit Debbie's car. Here it is. The car crashed. She hopes he has insurance. She was upset, that's for sure. He's screwed.